
Chapter Twenty Five


It was a while after we ate and drank and celebrated that Lilly got up and shrieked "Present timee!"

Everyone laughed.

We all got seated around the couches in the living room when my dad cleared his throat and stood up .

"I guess I'll be starting this then " he said shuffling across the living room and pulling out a bag of wrapped gifts fron the liquor cabinet. "Back home in Ethiopia we call it 'mekedes' or 'mebarek' when someone has to be the first in doing something amongst a group of people. " He smiled and stood a few feet away from me placing the bag on the floor in between his legs. " But before I give you this, I'd like to read you something." He pulled out a folded piece of paper from his chest pocket and adjusted his reading glasses. The living room became uncomfortably quiet, everyone was shuffling in their seats. He cleared his throat once more and started reading.

"My dearest Rose,