
Chapter Five

The drive home was a silent one . I would glance at him a few times but I quickly avert my eyes when he catches me looking at him .

At times , I catch him doing the same .

He smiles to himself at something and I force my self to look away .


The car stops in front of my house and I turn to him to say Thank you .

He unfastened his seat belt and stared at me .

At the very moment my phone starts ringing and I ignore it seeing that it was Rita , and I was already home . So , I'll just talk to her when I get in .

I look up from my phone and my eyes widen my mind quickly taking assumptions on what Zack was going to do .

Oh my Sweet God !

My heart hammers in my chest as he leans closer ....


I couldn't tell her . I couldn't do it ! She is probably the best thing that's ever happened to me but I just couldn't love her the way she does me .

Breaking up with her is going to turn my life into a living hell but I can't do this to her anymore . The only reason I even asked her out was because I knew Zack liked her . I wanted to get back at him because Jessie had feelings for him and I knew she would pick him instead of me .

He has no idea about what is going on between me and Jessie but if he knew I've been cheating on Rosie ....

He would beat the living daylights out of me !

And I couldn't tell her that I was breaking up with her with him in the house .

When she called me and told me she was home earlier and I remembered that he was the house , I got really anxious to tell her and I texted her that we needed to talk after I told him to open the door for her .

Why the Hell did I text her ?

I was afraid he would make a move .

I was afraid he would tell her what he felt and she would pick him .

All my life I've been second best , Every time he was the first choice for everybody . And this time was no exception .

She would pick him .

Because I wasn't good enough.

And she has every right to . But if I dumped her he would be the first person she would be with .

I don't feel the way he feels for her .

I know I don't deserve her more than he does but I can't let go of her just yet.

I will do it when the time comes .

If it ever does .

I lay on the couch facing the ceiling thinking to myself debating whether what I did was wrong or Right .

Maybe , It's better if I let go .....

She wouldn't be hurt more than she would be if she actually found out about Jessie and me .

I have to tell her .

I will tell her .


He plants a kiss on my forehead and my tensed body relaxes a bit .

" Good night ." He tells me .

" Good night Zack." I say and step out of the car .

I shut the door and take a last glance at him through the window . I meet his eyes and I feel like my knees wobbled .

I quickly avert my eyes and start walking towards my front door .

Why is this happening to me ?

I hear his engine roar and his head lights reflect on the living room window , as I enter my house .


I hear loud music booming from the kitchen , which meant Rita was there .

....... I can't feel my face when I'm with you,

But I love it ...

Yes, I love it babe ,

It was a song by The weekend .

I sing along and get to my room to change my clothes,

I settle on my grey sweatpants and I slip my oversized sponge Bob T-shirt and I go straight to the kitchen downstairs .

" Need help ? " I nudge her with my elbow .

" You can set the table ." She tilts her head to the side motioning to the table . And

I scurry off to my duty .

I hear her talking on the phone as I finish setting the table .

" Yeah ... We're finished . Okay, Daddy . Bye . "

I stand at the door looking at her ." They're almost here . " She says handing me the dishes full of spaghetti and meatballs. I place those on the table and we silently wait for them to arrive .


"This tastes delicious girls !! like a five star Hotel Master piece! " Mrs. Bianca Scott beams .

" I had a great dinner thank you ."

We both smile at her . Daddy was really happy we got along very well . I mean the woman is not bad but it's our dad we're talking about ... No woman can ever suit him , He is always the perfect one .

We set our standards too high and we would always get uncomfortable with him dating people because we never thought there was a person who would reach that high . We never accepted and got along with any of the women he dated .

We had no problem in socializing with other women , it only happens with women Daddy dated .

One of the reasons he was afraid to bring any of his female friends or co workers home .

I still think it's not possible for any woman to deserve our father , but for once he looks happy now ... And I don't want to ruin that for him.

Me and my sister clean the table , wash the dishes and excuse ourselves to our rooms .

Rita falls asleep immediately but I stay awake for a long while staring at the ceiling .

Moments later , I hear the front door shut which meant Bianca left .

I pick my phone from the bedstand and I start writing what runs through my mind .

Staring at my ceiling when I should be sleeping.

Thinking about your eyes ,

Tell me why this is happening .

Falling to the wrong person

Something I shouldn't do

But I land when I see green

Not something brown

Not something blue

The green is from your eyes

From that beautiful masterpiece

That special part of you that breaks me down , puts me at ease

The messy way that your hair falls over your face , beautifully

The way you move ...so dangerous but gracefully

The sparkle of your teeth

Is like the sun , to make my day

Falling for the right person but doing it in the wrong way

Answer me this ....

How does your touch bring me to life

How does your smile slice me inside like a sharp knife

How does your voice make me feel safe

How does your look dig me my grave

My grave....

My death ....

I wish it be inside your heart


In life .....

And In love...

There is no one bringing us close.

So, good bye to your eyes ,

for I will not see through them again ,

Good bye to your touch ,

for I cannot feel it anymore

Good bye to your smile

for it can't see it anymore,

Goodbye to your heart

the place i dug my grave ,

Good bye to your perfections

that I will live to crave ,


In life and in love ,

There is no way we can be close .

Goodbye .....

To your perfectly perfect master pieces .


I put my phone back , and I cover my face in the bed sheets trying to fall to sleep.