
DXD : Wait I have Instant Death Ability ?!!

Autor: Rockman_Yo
Anime & Comics
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What is DXD : Wait I have Instant Death Ability ?!!

Lee la novela DXD : Wait I have Instant Death Ability ?!! escrita por el autor Rockman_Yo publicada en WebNovel. Just read and tell me how it is and I will add a sypnosis...


Just read and tell me how it is and I will add a sypnosis

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laundry86 · Fantasía
88 Chs

Calidum Lutum Migration

300 years... that's how long it took for this tribe of lava blasters to forge a tunnel under the sea. The structure stretched from one end of the world to the other. Their prime aim was led by a prophecy. An urge, a will and a crave to finally find their haven where the world was mostly offering an ice age. Following the prophecy led the tribe on a strange continent, where the ice age had double the impact. This strange land carried mythical animals, strange powers too but there is one race that threaten them from transforming this place into a haven, the snow Ignites! Will Zabal lead his tribe towards the sweet taste of salvation? The prophecy itself was revealed to this chief over 300 years ago, he was the leader of this hunt for a better living! Let's hope the odds favour the religious led movement, or this continent will become a grave for these opportunists. _______________________________________________________ Note for readers new and old. This is the first ever prequel of my main series "ELECTUS - A tale of Peaceful Demons." In this prequel, you'll go 9,000 years back in time, over 3,000 years before the first Era in Ignis even began. For the fictional history lovers, this is a great read for you as the Calidum Lutum, who are one of the most mysterious race in Ignis, will be given a spot to shine. This story will give a vibe of colonization, but at the same time the Calidum Lutum will be pressured by a race who stands natively superior, the Snow Ignites. To enjoy this story, the main series doesn't have to be read, as even there the Calidum Lutum aren't featured enough. Reading this story however, will make your heart tingle if you go and read the main series after, call it nostalgia. _______________________________________________________

MisterE05 · Fantasía
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The Last Emotion

In a not so distant universe, where magic thrives, Tian Ni, the main character was born with a Magic Rank of F. In this world, humans are naturally atuned with magic, and they are also borned with a skill. This skill can range from bring extremely weak to extremely strong. However, using such a skill would have some drawbacks. Such as a well-known A Rank Magic Skill, "Time Manipulation". The user has the ability to stop time for 1 second, but spent 1 month of their lifespan doing so. The Magic Rank follows S Rank is for people who have strong skills and with a decent but bearable cost to activate. A Rank is for people who have strong skills but have a nearly unbearable cost to activate. B Rank is for people who have a decent skill, and have low cost to activate. C Rank is for people whos skills are extremely weak, but generally has close to no cost to activate. D Rank unlike what some people assumed, is for people who have EXTREMELY strong op skills, but the cost of usage will render them useless after one use. F Rank however, is the worst. Its so bad, the Magic Rank Creator felt bad and left out a E Rank to signify a gap in it. F also stands for Factorless. The people born within this rank generally has skills, but the factor required isn't possible. Such factors could be like, the skill requires them to be with someone 1000 years old and alive. Which with such skills, one can imagine how many people would die at a young age just by curiosity of using them. Luckily, one would require to be nearly 16 years old and have someone to manually awaken their ability by passing some magic power into the 16 year old body. Yes, magic power. People in this world have magic powers. Any of them is able to control fire, earth, lightning, water and wind as long as they have the appropriate magic power. And the higher the magic power, the stronger their magic is. When Tian Ni was born, one could say he was either REALLY lucky or unlucky. The doctor had used the machine to test his magic skill, which had stated. "By sacrificing one emotion for the rest of his life, his strength will increase multiply." The doctor was extremely excited, till he realised that the strength gain would be zero. This meant his magic strength and physical attributes would literally drop to zero, and he would die. No, not due to the fact he had 0 magic power or physical attributes, but the emotion lost will only give a zero times multiplier on his magic power and physical attributes. The doctor had obviously asked the magic system that tested the skill to find the factor to resolve such a skill, as a skill effect will always be a positive effect if one were to exclude the drawbacks. The magic system however could not find the factor, and Tian Ni was deemed Factorless. However as the doctor wanted to run more tests, a shout came across the room "The LEGENDARY S RANK IS BORN" and he immediately deemed Tian Ni as a F Rank and rushed away to view the baby. Tian Ni witnessing this, despite being a baby felt jealous about the other baby's treatment despite not understanding what had happen. And if the Doctor had noticed and run more test, he would have noticed the magic multiplication and physical multiplication would have increased. Tian Ni's skill isn't factorless, its just the emotions multiplication will be based on how much he value said emotion. And being a baby that was literally just born, how could he have any emotion? 16 years later, how will Tian Ni's life go as he enters High School?!

ChillCultivator · Ciudad
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