
DxD: The Dragon Oppai

In a world where destiny weaves its intricate threads, Issei's life takes a remarkable turn. His sacred gear awakens at an early age, leading to intense training with Ddraig, the indomitable Welsh Dragon. But destiny has an unexpected twist in store. Issei forms an unlikely bond with Great Red, the Dragon God. As his strength grows, two captivating newcomers arrive at Kuoh Academy—a silver-haired enchantress and her azure-haired friend. Issei's heart races as he realizes his rival is the beautiful silver-haired girl. -- Like the fanfic, if yes, consider supporting via patron and you will be able to read ahead by webnovel chapters. (P).(A).(T).(R).(E).(O).(N) http://patreon.com/Marin_kitawaga

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178 Chs

Chapter 10: Red Hair!

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"Vali Lucifer and Dragon King Tiamat, no offense, but I prefer to operate independently and make my own choices. I don't align myself with causes or follow the commands of self-righteous individuals," Issei calmly stated his position.

Tiamat expressed her concern, "So, you plan to remain neutral? That's absurd! If the devils in this school discover your true nature, they will either attempt to recruit you or eliminate you. Even if you aren't exceptionally powerful, facing entire devil clans alone would be a daunting task. You need allies in this world if you wish to survive. You can't continue hiding in plain sight indefinitely. What draws you to the human world anyway?"

"I find peace and relaxation in the human world. To be honest, I see little distinction between your faction, the angels, the devils, the gods, and the dragons. It all seems like meaningless politics to me. I have no interest in angels, devils, gods, or any other group. My priority is enjoying my life, riding my motorcycle, and being free from the control of higher-ups. I've managed just fine living in this town," Issei stated firmly.

"You're undeniably a dragon, uninterested in being subservient to others. Very well, Issei Hyoudou, we won't impose our decision on you. I give you my word on that. However, I am open to the idea of being friends," Vali said, a mischievous grin forming on his face.

'Friends?! When did I ever express a desire to be friends with them? Being on good terms doesn't automatically mean friendship. Well, at least they're not overly insistent on recruiting me. Besides, both of them seem attractive and formidable. If playing along keeps them off my back, so be it,' Issei thought as he discreetly observed Vali and Tiamat.

'There's something off about Vali. I can't put my finger on it, but she gives me an uneasy feeling. Stay vigilant around her, Issei. Tiamat must hold her in high regard if she's taking orders from her. I'm curious about their connection to Ophis,' Ddraig conveyed through telepathy.

'I think Red mentioned something about Ophis challenging him a while back. I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it. We could always ask him when we go back,' Issei replied to Ddraig.

Issei contemplated Ddraig's mention of Ophis and made a mental note to inquire further from Red when they met again.

"Friends? That's stretching it. Here's a compromise: I'll keep my distance and acknowledge your presence with a nod if we cross paths. If you feel like joining me for lunch, you can tag along, but that's the extent of it. I won't be your lackey, ally, or friend. So, don't expect any special treatment," Issei asserted firmly.

Despite Issei's lack of renown, he stood his ground boldly in the face of Tiamat's confrontation.

"Perhaps, but I don't submit to anyone, be it a Dragon King or a Satan," Issei retorted, undeterred.

Tiamat's smile revealed her admiration for his fearlessness. "You certainly possess the right attitude for strength. If you ever change your mind, I can offer you training. Dragons like us are a rare sight these days."

"No thanks... I'd prefer to keep my distance from both of you if possible. However, you're welcome to join me for lunch," Issei responded dryly.

"Suit yourself, foolish one. I've never extended such an offer to another dragon before, but I find you intriguing. If you ever change your mind, know that I'm willing to train you," Tiamat stated, getting uncomfortably close to Issei and licking his cheek.

After Tiamat departed, Vali and Issei were left alone. Vali tilted her head, seemingly lost in thought. "By the way... that red motorcycle at the front of the school, is it yours?"

"Yeah, it's mine. What about it?" Issei replied.

"It caught my eye. It appears to be quite impressive, even comparable to mine in terms of speed," Vali observed.

"You ride as well?" Issei asked, genuinely surprised.

"Absolutely! I've recently imported my own bike, and if you're willing, we can go riding together sometime," Vali proposed before walking away.

Issei's gaze lingered on her enticing figure for a moment, but he quickly shook off his distraction and refocused. Returning to class, he descended the staircase and crossed paths with a stunning girl adorned with crimson red hair.

As Issei walked past the girl with crimson red hair, their eyes briefly met, creating an unexpected connection. Curiosity got the better of him, prompting him to steal a glance back at her, only to find her fixated on him. Her piercing sapphire gaze seemed to penetrate deep into his soul, yet strangely, he didn't feel discomforted by her intense stare.

With a lingering sense of intrigue, Issei reluctantly tore his gaze away and continued on his way. His mind was consumed by questions, attempting to unravel the enigma of the girl he had just encountered. Her vibrant red hair, more intense than freshly spilled blood, had caught his attention. The way she looked at him hinted at a familiarity, yet he couldn't recall ever seeing her before.

He pondered over the possibilities, speculating if she could be the renowned Gremory Devil girl who ran the Occult club at the academy. Her distinct aura carried the scent of a devil, adding to his suspicion. However, the fact that he couldn't recall any previous encounters with her only deepened the mystery.

Lost in his thoughts, Issei's lack of awareness led him to collide with an unfamiliar blonde young man who exuded an air of handsomeness and meticulous grooming.

Unaware of the guy's identity, Issei unintentionally knocked him down in the process. The sudden commotion attracted the attention of several girls in the vicinity, who reacted with a mixture of astonishment and fascination.

"Oh my god! Hyoudou knocked down Kiba-sama!" one of the girls exclaimed, the volume of her proclamation resonating throughout the area.

Promptly regaining his footing, the blonde boy regarded Issei with surprise, his eyes narrowing as he caught a whiff of a devil's presence emanating from him.

"Damn, just how many of these creatures are lurking in this school?" Issei muttered inwardly, feeling exasperated by the seemingly abundant presence of devils around him.


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