
DxD Real Dragon

Issei Hyoudo is an anomaly. Someone who shouldn't exist. Follow his life as he makes several powerful women his own, all while looking down on his enemies and creating a Dragon faction. But what will he do when his lovers find out about his hidden secret? The fact that he is a sadistic bastard, even in a battle... Surely it won't come back to bite him in the ass, right? Read chapters in advance on patre0n.com/Neil247!!!! (replace 0 with o) .... I don't own DxD or any of the characters. This is fanfiction made for entertainment purposes only.

HiroKoya · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
25 Chs

Red and White V

Valerie Lucifer

...shortly after waking up in Issei's house...


We were sitting on a couch in Issei's room. 

My eyes were red and puffy from all the crying. I was also too embarrassed to look him in the eye, so my head was facing the other way. 

Ugh...How could I cry like a baby in the arms of my rival...

Now he probably thinks I'm soft and emotional! This cheeky brat!


I flinched at the sudden call. We had been sitting in silence for several minutes now. 


"It's fine, no need to be embarrassed. You deserved to let it all out." I imagine he's looking at the back of my head right now. 

Shit...! Why does he have to be so...mature?! 

I'm the adult here!

"You've...grown up." I blurted out.

"Hahahaha...yeah, I know, right? A lot has happened since we last met." 

I was both, sad and happy, that he had grown in my absence. The warrior part of me was excited to see how strong he was now. 

Then I suddenly remembered what I had to do. I was feeling better than ever, no sight of any alcohol in my system. 

I stood up like a soldier with a purpose, "Issei, sorry but I need to go somewhere. I have to teach that perverted bastard a proper lesson." There's no way I will let Azazel get away with this. 

"Hmm? Ah, if that's all then you can sit back down. You don't have to worry about Azazel anymore." He also stood on his feet and stretched his limbs. 

"What? What do you mean?" I was understandably confused.

"Anyway, I have to go run some errands. Make yourself at home." he bolted out the door faster than I could repeat my question.

"What the..." I don't understand. "What did he meant by that? Albion, do you have any clue?" I asked my reliable Dragon, hoping to clear my head.

[While you were asleep, I told him about what happened.]

"Ugh...I would've preferred if you didn't, Albion. I'm his rival, I can't afford to look weak in front of him."

[Like Issei said, you deserved to let it all out, Valerie. Anyway, after I told him about the incident, he ran off to the Underworld. I don't know the details of what he did, but I think he had a scuffle with the damn Fallen.]

A shiver ran up my spine. 

"Huh? Wait a minute, why did you bring me here in the first place? You could've sent me to my team's headquarters."

[You were in a very vulnerable state. That rascal had used some kind of drug. The only one I trusted to not take advantage of you was Ddraig's host.]

"But, why do you trust him...?"

[...who knows. I don't understand it either. Anyway, it proved out to be the correct decision. He took care of you for a week. Oh, and your clothes, it was his mother who changed them.]

"A week..." 

He did that...Issei did...

Even after I killed his best friend...he doesn't blame me at all.

And moreover, he even went to confront Azazel for me.

I don't understand. 

I was the one who was molested, so why did he have to take action? 

'You don't have to worry about Azazel anymore.'

The image of the smaller Issei beating up Azazel for me popped in my head, and I fell into a series of unstoppable laughter.

"Hehehe...thank you-" 

I slapped my cheeks and straightened my back.

Why the hell am I blushing?! 

He took my revenge from me! I should not be grateful!

Also, where did he go exactly? I'm going to follow him!


I shouldn't have followed him. 

I was floating outside a window, staring at Issei moving his hips violently...

He was having sex. 

"Wha...wha...uh..." I couldn't form words.

There was an unusual feeling in my heart. I felt a pit of jealousy, but I couldn't look away.

I was mesmerized.

I couldn't hear any sounds due to a barrier, but I could see it clearly. 

He was thrusting into a mature looking woman.

Issei was slamming his...big...hard...co-

I forced my hand to slap my cheek in order to break out from my trance. 

What the heck was I just thinking?!

I ran away from the scene and hid behind a corner, panting with lust.


Present Day...

"I can't believe a man would stoop so low. To raise you as his daughter and then lay his hands on you...I'm sorry."

"Well, it was painful, but also a blessing in disguise. I was able to meet Issei once more." I told Tiamat. That even is unforgettable for a lot of reasons.

"Also, the fact that Issei was having sex with some other girl as soon as your condition improved...haa, I don't know what to think of that."

"Hahaha, I was really mad at the time. He used to be the worst kind of playboy, a complete womanizer."

"And yet, you fell in love with him." Tiamat looked at me with teasing eyes.

"T-That's...! I didn't fall in love with a playboy, okay?"

"Yes, yes. Don't worry, I won't judge you. I did the same, in a way. So, how did things progress from there to you getting that mark?"

"Well, I kept watching him have intercourse with several women over the course of 2 weeks. I even started...pleasuring myself to that debauchery. But contrary to my expectations, he never even made a move on me.


"Can you believe that I was angry instead of relieved?"


...Two weeks after Valerie woke up...

Issei was standing in his room, and I was standing in front of him.

I was glaring at the man, while he was trying to avert his gaze.



"Am I...unattractive?"

"Huh?" It took Issei a minute to realize what I had just said. "No! Are you stupid?! You're the most beautiful woman I have ever met!"

It made me happy to receive a compliment from him, but it wasn't enough. "Then, why haven't you made a move on me? I've been living in your house...and you go to other women. Do you know how insulting that it!?!" Anger and jealousy were mixed in my words.

"Valerie..." He sighed, and slowly pulled me in for a hug. I didn't resist. "Valerie, you came here in an emergency after someone tried to force him on you. If I made a move, then I'll be the same as him. You needed stability and comfort."

"But! Two weeks have passed!" 

Do I realize what the hell I'm saying?

I'm asking him why he's not sleeping with me...

Haa...but I've come too far to quit.

"That's...! Well, you're the White Dragon Empress. You're my rival, the one I'm destined to ki-"

"I talked with Albion and realized that that's just a curse. If we can get over it, then we should." I hope my glare is imposing right now, and makes him fold.

[She's right, Issei. I just want you to do what you want. Don't worry about all that rival stuff.] 

Ddraig's voice echoed in the room, allowing me to also hear it.

"Ugh, you're still a part of the supernatural. Which means, I can't just have casual sex with you. If we do it, then we have to do it properly, like a couple."

Is that...a proposal? 

My cheeks burned red as I replied, "T-Then, what's wrong with that...?"

Does he only like me for my body? 

"Haa...why are you so..." he sighed and moved away from me, before taking off his shirt.

"I-ISSEI?!" I screamed, but didn't avert my eyes. His body...huh?

Is that...an illusion?

I was right, it was.

He dispelled the illusion and allowed me to stare at his real body.

This time, I couldn't take off my eyes even if I wanted to. 

Every crevice of his skin was riddled with scars of battle. They weren't beautiful, or attractive scars. They were horrifying, telling you to stay away from him. Cuts, bruises, slashes; all kinds of wounds were imprinted upon his body.

They were a sign of his strength, but also a sign of cruelty. 

The most notable one was a wide slash that ran from his torso to his neck. I can't imagine how he lived through all of these...

"I told you, didn't I? A lot happened after you left, and this is the proof of that. It's a blemish that I can't erase. No one would want to be with me after seeing this, not even you-"

I punched him in the gut. I held back, but also made sure it hurt. 

Then I kicked him on the shin and landed an uppercut. Once he was on the ground, I straddled him with my hips and unleashed a torrent of blows on his face.

"Vali-! Valerie! It hurts! Fuc-!"

I didn't stop until there were tears falling from my eyes.

"Hic-! How dare you-! Don't you...Hic-! Don't you dare assume that I won't love you because of some fucking scar!"


Present Day...

I didn't tell Tiamat about that last line. 

I couldn't, it was too embarrassing.

"Eventually, Issei was able to fix his body and get rid of all the scars, but you'll have to ask him for that story." 

"Fair enough. I did get the general idea." 

"...you just wanted to know if he was secretly a scumbag, didn't you?" I asked and she sighed with a guilty look.

"It wouldn't have changed things either way, because I already have the mark, but I still wanted to know more about my husband."

"I get it." 

"Did you ever find out about how he got those scars?"

"No, and I don't think I will. Honestly, our best bet is to ask Ddraig when Issei is sleeping, but he has a really sensitive aura around him during night."

After a few more conversation enders, I made the big announcement. 

"Now, thinking about the past has got me all worked up. Time to pay Issei a proper visit! He owes me...a lot tonight."


(A/N: Well, that's the flashback over. Let me know how you felt about it. There weren't any fights on purpose. Next should be a very spicy scene with Issei, Valerie and Tiamat. And then will come a lot of fights. Stay tuned.)


Next 9 chapters are already out on the patre0n!!!!



