


[ rewrite ]

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It has been almost half a year since the firm incident and I have to say , what a pain in the ass it has been you know despite me controlling my aura extremely well there is still a bit that goes off making it seem I have a sacred gear as one attacker said , though no one that attacked me has escaped , except part of those who were sent by greedy gods did go back but thanks to my skill Greed they weren't the same as I turned them into my subordinates and now they spy on the gods that sent then for me though I did gain some upgrades throughout these few months from the attackers especially some few stray devils and fallen angles thanks to whom and my mimicry skill I now have an Angel God form / God of the Bible form and a devil God form.

( all the forms have 3 pairs of wings but they are made out of light and darkness respectively , lol super devil has 6 pairs so devil God can be considered dragon god level , ps any one with the images please help me out )

And it wasn't hard , some months after the firm incident I was walking around our new mansion when ' Universal detect ' picked up a presence entering I had gotten used to monsters and a few god spies coming in uninvited but this was different cause it was a fallen angel likely rouge , ok he moved in the shadows as I continued to act like I haven't noticed him then I turned and he jumped from the shadows and started laughing like a mad man.

" kukukuku , pathetic human am here to deliver you death sentence ". he said then made a light spear in his hands.

" ohh , sorry not interested " I said which made him boil with rage and he threw the spear which disappeared once it touched my clothes , he stared at me in shock and prepared another one but I didn't let him throw it as I devoured him with Azathoth.

" master , come it's time for dinner " my lovely maid called and so I went leaving not a soul of the poor angel , ' yeah what a pathetic angel but it did work up an appetite.'

Sitting at the table with Alice an idea popped in my head I remembered I wanted to devour God of the bible but I was too ahead of time and I didn't want to use time travel since I liked the time line as it is so why not make my own I could have used Yahweh God of Creation but it would lack the original God of the Bible's essence and I didn't know how he looked like , so I remembered Beretta had a ' unique skill reverser ' which I could use to turn the fallen angel essence back into angel essence then I can create a new skill Evolver and make it evolve till it becomes God of the Bible essence then boom am the new ruler of heaven.

" hey Alice can you create for me two new skills " I asked then Alice nodded and she disappeared meaning she was back in my soul. ps , I also found this out Alice can exist in many places at once that's why she can be preparing for me dinner at the same time managing my skills and other things but she likes being in me and says it's more convenient when creating skills which I don't believe. ok back to business.

( ps. reserver can use opposing energies and also reverse time so )

" ok Alice I need a skill like Beretta's reverser skill but better to be able to turn back something to it's source " hehehe maybe I will see what created God of the Bible.

" and one that can evolve any thing to the next level etc ". it may sound as a simple skill but it's among the most op skills out there just think about it I can make gods from germs with this hehehe am never getting tired of being op.

{ just leave it to me master . . . . confirmed Unique skill reverser acquisition successful . . . evolving skill . . . successful Unique skill reverser has evolved into Ultimate skill Chronos , God of time.

Unique skill Evolver acquisition successful . . . evolving skill . . . successful Unique skill Evolver has become Ultimate skill Darwin lord of Evolution . . }

Nothing like new op ultimate skills to put a smile on my face , ok let's finish this I need do scare some gods.

" that's nice , I know I can always count on you Alice now help me turn the angel essence into God of the Bible essence "

{ . . . thanks for the praise . . . using Ultimate skill Chronos on fallen angel essence . . . successful . . . mid level angel essence acquired , ( 4 winged angel ) . . . using Ultimate Skill Darwin to initiate evolution of essence successful . . . Holy God essence acquired . . . . }

{ new form has been acquired through mimicry ' God of the Bible form ' . . . new skills have been acquired Divinity ( lesser ) has been acquired . . . )

' yeeessss , wait what's this Divinity ' well I guess being gods they do have Divinity maybe I will copy other gods divinities with Lucifer and Ophis and Great red's concepts then I will enjoy a nice vacation. " Alice what's the use of this Divinity and why is it lesser ".

{ well the Divinity is something which is hard to explain but in simpler terms it's an authority and the lesser can help you control holy to a high level to where you can create souls with it but as it's lesser it doesn't allow for actions beyond the 2nd dimension }

" that sounds . . . useful now I know why God of the Bible was so strong ", " waiiit , hey Alice can I evolve the Divinity using Darwin ".

{ yes } , wow that's amazing , " do it " .

{ but I advise you get a demonic Divinity first that way you can combine them and get Trinity Divinity which is more powerful and more suitable for you Nepheloid race }

" wait , there is something like that ! "

{ yes , it's rare since Nepheloids are also rate but it's top tier }

" * sigh * fine , now I need to hunt a stray devils ". with that I went out for a walk I knew those devils weren't hard to find.

Turns out devils aren't as common as I thought so it took me a week but I finally found the perfect devil a pure blood and since am so humane I wouldn't hurt an innocent devil so I scanned many of them and this one was the worst I think he has committed all the sins out there well except a few but still this one was not gonna make , so I devoured him without wasting any time then got Lucifer aka the first devils essence and there you have it ' Devil God essence ' the I absorbed that and got ' Devil God form ' and ' lesser Divinity of evil ' which let's me feed of evil to strengthen myself and I combined that with the holy Divinity which made me fill like I was going to blow up but it didn't happen then I received the notification.

{ successful . . . lesser Trinity ( Divinity ) acquired . . . }

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this has been hard , pray for me

KristoPheruscreators' thoughts
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