Everyone had boring life and will be there are no exception in this if someone is telling you a story then it all started with a shifty previous life just as mine. I had a pretty shitty life and now I am in a world of dxd where if you turn your head you will see a girl with big tits and exposing thighs and where you get those lucky encounter like in anime. but there is a twist I am not just simply here I am here with a gamer system and I am gonna make the most of this life enjoying this world. so I am Vincent lane and this is my story.
want to read ahead or want to support you can join my patr-eon and u will be able to read ahead by 10 chapters
"Whoa…" I muttered, "These Relics are powerful."
"You're telling me." Rouge said breathless.
"Tell you what… Gimme your number and I'll contact you if I find out anything that might have to do with a piece of a Relic." Jack said, "Good thing about being a Werewolf is that we got really good hearing."
"Can I get your number too?" Rouge asked, "I really want to learn more about these Relics… Plus I kinda want to go treasure hunting for them sometime if we can."
"Sure." I said taking a notecard from Jack and a pen and wrote my number down, "The more allies I have the better."
"Smart thinking kid." Jack said, "You gonna do some shopping now?"
I nodded, "Last time I was here my attention was caught by a book, I want to have some kind of honest to god decoration in my house." I said.
"Well, I'll see you later then." Rouge said stretching, "Maman want's me home for lunch soon." And with that she made her way to the door."
"Later Pup!" Jack called out.
"Hope to see you again Red Riding Hood!" I called out.
"ACK!" Rouge choked.
I sighed shaking my head as I walked home, it was coming around to sunset so I was actually hoping to get some sleep… In my Sanctuary tonight, what with Misha practically forcing herself into a position of being my servant…
"Why can't I meet a woman who actually wants to take is slow?" I muttered, "Actually, I wonder if I'll ever meet someone sane… Actually Rogue seems kinda normal, despite being a Werewolf."
Shaking my head once more I opened the door to my house and froze at the sight that was waiting for me.
"Hello Vincent." Yasaka said smiling, "How was your day?"
I was silent for a second before looking over to my couch to see Kunou was asleep before speaking, "Yasaka, two questions." I said.
"Sure." Yasaka said still smiling as she returned her focus to my stove.
"First… Is it okay for you to be leaving Kyoto this often?" I asked.
"It'll be fine." Yasaka said, "I'm ahead of everything going on, and nothing big is happening at the moment so I've got plenty of spare time on my hands."
"Alright." I muttered, "Second… Why in the name of all things holy are you wearing nothing but an apron that is clearly too small for you?"
Yasaka turned to me pouting, "Don't you like it? Don't I look sexy in it?" Yasaka asked.
I groaned at the response, an attempt to guilt trip me… I never thought I'd admit it, but I'm glad I built up a guilting immunity when I played a true asshole in my online gaming with friend.
"I'm not saying you don't look sexy Yasaka." I said slowly, "But please, take into consideration that I may just want to build up a relationship slowly, not just turn around bend you over the table and, pardon my french, phoqe you right then and there."
Yasaka turned off the stove and turned to me with full attention, "Really?" She asked somewhat surprised, "Most people wouldn't hesitate to ravage a body like mine, especially a horomone driven teen."
"Hey, before she disappeared, my momma raised me right." I said, "Plus it wouldn't really sit well with me if a relationship with anyone was formed around sex… That just isn't stable in anyway."
Yasaka's smile turned… I actually can't describe that as she threw the apron off and was suddenly wearing her usual Kimono.
"I'm not even going to ask how you did that." I muttered as the door behind me was thrown open and I felt my head wedge between a pair of tits.
"Did Azazel come over yet Nya?" Kuroka asked rather playfully.
"Yep." I said slipping out from Kuroka's tits, "And let's just say I'm seriously considering spending a day in my Sanctuary with all the insane shit going on."
"Why is that?" Kuroka asked.
I opened my mouth to speak when I felt my phone vibrate, "One moment." I muttered pulling it out and seeing I had a text.
'Vincent- It's me, Rogue, where do you live I got something really awesome to show you!'
I raised an eyebrow and sent the text before the door to my house burst open to reveal Misha running over to my side.
"I'm back milord." Misha said as Koneko stumbled in gasping for breath, "What do you require of me?"
"She's fast…" Koneko gasped, causing Kuroka to walk over to her younger sister and help her inside while closing the door.
"'Milord'?" Yasaka asked as she raised an eyebrow looking at the Vampiress, who was sitting rather patiently at the table, "What is that about Vincent?"
"Shit happened when Camilla attacked." I muttered shaking my head.
"Care to explain nya?" Kuroka asked raising an eyebrow, only for her head to swivel when someone began to batter the door by knocking on it.
"Will this just not end?" I groaned, I'm seriously considering that day in the Sanctuary tomorrow. Shaking my head I opened the door to see an extremely excited Rogue in front of my holding an necklace that had a golden wolf head held by a ribbon.
"Vincent you will not believe what mom just gave me after I told her about the Reli-" She cut herself off as she sniffed the house and immediately zeroed in on Koneko and Kuroka, growling ever so slightly, "Cats…" She growled.
"Dog." Koneko said narrowing her eyes at Rogue.
"Werewolf." Misha said narrowing her eyes at Rogue, who looked at her in slight confusion, "Explain to my why you are in milord's home."
"AHEM!" I shouted, getting everyone's attention, "First off, everyone calm down, you woke Kunou." I said gesturing to the young kitsune that was clinging to me.
"Sorry." Everyone but Yasaka chorused.
"And second, I will explain everything, but can we NOT tear each other's throats out?" I continued.
"As long as the Werewolf doesn't get too close to me or my sister." Kuroka hissed.
"I'll keep calm milord, so long as the mutt doesn't try anything." Misha said rather calmly.
want to read ahead or want to support you can join my patr-eon and u will be able to read ahead by 10 chapters