
Chapter 26 : suck your dick?"

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"Because… Because…" She muttered turning red for a moment before taking a deep breath, "I want to pledge my eternal debt to you Mister Lane. I'll do whatever you need me to do! Whatever you need, I'll help you. I owe you so much more than you could possibly imagine and I feel I'll never be able to properly thank you."

Okay… Super fan here.

"Umm… Okay, I guess." I muttered, "Listen miss…"

"Oh dear blood I never gave you my name!" Misha cried out in a slight panic, "I'm Misha Hearte, Vampire Fledgling at your eternal service."

"Thank you." I said, "Listen Miss Hearte, I don't want you to feel like you're gonna need to serve me forever or something like that. Heck I wasn't even aware some vampires took that chance to flee Camilla, so please don't pledge your servitude to me."

"Nope." Misha said still smiling.

"Huh?" Koneko and I asked confused.

"Nothing you say is going to change my mind." Misha said, "I came here fully planning on doing whatever you need me to do."

"Nothing I say huh?" I deapanned.

"Nope." Misha said, "So, need anything milord? Do you… want me to clean the room? Organize your stuff? Hunt something? Go shopping? Blow you?"

"Wha-!?" I choked as she said that last one.

"You want me to suck your dick?" Misha asked, "Sucking is something that nothing can surpass a vampire in."

"Perverted bloodsucker." Koneko muttered.

"Listen I don't need anything at the moment." I said waving my hands, "Do you have some place to stay at the moment?"

"Yep." Misha said, "Camilla really paid us a fairly large amount for being conscripted into her little army."

"Okay…" I sighed, "Why don't you go with Koneko and let Rias Gremory know about your presence here, that way you don't accidentally cause problems with the local faction government."

"Yes sir!" Misha shouted saluting me with a smile on her face and grabbing Koneko, "Come, let's go talk to Rias!"

With that, Misha dragged Koneko out of the room before she could kick up her Devil Strength. At that time my Spirits slipped out of their hiding places.

"What the fuck just happened?" I asked my Shade, only to get a shrug from it.


It was an hour since Misha dragged Koneko off and it was fairly quiet, and I rather liked the silence… Well until someone began knocking on my door fairly rapidly.

"Oh jeez, please be Azazel." I muttered, that book and glove is really getting under my skin with the mystery behind them… Along with that Relic thing.

Walking over to the door I breathed a sigh of relief, it was indeed Azazel, black hair with gold bangs really helps you identify a Person.

"You Vincent Lane?" Azazel asked, "I'm Azazel, Kuroka sent me a letter saying you had a book written in Enochian?"

"Yeah, I'm Vincent." I said shaking the Governor of the Fallen Angel's hand, "And please, maybe you could help me figure a couple things out. Please come on in."

Azazel walked inside and sat at the coffee table as I pulled the book out from under the couch and set it on the table and pushed it over to Azazel, who's eye's gleamed and he cracked it open before he broke into a grin.

"Kid, where did you get this?" Azazel asked grinning.

"A Pawn shop, why?" I asked.

Azazel burst out laughing, "Kid, this text was written by a lesser angel who chose to watch over humanity, more specifically he wrote this book as a field guide for Angels about human attempts to replicate Sacred Gear." Azazel said.

"Wait WHAT!?" I shouted, "You mean to tell me humans, in all our cannon fodder glory to the supernatural, have tried to replicate Sacred Gears?"

"With varying results." Azazel said leaning back, "These were called Relic's and they weren't nearly as powerful as Sacred Gears."

"How so?" I asked calming down a little bit… Though I'm still shocked humans tried to replicate Sacred Gears… And Azazel is doing the same and as far as I can recall only really succeeded with his Downfall Dragon Spear.

"Well for starters it was mostly half humans that created them, pouring their own power into the Relics." Azazel said as he turned the page to the one with the glove in it, before he smiled and pick it up, "This one is part of a Relic called Void's Grasp Gauntlet, I don't really know its history, but I do remember seeing once before, and the guy who wore it could grab anything with the gauntlet and not feel pain."

"Say what?" I asked, "I thought you said anything and not feel pain."

"Yep." Azazel said handing me the glove, "The guy couldn't use it to control a Holy Sword, but he held a red hot blade with the gauntlet and the thing wasn't even scuffed… Heck I bet a Devil could hold a Light Spear with this thing on… If it were complete."

"So this really is only a part of the Gauntlet." I muttered.

"Yep." Azazel said, "These Relics are compatible with everyone… But when that user dies the things tend to explode, scattering their parts everywhere, so these things really don't appear too often."

"Interesting." I mused looking at the glove, "Hey Azazel… If I give you this book do you think you can give me a translated copy?"

"Of course!" Azazel shouted, "This alone could speed up my Sacred Gear research like you wouldn't believe, putting a few translations to paper would be a breeze."

He pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket and a pen and wrote on it before sliding it over to me, "This is my contact information, if you ever actually complete one of these Relics please let me know." Azazel said.

"No problem." I said taking the Contact information before an idea came to my head, "By the way… Do you have any issues with ah… Rouge Fallen Angels in your organization?"

Azazel sighed, "You wouldn't believe it…" He groaned, "There aren't many, but there are a few Fallen out there that blatantly attack Humans and Devils for no reason and it drives me insane having to deal with all the apologies to the Devils to keep the ceasefire up. Why do you ask?"


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