
Chapter 9

Over the last four months left I Trained, now since I can't really train my body because I'm a dragon god and already super strong I decided i was going to train in techniques.

So I started with Senjustu, being a dragon and already having mastered using magic with the nature attribute and being able to sense nature energy. I mastered Senjustu within 1 weak. I then started to get to work on touki, and I also mastered that within a week after already mastering senjutsu.

I was already able to walk on water with senjustu and I was even able to use it like chakra from the naruto universe.

I instantly learned shadow clone jutsu and spammed it

I had a literal army of shadow clones working on new techniques and mastering them, and another ground trying to understand the elements. For the rest of shadow clones I had start working on more magic, creating and using new magic then mastering it.

For the next four months I worked exclusively with my shadow clones.

I gained combat experience with every weapon and I even mastered sword Intent and spear intent.

I also had my clones working mastering the elements, I have great success with space, time, infinity, gravity, light, holy, darkness, Demonic, nature, Lightning, Ice, and fire, while I had medium success with water, wind, and earth, and I have very little success with life, death, Ying and yang. over all I got way stronger.

With my other clones I've been having them make me some cloths/ armor of my favorite outfits from anime.

I had them create and upgrade, like mika's vampire cloths from seraph of the end or charlemagne from Type-moon.

I had them upgraded with so many Runes there almost indestructible.

I've also been working on some other projects, such as upgrading my fantasy gear system, I've even added some new gears in, though I technically just copied them for other anime.

I've been helping the Devils and angels also.

With the Devils I helped them take back some of there territory that was taken from the old satan faction, I've even been helping Ajuka. I upgraded his computer systems to the newest models from heaven 2 and added some enchantments.

Oh that's something else I've learned and mastered lately, enchantments, it's like my mystery ability for when I forge, except with this I use magical circles to use my intent and add enchantments.

I've also helped Ajuka sort out all the bugs within the rating game system and I upgraded the evil pieces and added enchantments for them.

For the angels I helped them with there brave saint system. I upgraded the materials used with enchantments then I also enchanted the deck of cards after so they have a triple strengthening effect. because I helped I got my own set for that and I had an idea.

I called both kuroka and shisui and explained to them my idea, they were concerned but I told them if anything went Wrong I could always turn back time. And so I put the cards inside there body.

Now these arnt angel cards, these are dragon cards based off of angels. my dragon pieces are based off of evil peices so they both still have demonic and holy attributes within.

Kuroka and shisui were screaming from the pain, but they held through, eventually the dragon card fused with the dragon peice giving them body demonic and holy attribute.

After wards we trained them and they gained full mastery over both the holy and Demonic energy then we worked on fusing the two.

Normally holy and Demonic powers can't be fused but the accual hard part it getting both attribute to stay inside your body. side both there attributes are already a part of them they were pretty easy to fuse. they learned how pretty easily.

And so I taught them my own variation of it. I call it The Power of Twilight. Its a transformation kinda like the super saiyan transformations. your hair and eyes turn silver and all your base stats are multiplied by 25 times there normal power and you gain acess to twilight energy. Its silver energy that is basically just a mixture of holy and demonic energy's but stronger.. they learned that as well. And so that's how my months past and we have 1 week left until things start happening, raynare and here squad are already in kuoh.

I only have one more thing to do. I teleport to the familiar forest then spread my senses out to find her. then teleport to a cave not far.

"Hello anyone home." shiro shouted into the cave.

Suddenly two beautiful blue dragon eyes open within the darkness, they seem to glow.

"ah a human, what are you doing here." a beautiful voice sounded out but I could tell there was killing intent spreading, probably because I have invaded her territory.

My rose red eyes suddly turned into my dragonic eyes with silver in the center. I then let sound of my dragonic aura leak out to show her I'm not her to play game. though it was only 1% of my aura is was already enough to pressure her. I could suddenly see fear within her eyes.

" I came to meet with you Tiamat." shiro said withdrawing his Dragonic aura.

Suddly a big blue light lit up there cave though you couldn't really see anything because it was too bright. when it died down a person started to walk out of the cave with me.

She was beautiful. she had long straight pale blue hair with dark blue eyes. she had huge boobs about the same size as kuroka's maybe bigger, and the perfect shaped body. she had a Navy blue skirt with dark blue tshirt and black jacket.

"May I ask what is it you wish to speak about." Tiamat asked suddenly acting polite

"I wish for you to join me. I created my own faction. I want you to join me, not really as as part of my faction but as a part of my group." shiro said with a beautiful smile.

she was stunned by my smile and started to get a small blush on her cheeks.

"I would love too." Tiamat said with a smile. ( maybe I could finally get a mate after all this time.) thought Tiamat.

I created a time dimension where one week on the outside world is about 2 years inside. I started training Tiamat, she maybe a dragon king but both kuroka and shisui could defeat her easily

The first thing I did was give her a silver dragon figure of a pawn. this was the mixture of the dragon card and dragon pieces so that it's instantly becomes apart of you and you gain access to the power of Twilight transformation. Kuroka and shisui had to suffer there's because they already has the dragon peice when I gave them the dragon card so they fused within there body.

I trained her in everything I trained the others in as well. it took along time but after one and a half years she mastered everything, so for the rest of the six months with her I called shisui and kuroka for sparring matching against teammates to increase teamwork and and getting them introduced and used to each other.

Then finally it was the start of the show.

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