
Goblin slaying

It's time, I mutter as I begin to prepare to use ID CREATE. As I telepathically interact with the system, I feel something happen to my body, as if someone were teleporting me, and I'm compelled to close my eyes.

After a few moments, I feel my body return to its normal state, and I open my eyes to see what appears to be an abandoned Forrest with darkness and gloominess spearing all around, as well as an overcast sky with heavy clouds that allow little to no light to transgress through.

As I take a few steps to select which road to take, I can't help but scrunch my face up as I smell the Forrest, which smells like rotten eggs and gives me a horrible sense that makes the hairs on my arms stand up.

I quickly decide to summon a katana fashioned from my dark magic since I need to be attentive as I check the surrounding areas with the corner of my eyes for any adversaries nearby and, if so, what race they are.

As I progress farther into the Forrest, the scent intensifies tenfold, and I hear murmuring and sneers near by. I continue to walk quietly so as not to alert the enemy, but I step on a twig, which cracks, and I hear fast approaching footsteps from my frontal view.

Four green goblins appear, each wielding a different weapon ranging from standard swords to bats, with red stains and liquids all over their bodies, which I can only presume is blood.

As they approach in on me and prepare to strike their weapons as swiftly as they can, I am faster as I silently inhale and focus before murmuring, First Form: Dark Moon, Evening Palace as I rapidly draw my sword and strike horizontally in a crescent shape, unleashing a swarm of chaotic crescent blades that cut clean through their skin and bones, killing them instantly.

User levelled up x2

That was a lot easy than I expected because I've never acquired two levels in one day before, but I think this is my first true combat, albeit a bit lacklustre because they were so delicate and slow.

Though I won't be able to dwell on my frustrations for much longer since I notice another bunch of goblins approaching at around six o'clock. I can't help but feel insulted that they believe their weak strength is enough to defeat me as they all hold cruel smirks and grins on their ugly deformed faces as I quickly launch towards them at speeds too fast for them to follow before slicing my sword six times as my movements come to a halt as six goblin heads behind me are all launched into the air as I take one glance before moving on.

As I rush forward while remaining mindful of my surroundings, I engage in fight with a squadron, who are attempting to overwhelm me with numbers. I start using Third Form: Loathsome Moon, Chains, when I cut my sword in two massive crescent slashes, a storm of smaller crescents erupts, wreaking havoc on the surrounding region and effectively annihilating all goblins

Except for one as I see a goblin missing both legs and his left arm as he drags his body with his reaming arm whilst whimpering in pain as I begin to slowly walk towards him, each step resonating like thunder in his ears as he looks at me with fear in his eyes whilst his face scrunches up, as he attempts to flee which is impossible due to his missing limbs as I look down upon him with a disgusted face as He begins to scream, but only for a short time before I casually walk away after drilling my katana through his head as his blood spatters across my face and my eyes gleam menacingly.

Host has levelled up x1

It appears that levelling up has become more difficult in comparison to the beginning, but I believe that's to be anticipated.

I've killed numerous more goblins and levelled up another eight times in the last few hours, but it appears I've badly underestimated the distance of this Forrest and dungeon, as I've lost my sense of direction and the deeper I go, the more I get lost.

Another thing I quickly discovered is that the deeper I go into the Forrest, the stronger the goblins become, though they remain relatively weak as I only finish them off with my swordsmanship. When there are large groups, however, it proves to be a challenge as these things appear to be an endless horde, though the fact remains that they will all die at my hands.

As I continue running, I hear movement from above as goblins leap from the trees, forcing me to back up a few feet as a large portion of the ground was demolished as a result of their combined strikes, which might have resulted in a deadly wound as I scowl.

They regained their strength. I pause for a moment before charging towards them, which appears to be a blur to them, slashing my sword numerous times as deep cut wounds appear over their chests, and they collapse to the ground, drawing their final breath, but they are still too weak to even touch me, let alone kill me, as I sigh.

Host has levelled up x2

Before becoming interested in my new level as I telepathically communicate with my system to bring up my status, I levelled up twice. This would appear to be due to them being in larger quantities and as well as greater strength, before becoming interested in my new level as I telepathically communicate with my system to bring up my stats


[Name: Yami zagan ]

[Title: The Gamer]




[Sacred Gear: none]

[HP: 5000

[MP: 10000

[STR: 50]

[VIT: 50]

[AGI: 50]

[INT: 50]

[WIS: 50]



As I continue to stroll through the dark trees, my form becomes swallowed by the darkness, it appears like I've levelled up quite a bit, and I smile at the prospect of gaining additional levels.

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