

(A/N: This chapter is from Leonidas' POV. It'll also be the only chapter this week since it's longer than two normal chapters put together. I didn't want to make people wait a whole week for no MC POV, and the World Cup and Thanksgiving are going on at the same time. Speaking of the World Cup, I'm betting that Brazil loses tomorrow, what with Germany and Argentina both losing in an upset.)

He's an interesting man.

Speeding through the Vatican's hidden halls, occasionally stopping to recall where I'm meant to be going in this enormous complex, I pondered on my recent interactions with Ioann.

I can tell that he's smart, at least in some aspects. His intellect looks to be specialized - either that or he just doesn't put as much effort into certain things as he does others - but his faith seems rock solid.

The matter of faith is what truly matters in the Church - or at least pretending to be faithful. No papal official will complain about having 'effective' fighters, even if they're not the most virtuous or faithful. Keeping up the facade is what truly matters; reciting a few Bible verses here and there, expressing a form of distaste for the supernatural, and participating in religious discussions at least once a month is the benchmark for not treading on thin ice.

Hmm… was her sub-dimension residence in Aquinas Hall or in Michelangelo's Gallery?

The new members are usually shown the Gallery when they first join, so I'll hedge my bets there. Regardless, Aquinas Hall is only a few kilometers away if I'm wrong.

Going at a slow speed of forty meters per second so as to not damage any decor, I arrived after a few minutes, now having to face a new problem: having to find out which of the hundreds of sub-dimensions she was in.

Michelangelo's Gallery is, as the name implies, filled with paintings - entrances to sub-dimensions.

I'll simply check with the clerk. Hopefully, they were doing their job and wrote down who was where, although I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't.

Walking up to the nearest one, guarded by a few Exorcists whom I personally knew, I nodded at them before giving my request: "Could you find someone for me?"

Fortunately, this one was professional. "Yes, sir. Who are you looking for?"

"Priska von Ernst."

His hand traced across a list on the desk, eventually finding what he was looking for. "Column fifty-three, row twenty. Have a nice day."

I should quicken my pace. Ioann doesn't exactly seem like a patient man; while his displeasures and grievances are irrelevant now, his ability guarantees a bright future. Getting on a prodigy's good side early is the obvious course of action, and I've seen respectable qualities within him anyway. Unlike the clowns within our ranks, I can act with civility towards someone I don't immediately view to be equal in power.

Following the numbers on the walls, I reached the painting.

Priska's sub-dimension gateway was… perplexing. The contents of the sub-dimensions are what is depicted in their paintings, and hers was something you wouldn't see a beginner supplied with.

(Picture here.)

I'm not sure as to why they gave a complete novice one of the more luxurious castle dwellings, even if she is nobility, but I won't dig too deep. Maybe someone higher up - perhaps a Secretary - has a hankering for snooty noble girls; it's none of my business.

Shaking the stray thoughts from my mind, I placed my fingers on the entrance password - the code for this one being quite simple: placing three fingers on specific windows the clerk passed a paper describing - and I was teleported.

The castle was quite a nice place, what with the gardens and somber, rainy mood. It gave off an elegant impression; the bright light emanating from the castle lit up the grounds, making for a picturesque scene.

But, that's not important for now. I need to figure out which room Priska is in, most likely out of dozens.

As this is a mere sub-dimension, not the main Vatican, there's no need to restrain my speed.

I found her in around five seconds, sitting in a leisure room staring at the tea on the table with glazed, bored eyes. Understandable, to be fair; most of the sub-dimensions are barren and thus dull without others to accompany you. It isn't as if the priests are concerned with making their residences fun.

"Come now. Let's go."

"...You spilled the tea," she muttered, staring at the stained tablecloth with her bright blue pupils.

I waved it off. "Sacrifices are necessary in everything. Now, again, come. You're about to meet your partner and a few other Sacred Gear users."

At that, she wrinkled her nose but still complied. "Just make sure they aren't too imbecilic."

"Please watch your tone," I said, not really meaning it. Her attitude is harmless, at least to me; it's like watching a kitten fight with its owner, only the kitten doesn't realize the owner is holding back and finds its actions to be funny.

To any other person, she'd probably demean, disrespect, and deny this 'attempt at control', but she's allegedly developed a good opinion of me after seeing me and my uncle's relationship, or maybe she just doesn't want to offend a potential ally.

Be it from a relatability to my family relationship or due to simple self interest, it doesn't matter. The fact that she listens is useful in and of itself, as she tries to be 'dominant' whenever someone else does literally anything. It caused the Secretary to give me the job of supervisor for the duo of Ioann and Priska, and being on good terms with the former as well certainly helped.

I motioned forwards. "Walk with me."

After a simple journey to the garden, free of conversation, I checked around for the button. Not under the bench, not on the lamppost, not on a wall… why did they hide this one?

"It's right here," she said, pointing at the bottom of a birdhouse. "What are you, a leper?"

Most others would, in order of most lenient to most strict, give her a stern warning, report her attitude, or beat her as punishment, but I don't really care. Being called every negative adjective and noun in existence at a young age - by my own uncle, no less - does that to a man.

"Watch your tone."

But I'm supposed to set an example by not letting such behavior propagate, so I simply give a halfhearted effort.

"Let's go now."

Before she could blink, I sped over, lightly grabbed her, and pressed the small metal button. With a click, we were sent back to the Gallery.

Her pupils dilated in shock for a few seconds, but then she calmed down. She kept up with her act of stone-cold calmness, which is usually replaced with fiery indignation and entitlement anyway.

I can't complain too much about her attitude. Half of the high-ranking people I know act like that.

"Follow along. Ask your questions on the way."

Though, she waited until we were out of the Gallery, most likely not wanting the stationed Exorcists to overhear. A pointless act, mostly, since I know that most could still listen if they wanted to.

"Who is my partner?" she asked, hoping for someone of 'equal status' to her.

"His name is Ioann," I replied, preparing myself for her over-exaggerated reaction.

She froze, actually stopping in her tracks. "...Where is he from?"

Ioann is usually an Eastern European name, after all, and she has a vendetta against Slavs. Apparently, she subscribes to the racial hierarchy theories that the modern German government continues to spew as a way of coping with their loss around two decades ago.


"You're telling me… I'm being partnered with a Red? A low-status one to boot?"

Well, his status is higher than hers in the eye of the Church and supernatural, and I doubt a faithful man living in a ramshackle dump of a church subscribes to an ideology that outlaws his religion and caused those conditions of life, but she can live in her delusions for now. She'll learn the hard way that such close-minded viewpoints could get her killed.

"Form your own opinions of him later. It is not my duty to supply observations you should learn on your own; just don't make a scene in front of the Sacred Gear users you'll be meeting. It would damage your reputation in the future."

The threat of her reputation was reason enough for her to keep walking and quiet down.

"How useless is the slave?"

I know that Slavs were named as such because they were slaves back in the day, but serfdom was abolished in Russia, so it doesn't work as well as she probably thinks. In addition, she's not even as heavy as a few sandbags, can only reach my shoulders in height, is of the female gender, and her Sacred Gear is, I'd say, barely a quarter as useful as the basic ability of Ioann's Sacred Gear could be. Calling Ioann useless is ironic; I'm not sure if this blueblood even has the arm strength to wield her Gear.

It reminds me of something my uncle always used to complain about: 'Some people underestimate others' value and overestimate their own' - although, when he'd say it, there would be some screaming and cursing.

"Again, it is not my job to supply observations you should make on your own. You'll be each others' main sparring partners when training begins, at least unless one of you is found to be exceptionally superior to the other."

She smirked at the final part of that statement. I want to see what such a sparring session will amount to, actually; their abilities and traits are so unsuited for such a thing.

"Any other questions?"

"No. You've answered all of them with either non-answers or barely any information; I won't further waste my time with an errand boy."

She's not wrong. I have been acting as an errand boy lately, and the answers' shortcomings are because Priska is boring; I can't bother to give much effort when it comes to her.

A fallen noble, deported from Germany because she disrespected a National Socialist higher-up. It's a dull and idiotic story. I take interest in new recruits for their backgrounds and personalities; Priska is mundane and predictable, just like most of the other recruits. You can predict their personality based on their backstory, and then you can predict everything else based on what you know about their personality.

However, there are exceptions. A Russian, growing up under Red reign, his father dead at a young age, becomes a religious church goer in his adulthood? And then he's found to have a rare and peculiar Sacred Gear as well?

That is something you can't predict, with a life story that surely wouldn't be boring if he ever decided to waste his time on telling it. With hers, I can imagine the general gist - not with his.

This isn't to say that I have a particularly negative opinion of Priska. I'm just not interested in her.

Continuing in silence and hidden thoughts of spite for the other, we arrived, seeing Ioann sit in a squatting position, as many of his brethren do.

It is quite comfortable though. I've tried it.

Anyway, he rose from that state to his full height, and Priska, probably unable to even reach his shoulders, didn't like seeing someone tower over her.

"Beefy and barbarous," she muttered.

"I prefer 'stalwart and sturdy'. Now then," I raised my voice so he could hear me, "introduce yourselves briefly, then we'll be done with this upcoming meeting and move onto something more productive."

As I've participated in these meetings before, I know their nature. It's just going to be a cheap sales pitch; neither of them have informed us of what denomination they follow, so each branch is trying to snag a new Sacred Gear user, especially one with a genuinely 'Sacred' Gear. It happens every time a new member joins - it's just that the Gear users are treated with more political clambering and eagerness because of their rarity.

Usually, benefits are offered to join a certain branch, even if you don't follow their faith at all. Priska will probably make her decision based on the offers floating around, though I don't think Ioann will.

I'm simply good at reading people, and seeing his reactions to my uncle was all I needed to see to know that he's indignant in matters of faith, and his capability to recite Bible verses off the top of his head didn't hurt matters. He's faithful, I can tell, and the matter of his Gear resonating with him is there too.

And all of that is good for us - the Orthodoxy. He's most likely a follower of the Russian Orthodox sect, so that steadfast, reliable faith should lead him to join us.

"My name is Ioann."

"I knew," she sneered. "You really think I wouldn't inquire as to who I'll be presumably partnered with for the foreseeable future?"

"Be civilized. I have no grievance with you as of yet - tell me your name so we can move on."

Agreed. Seeing others argue is entertaining, but I'm not in the mood for it right now.

"My name is Priska von Ernst. Now, begone from my presence; have your wet dreams of ousting the upper class somewhere else."

She'll warm up to him soon enough, maybe. She's been here for a few days, and I was assigned to give her the 'rundown' on everything, so we've interacted plenty.

Upon learning that I am Greek, she proceeded to spew nonsense about Greece being an irrelevant backwater of a state since Alexander the Great and how Greek philosophical foundations were swill that allowed theoretical nonsense to take root in western thought. A day later, she could hold a civilized conversation without disrespecting me, my origins, and my beliefs, and the day after that, she had gained a modicum of courtesy in my presence. Today, she even listened when I told her to follow me here.

"'Let no corrupt speech proceed out of your mouth' is what Ephesians, chapter four states. It appears another harlot has infiltrated the holy shelter," he replied, literally looking down on her.

In order to keep an actual argument from starting - the signs were there, as evidenced by Priska's scowl - I interrupted: "That was passable. You'll do actual introductions later; for now, just don't embarrass yourselves by quarreling," I stated, beginning to open the door.

We were greeted by a few familiar faces - but, though they were familiar, that doesn't mean I enjoyed their company.

There were three Gear users: one Catholic, one Orthodox, and one Protestant.

It's as I expected; each denomination sent a representative to give an offer, though, the one sent by the Orthodox was an unorthodox choice, pun unintended.

There are literally dozens of Orthodox churches, such as the Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, Serbian Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, and so on and so forth, but they usually band together with situations such as these to raise the general banner of Orthodoxy and compete with Catholicism and Protestantism. Well, mostly Catholicism, as Protestantism has even more sects and much less willingness to band together. It's due to this that they're the weakest out of the three main denominations; their beliefs have next to no relation to the other, as the basis of Protestantism is to come up with your own bullshit and proclaim it to be a valid denomination.

Anyway, this is all to give context to how the Orthodoxy's choice is unscrupulous in my eyes. Dozens of different representatives from each sect banded together, discussed, debated, and voted for who would represent the Orthodox in this parlay, and they chose a Gear user known throughout the Church for raping any female enemy he fights, whether they're human or not.

I'll have to ask my uncle as to how this happened, although I have my suspicions. I can already sense his lustful gaze on the German girl; we've basically set ourselves up for failure here with recruiting Priska, but Ioann should still follow my predictions, even if Abadir is the representative.

Well, whatever. I don't like how this recruitment system is set up anyways.

The Protestants have, shamefully, a much stronger choice, being an Englishman named Arthur. I'm on good terms with him, though.

Catholicism also has a much better representative: Santiago, a Spaniard with a very good reputation of being friendly, allegedly. I've never actually met him.

There's a chance for us in terms of recruiting Priska, maybe; the new recruits mainly choose based on the offers themselves, although who gives those offers - in other words, how they're conveyed - is also very important.

Unfortunately, the Orthodoxy has a reputation for not giving its full effort when it comes to recruiting, while Catholicism is very generous - and Protestantism hasn't been doing too well lately, so their offers must have a high ceiling in hopes of improving their roster.

Santiago started up the conversation: "Ioann, Priska, it's nice to meet you two! I hope your experiences with the Church have been good so far?" he asked, chuckling.

"Unfortunately, no," Ioann replied, and Priska kept up her ice queen facade, not responding.

Well, now it's time for ten minutes of this farce, where they halfheartedly talk about their Gears and give advice on using and training them, all in preparation for the upcoming bidding war.

Each representative was given a list of offers they could make to the new recruit - usually, it's simple stuff, such as better lodging and slightly more extensive training, but, in situations like these, it will definitely be extended to things like Holy Sword Affinity tests and personal trainers for things like Magic and swordsmanship.

They start out low, in hopes that the recruit will accept those terms and therefore not use up as many resources and political favors, gradually ramping up the offers in order to seem like a better choice than the other denominations.

"Well, your arrival was accompanied by political turbulence and internal chaos," Arthur shrugged. "I wish my reception was so grand. Already two explosions and a near-death injury. It usually takes a few years to rack up those kinds of achievements."

Ioann scoffed. "Every action I took was also accompanied by a devil's curse or something of that nature. With this supposed 'political turbulence', my reception has been nothing short of shameful. It was signaled by a skull fracture, after all."

Santiago's gregariousness seems not to appeal to Ioann - and I understand why; his attempts at starting a conversation were quite generic - and Arthur's attempt at bantering didn't have a particularly positive reaction. He basically just said that the clergy should be ashamed of how they're managing everything, and I actually agree with that. It's been the common consensus among Church members recently.

Arthur and Santiago shrugged at Ioann's response, and Abadir didn't pay attention to Ioann at all, zeroing in on Priska.

"We haven't heard from the lady," he remarked, amusement crackling through his eyes. "Do you find your circumstances to be acceptable? What do you think so far?"

She stared at him, her expression lacking its usual fire. It seems she also sensed his intentions, if that cold gaze is any indication. "I think you're fiendish and uncivilized."

The formerly present mirth drained from Abadir's face. I'm not sure as to why he's taking it so personally and viewing it as Priska's fault, but I suppose sex fiends aren't the most logical people.

No matter how much he tries to shift the blame onto the fact that he possesses a Twice Critical Sub-Species, everyone knows his true nature, and the Gear wouldn't have been attracted to him if he didn't resonate with it anyway.

The nature of Dragons - aggressive competition, anger, and domination - apparently manifested in him in the context of women. Such a pathetic actualization isn't even unexpected; his Gear, even if it's a Sub-Species, is one of the weakest and most common ones out there.

What's most funny is that Priska didn't say anything incorrect: Abadir is indeed an uncivilized fiend.

"Alright," Arthur declared, "if you join the sect of Protestantism, we're willing to make any concessions within a reasonable margin."

Hm. They're all skipping the phony portion of the conversation, as evidenced by how neither Santiago nor Abadir were shocked by this.

Well, Abadir is still focused on Priska, so I'm not too sure about him.

Ioann and Priska turned to me, confused - which is only expected. There's usually a natural segment into the bidding war.

"You see," I began, "the Sacred Gear advice part of this interaction is really a farce. It's tradition to set up a meeting with 'advice' for each new recruit, but, after some unenthusiastic sharing of experiences, it becomes a denomination recruitment session, granted that the new recruit hasn't already stated their denomination. Basically, Santiago is a representative for Catholicism, Arthur is a representative for Protestantism, and Abadir is…" I nearly cringe in disgust at having to say it, "a representative for Orthodoxy. They'll each give you offers with varying benefits, and you will get those benefits if you join their denomination."

The representatives nodded - Abadir actually started to pay attention and do his job - and Ioann and Priska understood the situation.

"Why skip the advice portion, though?" Priska asked.

"Because we're all needed elsewhere," Arthur replied. "Ten minutes is too much, at least in this last week's circumstances."

Fair enough. The operation and other recent assignments have been drowning the higher-ranked Exorcists in work.

Santiago continued with his offer: "And Catholicism will do the same. Ask for anything, to start with. We'll go off of that."

Abadir hummed in agreement. This damned Egyptian monkey can't even articulate his own words. He may as well be slandering the reputation of Orthodoxy.

I'll be sure to have a talk with some of the Orthodox higher-ups after today.

"I am Catholic," Ioann calmly stated. "No earthly pleasures will change that."


We lost him.

I was hoping that we'd get him; I thought he was Russian Orthodox. It appears he's one of the Catholic minorities over there.

Arthur was flabbergasted, and Abadir apparently took offense to his statement, no doubt having to do with the fact that he partakes in quite a lot of earthly pleasures himself: "You're betraying your ancestors' legacy?! Russians are Orthodox!" he stated, panicking, trying to reel back in the big fish.

To be fair, I also wouldn't want to have to report back that I'd lost one of the biggest potential gains in the past century either.

Santiago was ecstatic, walking up to Ioann and smacking him on the back. "Great news to hear! You'll feel at home with us, I have no doubt! However, we can't forget the lady," he chuckled, looking at Priska. "Please, state your own request!"

Priska, however, began fuming. "Catholicism," she stated, scowling in anger at being ignored in favor of a 'barbarous Red', "since they're apparently the only ones who bothered to take notice of me without eyes full of lust. Give me the castle residence I was in - and fill it with servants this time, making my own tea was humiliating! - and give me whatever other training instructors or requests I have as my understanding of the supernatural deepens."

I'm not sure how Arthur neglected Priska, as he answered her question, but whatever. As soon as I saw Abadir, I knew we weren't going to get Priska anyway; Ioann was an asset I was nearly praying to receive, but it looks like luck got away from me. I really did think we had good chances, even after realizing that Abadir is the representative, but it turns out that he's not Orthodox.

"Done!" Santiago exclaimed, rushing over to her in the literal blink of an eye. "I hope that your career is a wonderful one," he said, probably holding himself back from straight up hugging her in joy at snagging two promising Sacred Gear users.

Well, that's that.

Any sort of bidding war would've been genuinely hilarious to me anyway - as if whatever denomination they went to wouldn't have given things like Holy Sword Aptitude tests or personal trainers to new Gear recruits.

Most of the offers would've been fake; promising recruits receive the most benefits by going to Catholicism, no matter what the other denominations promise, because Catholicism's extravagance and resources allow them to fully cultivate whatever recruits they want.

"Well then," I spoke up, "I remember you saying that you all needed to be elsewhere, Arthur. We'll go; we mustn't hold you up."

Arthur, still in his perpetual shock, didn't respond, and neither did Abadir, who was sputtering in realization that he had failed and given a horrible representation of Orthodoxy in the process.

I'll need to ask my uncle to be sure, but I suspect that Abadir's adoptive father, a higher-up of the Coptic and therefore Orthodox Church, got him this position somehow. The amount of political favors and haggling that must've taken is unimaginable - they must've thought the situation was in the Orthodoxy's favor, what with Ioann being Russian, so the other higher-ups begrudgingly accepted it in exchange for some personal benefits.

Now? They all look like idiots. The only silver lining is that we never would've gotten Ioann anyways, which isn't much of a positive thing to think about.

Santiago began leaving with a triumphant grin on his face. He'll likely come back to speak with the two newly instated Catholics after reporting to his superiors.

I suspect a promotion for him isn't far. As of right now, he's a Bishop-rank Exorcist, held back by his Gear's lack of destructive power as well as a dearth of recent significant assignments.

…Although, that last part won't stay an issue for long, what with the recent tension between Heaven and the Underworld.

"Let us go. We'll stay in the castle residence for now."


I'm self-conscious about the dialogue, writing, structure and general enjoyability of this chapter, but whatever; it's probably fine.

There were a few terms/underlying meanings to statements in this chapter being thrown around that a lot of people probably didn't understand, but they'll be explained later in a natural way.

Also, don't expect many more other character POVs in this story, since I know the main draw of it is the MC and his personality. I had to do it like this to give some world building and perspective to the events happening, but I did know that it wouldn't be as enjoyable as the usual chaps, so I made it into one rather than two.

And, also also, the name of this chapter is 'Pentarchy' because the Pentarchy is the term used to describe an old Church organizational structure, where Christendom is ruled by the heads of five different holy cities (that's not what they're called but nobody knows what major episcopal sees are) of Rome. Those five cities are Rome, Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch, and Jerusalem. I thought it was fitting.


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