
Fighting a dreaded Monster

The Dwarf wakes from his slumber, He is very sleepy but he must awake from the dreaded thing called sleepy ness. He rolls out of his bed *thump* he ended up falling of the bed not just rolling off what a silly little dwarf he is, now he is even more grumpy then he was before he fell off. Are dwarf then bounces up from the floor, He puts his hands towards the roof of his house and yells out "I BEAT YOU ONCE A GAIN MONSTER OF SLUMBER". The dwarf smiling ear to ear very pleased with defeating said monster. The winner of said battle starts to get ready for his new journey digging the deepest whole that any dwarf ever made

The end of the first battle

will have a lot of chapters but won’t be a long read, it will be about a dwarf livin his life

just_wycreators' thoughts
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