

A story about a young boy named Ayden became king and fight for his kingdom with a second soul (assassin class Duplex) who live within his body named Nyx who live within his body.

Bliizzky · Fantasía
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15 Chs


"Uhhh... What just happened?" Nyx talked to himself as his vision get blurry slowly.

"Ark, my arm... Hold on. WHERE IS MY LEFT ARM?!! " Nyx was suprised that he realized his arm were blew off.

He tried to get up but he couldn't. His lower body was suffocated by a huge piece of concrete wall. He couldn't move an inch because his leg were flatten and smashed into pieces.

Loud siren noises outside the building.

"Oh that's right. I was doing a mission. I have to make sure that my target is dead because of this explosion. AARRGH?!!"

Nyx used his arm and force his body to move forward causing his legs seperated from his body.

Nyx crawl using his arm but he didn't last a minute because he ran out of energy just to pull himself out of the concrete piece.

Nyx fall.

Nyx's vision getting more blurry and blurry as he losing his consciousness.

"Oh. Is this how I'm going to die..."

"It's unfair I only get to lived for 11 years only. I want to live like how other kids did. I want to make friends. I want to go to school. I want to have a family that always welcome me home whenever I'm back from school. I WANT TO... I WANT TO.. "

Tears caming out of his eye.

Nyx... Left the world..

However he didn't die in vain.

Before he died the flash image of his life didn't appear but instead of that he saw a light and a pure white arm reaching out at him.

(To be continue)