
Dungeon Demon

“Kill that foul demon!” “Oy, who said I was foul?” “Kill that... demon?” “Why me though!?” “Because you’re a demon!” “I’ve not even gotten a trial! Where's your so called justice? Demons are people too!” “Bullshit, demons are inherently evil! Demons killed my parents in the dungeons!” “Oh, so you’d let me barge into your home to take all your belongings without any scruff then? If I saw your children, should I think to myself ‘Oh, I could make some leather armour out of its skin, perhaps’? Bloody hypocrite!” The guard couldn't help but pause. How come he never thought of that!?

ThugB · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
12 Chs

Chapter 6: Chipper the Chipmunk

Glancing at the tips window that popped up while still keeping an eye on that rodent, Gill froze on the spot. Spiritual beast, that was a topic well known throughout fantasy back on earth. Fire breathing dragons, mighty qilins from mythology and the all knowing ravens of Odin. How in the world did such a supreme creature arrive at this unassuming Deer Forest outside his measly dungeon?

As if sensing that whatever creature was hiding inside the dungeon had frozen in fear, the rodent at the entrance seemed to garner courage from somewhere. Standing up on two of its legs while placing its forearms at its waist and back straight, it shouted;

"Measly dungeon master, surrender at once to this Majesty and obey me for unending glory to come!"

The atmosphere seemed to freeze at the statement. The rodent stood there looking immensely proud of itself, not realizing the implications at all. Gill on the other hand couldn't believe his ears at first. Looking at the rat standing on its hindlegs, proclaiming itself as owner of the dungeon.. To be honest it was immensely awkward.

Contemplating this whole situation for a moment, Gill roared towards the gate; "Sir Spiritual Beast, please come inside. As you enter, please swat that chipmunk to death for me. I'll offer you the greatest hospitality I can offer during our discussion!" As Gill had never raised his voice before to shout, his articulation sounded like something inbetween thunder and a falling mountain striking the earth. It was extremely deafening while instilling fear to any would-be listeners.

The chipmunk was visibly vibrating in tune with the tone of Gill's voice. In fact, the entire mountain that the dungeon was located in was slightly shaking, causing dust to fall and spread. The entirety of the Deer Forest was riled up, all the animals started running for their lives in all directions from the monstrous roar.

After the vibrating stopped and Gill's voice echoed into the distance, the frozen atmosphere resumed. The chipmunk, despite it now being dreadfully silent, was still vibrating. This time, it was out of fear. It desperately wanted to dig a hole to hide inside, but it simply couldn't move. It could physically feel the eyes that were staring at itself from the depths of the dungeon. Two golden eyes deep in the dark were narrowing and staring straight at it.

Gill foolishly stood there, awaiting some sort of majestic beast to appear. As nothing responded and nobody showed up, was that chipmunk the so-called spiritual beast? It was the most pathetic creature he had met in his whole life. So far atleast.

Slowly stepping up the final few steps of the stair, Gill walked through the corridor towards the entrance. The chipmunk's vibrations were turning into actual shaking. It was basically rattling itself like a maraccas. From its perspective, these few moments that Gill took to step outside the dungeon felt like an eternity.

Lowering his gaze to inspect the haughty rodent, Gill snorted out of contempt. Kneeling down with one eye closed and the other one bulging, he scrutinized the animal that he could fit in the palm of his hand. The chipmunk's eyes started to water. It was on the verge of crying from having such a disastrous demon staring at it from centimeters away.

"So, rodent, I believe you have some explaining to do." Gill questioned the chipmunk. "I'm kneeling right here, so, what will you do to my dungeon did you say?"

After staring down the little thing for a good 10 seconds, it finally broke down. It fell down to the ground, snivveling and crying. It couldn't get a single coherent word out of its chattering teeth. Not even Gill could take the deplorable sight.

"Fine, fine. I understand you believed this dungeon to have quite the trashy dungeon master, correct?" Gill sat down next to the crying chipmunk. "And you wished to capitalize. Nothing wrong with that. Now, considering your incredible disrespect, I'll have to make you compensate." Listening to the demon talking to it quite amicably, if not for its horrible voice and menacing visage, the chipmunk might've found nothing wrong. Problem was the words were coming out of a demon! Compensation? Payment made in blood and souls? Perhaps compensate with years of torture in its dungeon? It couldn't take it anymore!

The chipmunk fainted.

Noticing that the chipmunk was frothing at the mouth and clearly blacked out, Gill couldn't help but snicker to himself. To think that there were such pathetic spiritual beasts in this world. And it even believed it could conquer his dungeon! What incredible humor. Welp, a talking chipmunk could make a pretty good companion. It's not like he could give it a mining pick and send it off to the mines.

Picking up the deplorable little thing, he walked back inside and placed it on the couch in the core room. Just in case it would wake up and try to do something nasty, Gill purchased a magical collar. Since the creature clearly was weaker than level 5, the cheapest variant would do just fine. Adding a few rules and regulations inside, he strapped it around the neck of the chipmunk and left it to rest while he walked back outside.

After retrieving the empty gold pouches he got from the adventure party, he filled them up with a few cursed gold coins each. Placing them back inside their backpacks together with the poisoned food, Gill turned to walk back inside his dungeon. Still contemplating how he should go about spreading the curse all over the lands, he heard a screech coming from the core room. The chipmunk seems to have awakened and did try to do something it shouldn't have.

Practically skipping his way back down the stairs, Gill entered the core room to see the chipmunk rolling around on the floor in immense pain. Looking at the little thing writhing around and making terrible noises, Gill couldn't help but smirk.

"Rodent, if you want the pain to end all you have to do is to cease your intention to harm the mana core."

Hearing that horrible voice again, the chipmunk froze in the middle of its screeching. Slowly turning around, it saw the demon walk past it to sit down on the couch. Realizing it wouldn't get any more punishment, it tentatively spoke up.

"Master Demon, why would I feel pain from admiring the mana core? I would never try to do it any harm. Chipper promise!" The chipmunk asked.

"Remember that I will have you work out some compensation for your disrespect? Take a look at your neck. I gave you a special present." Gill smirked and gestured with his hand. "That collar has a few instructions inside. For example, any intent to harm me, harm the dungeon or attempt at escaping will have some serious consequences for your nerves.." Gill cackled.

Chipper the chipmunk widened its eyes to the maximum. It had become the captive of this demon, and there was nothing it could do about it. 'Why in the world did I try to conquer this dungeon? That damned Bear lied to me!', Chipper cursed in his mind. "Um, Master Demon, do you have any instructions for me? I have a family of a few hundred that needs feeding back home, and…"

"You can call me Gill. I may be a demon incarnate, but not the bloodthirsty kind mind you." Gill spoke his mind, "I run this dungeon on behalf of the core and receive wealth, strength and other things in exchange." He continued, "For example, should we manage the dungeon to prosperity, I don't see why not I could become a demon king, and you, my dear Chipper, to become a chipmunk deity."

Listening to Gill sell his dungeon service to itself, Chipper was swayed almost immedietly. Demons tend to be extremely convincing in their sales pitches. It doesn't help that Gill happened to be more than four times its level either. Everything he says is practically gospel to its ears, so long as there's an ounce of gains to be had. There wasn't any real detriment either, other than the collar. No soul selling or bloodletting was on the menu.

"Lord Gill, then, what are we up to right now?" Chipper asked quite cheerfully. "The whole forest knows about the dungeon, but not its strength. For example, there's the Bear that asked me to visit. He claimed I could take over the dungeon in a jiffy, but look at what happened to me.." Realizing what it was saying, it quickly shut itself up.

"Oh, so you're not the only spiritual beast in this meager forest?" Gill contemplated Chipper's words while rubbing his chin. "I see the ploy now. You were tricked to enter the dungeon, come success or failure, that Bear fellow wouldn't fare any losses." He then asked, "How do you feel about your fellow forest cretin? Since you failed, no skin off his nose. And if you would've succeded, he could most likely swat you to death in an instant."

Realizing he had been sold out from the start, Chippers fur bristled at the rims. Enraged, he started jumping around the core room to vent his anger. Gill couldn't help but smile at the sight. Getting himself a companion wasn't a bad thing at all it seems. Immensely amusing.

"Chipper, as the world I came from has many legendary tales about spiritual beasts.." Gill spoke out to the bristling rodent, "I accidentaly roared a bit too loudly to show my presence. I believe the entirety of Deer Forest already had all of its occupants run away. It couldn't be helped, as true spiritual beasts are all creatures worthy of immense deference." He explained himself, as that Bear fellow most likely evacuated the premises the moment it heard Gill's roar.

Watching Chipper deflate into a depressed sack on the floor, Gill showed a jovial smile. "As things stand, you can't take revenge at this very moment. But I assure you, serve me well and you'll not only have your freedom restored." He grinned, "You yourself will more than certainly obtain power greater than that ridiculous Bear. Great armies to command? Not impossible. Magical power? All within reach!"

After listening to Gill's spiel of coming greatness, Chipper physically restored itself into that 'royal chipmunk' that dared to posture outside his dungeon. Standing on two legs, he proclaimed; "Lord Gill, you can rest assured that this Chipper will do his utmost for the dungeon!" A short moment after his proclamation, he continued; "So, what are our next plans? This Chipper wish to be of service!"

"Chipper, you see I have this newly minted gold coin and…" After a few explanations of how his dungeon was currently setup with the portculis trap, the gold mine and the cursed gold coins they started discussing upcoming plans. Realizing humans had already visited the dungeon once, and more were on their way, Chipper deflated again. It knows how terrible humans are when they put their minds to things.