
Dual Cultivation Simulator

Dual Cultivation It was the fastest cultivation method. The connection between two bodies, revealing the pleasure of being a man or a woman, this method had caught the eyes of several cultivators. But for someone who only had his eyes on something else, it was supposed to be nothing but a mere tool of progression. While others would add their dual cultivation partner to their harem, he only wanted to use them for his benefit. So, what would be better than giving him a simulation? An unknown system that carries the simulation for dual cultivation. It has met several people who couldn't walk on the path of dual cultivation and ended up losing themselves. But now, it had finally met a Host who was made for dual cultivation. A host who could separate reality from the simulation, a host who wouldn't lose himself in the pleasure of dual cultivation, and a host who despite having the benefits of the simulation would rely on himself to get stronger. This is the story of a young man who sees his dreams far greater than others. Even if he had no means to fulfill it. But, what if he did? What if he was granted the means to fulfill his dream? When granted the chance, he dived into the path of Dual Cultivation in Simulation without any hesitation. ####### While this story is focused on dual cultivation, it would focus more on the real world since that's where the story truly progresses. The simulation would be similar to the storytelling and it will slowly progress. Note- Don't read this book if you are not into mc dual cultivating with others' women. In short, netori. ******* If you like this book, then support me with all the support you can give. Thank you for reading!

Sabin_Subedi_Fei · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
114 Chs


Boom! Whoosh!

A powerful explosion sounded from the house and a large cloud of black gas gusted out. But, the next moment, all that gas was sucked in.

Seeing this, Miao turned his eyes to the young girl with blue eyes and asked "Is she going to be okay? That gas seemed extremely poisonous."

"Don't worry! Our sister is strong. There is no poison in the world that can kill her." The girl with blue eyes smiled and answered. Suddenly, her eyes twinkled and she pounced toward him.

"Aww! Such a cute talking cat."

She tried to hold him but Miao instantly dodge her. He moved to the side and spoke "Don't try to hold me. This god won't be held by a puny human."

His tone was quite cold when he said that. But, suddenly a tiny hand caught his tail and pulled him up. Miao reacted harshly as he slashed his claw at the young boy.

But, his golden pupil suddenly shone with a bright golden light and his body trembled for a moment. Miao's paws fell down for a split moment before he regained his control.

"Y-y-you brat….. How can your Will dominate mine?" Miao's eyes turned serious as he looked at the young boy with golden eyes. His body released an intense thick layer of killing intent like a robe around him.

He was a God of Destruction. He had destroyed the lives of billions of people. He had destroyed millions of families. Being the God of Destruction, he was at the pinnacle of strength.

His strength might not be as same as before. He might not be as strong as before but his Will hasn't diminished. His Will of Destruction, the Will of Cat God, the Will of God of Cuteness is still there.

So, he couldn't fathom the idea of his Will getting suppressed by someone else, especially a young human boy.

"I wouldn't try to fight them if I were you. You might be a spiritual beast, but they have numbers." Suddenly, a voice rang in his ears. Miao looked around and at this moment, all ten children were in fighting positions.

"Who are you?" Miao turned his head at Alice and asked.

"My name is Alice. I am Tyler's partner." Alice introduced herself and walked up to Rose.

She immediately bowed her head and said.

"Sorry, I didn't send anyone to protect you before. I failed to understand that they might shamelessly attack you. If I had kept you safe, then Tyler wouldn't be in a tough spot right now."

Rose was stunned by her apology. She had been confused for a while. First, the group of children appeared with a beautiful girl who seemed to be the same age as her son and then saved her.

Now, she was even apologizing for the previous incident.

"From your reaction, it seems like Tyler hasn't told you yet. I have been working together with Tyler for a while." Alice saw her confused look and tried to explain it.

At this moment, Miao walked in front of her and released his aura.

"Girl, we can discuss your relationship with Tyler later. First, I need you to tell me how this brat countered my Will?"

Hearing his words, Alice thought of answering him but her eyes fell on Rose whose face was covered with distress. She was having the same thought over and over again.

Miao also followed her gaze and saw Rose's expression. He instantly panicked.

"No, no, don't think of anything stupid. This attack was out of the ordinary but it wasn't something I couldn't handle. So, please don't think of that. You have already seen your son's state."

"If anything happens to you, he will go crazy. And, believe me on this one. His craziness will have no bounds. So, don't do anything stupid."

Miao was really afraid of her feeling guilty and taking her own life. She was a weak woman after all. She wasn't someone who could bear all this burden. And, she loved her son.

Seeing him suffer so much because of her would obviously make her guilty. Just now, Alice's words touched her sore spot once again.

"Miss, please believe in your son. Tyler doesn't want you to do anything stupid. I know just how helpless a child and his parents can be when they have no choice."

"I had gone through the same thing. My parents could do nothing but watch me forcefully taken away for an evil experiment. I know how Tyler is feeling right now and I have seen how my parents felt at that moment."

"Giving we didn't give up on living. If they had tried anything to take their lives, we wouldn't have met after a few years. It was just the separation of a few years but we actually did get a chance to live together."

"There is nothing greater than that. So, please don't do anything stupid." Alice moved forward as she crouched down and spoke with a gentle tone.

Hearing her words, Rose slowly raised her head and tears filled her eyes. She couldn't help but pull Alice into her embrace and cry for a moment. After a while, she finally pushed Alice and wiped out her tears.

"I'm sorry for my outburst. I just felt like my existence is nothing but a hindrance for my son. But now listening to you and him, I felt like I should live so that we will have a better future."

She raised her hand and patted Alice's cheeks.

"And, sorry about that experiment you had to go through. I can't fathom the pain and suffering you had to live through during those years. I am just happy that you are living a good life with your parents now."

At this moment, Miao jumped in front of her and spoke.

"Seriously, you need to give me the answer this time. You said you are an experiment. Are these brats the same as you? What exactly are you now?"

Hearing his words, Alice stood up and slowly stepped back. The ten children move next to her. Her eyes changed as they turned purple from black.

All of their eyes glowed and they simultaneously spoke.

"We are the Eyes of the New Dawn or you can simply call us 'END'."