
Chapter 52: War (1/3)

Wings spread upon above the battlefield, Nôx saw his teacher fly above.

Sword in hand, he slashed, stabbed, and cut- Amost like a poet, writing his masterpiece with blood as paint, sword as pen, and flesh as paper. His poem was about war, about the pain of losing someone and the happiness of living another day if- No, when they win this war. The happiness of having freedom, not beig afraid of suddenly having their family killed by huge flying lizards that could freeze, electrocute, cut, smash, burn, or melt someone whole in a few seconds. His sword glowed with power as the result of three years of incessant training showed themselves to all that saw- Purple energy slashes came from his sword, and everywhere it went through, flames and ice burned and froze.

He had both the blessings of the God of Life and fhe God of Hunger, both gave he and his siblings their blessings, making so they were the perfect leaders for this army! And they did, Ajax was the one who controlled the whole division that attacked from a distance, dealing with the enemies on the ground and enemies on the air along the giant tree that was called by their Teacher- And Jogîx was the cavalry, he attacked from the sidelines, dealing explosive bursting damage alongside his division as Nôx's division protected the back division and advanced towards the enemy at the same time.

There were of course some troops to protect the Long Range division, who used magic and Psionic abilities to destroy the battlefield easily.

The draconic humanoids resembled a lot the Half-Dragons, or Dragonborns as they were called, and this made it way easier to spread the prejudice amongst the troops which led to some fights- But now, in the middle of the battlefield, everything else was simple: Kill or be killed. And everyone chose to kill! Swords, spears, hammers, battle axes, rapiers, daggers, swordwhips, shields, and all types of weapons impacted against the scales and weapons of the enemy- No mercy was shown to the enemy, most of the lizard people suddenly stopped whenever the water of Yggdrasil fell on their bodies, so some warriors started to use their limited magical abilities to control the water and throw at them, paralyzing many Draconids, giving a minor advantage to their army!

"Above!" Shouted a warrior, and when Nôx looked up, he saw a massive black dragon falling from the sky- There was a huge hole upon the Dragon's chest, where there was nothing inside, as if... His insides were devoured. "Careful!" Nôx sank his sword into the ground and focused, the dirt beneath his feeth rose and changed, shaping into a large hand that grabbed the body of the black dragon, looking at the sky above- There hundreds of those dragons falling down from the heavens like falling stars.

Yellow Dragons, Green Dragons, Red, White, Blue, Black, Purple, Brown, and even Grey dragons were all falling from the heavens as Mokzaxirrathan's left claw sank deep into their bodies, everyone saw that his left claw glowed with an eary red light that made some have the sudden urge to look away- And so they did, saving themselves from going mad. "Fuck!" Nôx prepared himself to use all his Psionic and Magical abilities together to stop those falling dragons, but then his eyes widened as he saw his Sister appear beside him as pull the string of her bow back, no arrows... Until energy, green and purple, gathered and solidified in the form of an arrow on her bow.

"[Nature's Call]" This was the name of the ability she used, Nôx knew that after using this abilityz she won't be able to use magic or her psionic abilities for a few days! Her energy arrow shot towards the sky and shattered, thousands upon hundreds of tiny fragments of this arrow spread through the sky, each touching one of the corpses of the dragons that had fallen and that were still falling. "[Concentrate]!" Shouting with all her might, Ajax moved the marks she placed on the corpses, every single corpse was pulled towards the enemy side of the battlefield, were a large fragment landed- It was the mixture of many magics and Psionics, but mostly Gravity and Telekinesis. Like an arrow, each and every body simply shot towards the back of the enemy battlefield, destroying and killing maybe millions of enemies and a few hundred or thousand of allies, Ajax would never be able to forgive herself because of that.

But for now, she would be unconscious.

"Jogîx!" Shouting his brother's name, Nôx threw Ajax's unconscious body up- Only for it to fade from sight in a second, because of Jogîx's magical and psionic abilities being focused on being mobile and explosive damage, so of course Jogîx could teleport! He took his sister as far away from the battlefield as he could- Directly inside their teacher's cavern, miles away, but he came back in a single second! "Nôx." Smirking and greeting his brother, Jogîx sat down (more like fell, he used a lot of energy too fast) and sighed, he checked his daggers, he had many of them- "I still have some potions, do you need them?" He whispered, checking the belt and bag on his waist, he had many potions and poisons, which he has been using days before the battle started, poisoning the enemy's supplies of food and water, trying to reduce their numbers- Which didn't work by a lot, but at least a few thousand died.

"No, give it to those at the back, and tell Heof-" His sister's second in command. "That he's in charge-My sister's out of combat for now." Jogîx chuckled as he vanished from sight, not even a sign that he was gone, he simply was there in a second, and the next, he wasn't.

Looking upon the barren land- Corpses and blood, fire and ice, death and destruction, everything seemed to be but an illusion of his mind, but he knew this was very, very real- Even more than real, this was their life or their death, the difference between each was a single second.

Gods bless them.

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