17 My mind's rumbling & Mr. Hunter

I thought about it at night. It's normal for me to forget about my birthday. I never really celebrate it. Yeah, when my dad was alive, he would plan a gigantic birthday party for me. But I never enjoyed it because I had to act happy. The acting was a natural thing to me since the day I learned about what does pain, and people's gossip meant. After my dad's death, my mom tried to keep the party thingy, but I didn't show up and stayed in the park near the house until I made sure that no one still in the house. Since that day, I won't realize that it's my birthday until Aiden and Nadia bring me my birthday gifts -which I always loved- or when I see a calendar after a week from the day.

I went to school. I reached the school, as usual, nothing like what happened when I first time meets the guys. I still find it weird that I had to meet them separately and had a scene with each one of them. Looking back at it, it feels like the principal character meets the bad boys' group, except that not all of them are jerks, and I'll never be the principal character. I said before that I think a lot, so don't blame me blame my mind.

But for real, today was normal. Yeah, my routine. No one of the guys was there in class, and I didn't meet any of them the entire day. I just went to my seat, sleep all day long, making up for the sleepless nights I had. It felt refreshing to take a long nap.

I stayed after school on the rooftop until no one left in the school other than the kids who have theater practice or cinema club. I went down to the music classroom, and I loved how quiet the school is. Peace!!

Before I came to the room, I stopped for a moment. Memories started flooding in my head. Memories of Noah playing his song. It was the most time I felt real. I felt exposed to myself, not the girl that pretended to be perfect all her life, not the one that wanted to be the girl so no one could touch her. The one that I still don't know her really.

For a few minutes, I felt floating in the air with each note he played. It has raw emotions and feelings. They were real that I was growing attached to him while he was playing it. I was exploring mine and his emotions at the same time. That's the major reason I didn't like the fact that the guy was Noah. I wanted to interrupt him to only ask about why he's playing with such agony and what made it this honest. But I figured that it's preferable to stay away. I regretted it when he disappeared. Even I didn't know who he is, I knew him from his music, and I had a connection with him. A link that wasn't present the first time I talked to Noah.

That guy was open, no wall in front of him. Noah had a one he wrote in it "Don't fucking come close." I am no one to blame him, but he has good friends around him. People that love him. What made him like that? For moments when I was with them, I envied how they share their lives and their problems. I think I'd be the best version of myself with people like them next to me. But would I tell them what I hide in my life? I never told Ethan about it, but I want to tell someone.

Oh, God! What am I thinking?

I sit in front of the Piano and put the music sheets in front of me. I have to work on my arms techniques so I can get the tempo and melodies right. I started working from verse to another, my mind drifting to what Noah said. Who said that I want a share of the profits? I confused some melodies, and it turned out that what's the song needed. Some mistakes can entirely turn things in a better way.

"That is good! I am relieved now about the highlighted part of my ball." Did I hear something? I turned and found two middle-aged men in front of the classroom door. The one in the behind looks like he works from the one wearing the beige Armani suit. He looks attractive for a middle-aged man: tall, bored shoulders, white beard, and white hair.

"Can I help you, sir?" I asked. "They told me that the girl that will play my son's song is beautiful, and I came to check that," He responded playfully. He's Noah's father!! This man gives so many reasons not to provide an excuse for Noah's character. Look at his dad! I can say that this man is living his life as a youthful man from the way he's carrying himself. And I got that from only a joke and his bright wide smile!

"You came for the pianist beauty and not her skills, Mr. Hunter? Aren't you afraid that she'll be just good at being beautiful and forget about the performance quality?" I asked the smiling man.

"Oh please, my son takes music as a religion. He will never let someone play in my ball if he's not a bit better than him." He said with a scoff. I never saw a middle-aged man scoffing. So, Noah sees that I am a little better than him? Is that what Mr. Hunter meant? "And call me Edward, please. I have enough people that want me to look old, don't add yourself to them," He said with a fake sigh. A giggle slipped from my mouth. This man is amusing to where I had little time to think about pushing him away. That's what's usually comes to my mind when someone comes closer to me.

"You heard me playing Edward, what do you think since you're the person I am going to play in his ball?" I asked.

"I knew from the start that you're a talented pianist. I knew your parents and how talented they are. You inherited your mother's talent. You knew that she played in the first-anniversary celebration for the hospital," He said. "So, you knew us before?" I asked.

"Yeah, we weren't that close, but your dad was a great man. And you look as charming as him. I am glad that someone like you is in my son's life." He softly spoke.

"Your son doesn't need someone like me in his life. He has good friends around him." I said.

"He won't marry his friend, would he?" He spoke with a slight grin. What? Why out of the blue? I feel burning all of a sudden. "Don't wait for 'I am joking,' I am serious. Anyway, I got to go. Have fun practicing. I'll see you at the ball's day."

What was that? I am dumbfounded!

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