
Fuinjutsu Prodigy: Yurei (Parte-2)

"Everyone, please put on this seal, it will suppress your chakra, and if the sensor is not world-class I don't think any of us will be able to be discovered", said Renji

"Will this seal really work brat", ask Yamanaka

"Of course"

"You seems a bit too young to go in such a mission, and to produce such a seal", said Hyuuga with a stern and emotionless face

"One's age does not represent one's ability and strength, who knows it better than us", said Sakumo getting the grateful look from Renji his student

All of them took the seal from Renji and put it on their arms

"Remember, you guys can do Jutsus that take very little chakra, but if you use a large amount of chakra, we will be sensed by the sensors...Keep it in mind", said Renji as he too put the Seal on his arm, making him invisible to any sensor, of course, if the sensor is good enough then this seal is not something that can cover them up


A Shinobi guard was patrolling on the rooftop when suddenly a very small lightning ball came from behind and make a hole on his head from behind

He dropped dead without even realizing what actually happened...and without a sound

4 Men wearing black robes from top to bottom and wearing blank masks were...standing on the rooftop beside the dead body of the guard

Stealthy moving forward and watching the jailhouse where their supposed target was to be guarded...they prepared for a recon

"Renji", whispered Sakumo

Renji nodded as he concentrated, "4 people are inside guarding the target, 1 is interrogating her and 6 people are guarding the jailhouse from outside...wait...there are 8 people, 2 are hiding in shadows"

"Alright team Listen up, under no circumstances are we allowed to let target get killed, Yamanaka Kirei, control one hidden in shadows, your target is the other person who is hidden", Sakumo said as Yamanaka Kirei nodded confirming his role

"Hyuuga Shin, take 2 targets in the east, Uzumaki Renji takes 2 targets in the north, and I will take the remaining 2 targets...Yamanaka will take 2 of the shadows"

"Pick your targets, we will attack at the same time, wait for the rest of the team to get fully into position, we will be in constant touch through Yamanaka Kirei...am I clear everyone?", whispered Sakumo the entire plan of the short recon they were going to pull

"Yes captain/sensei", said all three of them

"very well move...

With that everyone blurred and disappeared...

The group guarding the prisoner was patrolling with a bored face...this job has to be a punishment to such a boring job...nothing ever happens...

That's the reason why the two of them were fooling around and not seriously guarding the jail, who the heck would attack in here...

Suddenly a whispered was heard by both of the guards...

Ram → Horse → Dragon

Doton: Dangan no Jutsu (Earth Style: Rock Bullet)

A small rock that came extremely fast, and created a hole in one of the Guard's Head, while, at the same time, the shadow came behind another Guard's quietly breaking his neck, neatly killing two targets at once.

At the very same time, Sakumo and Hyuuga shin jumped on their targets killing them quietly and neatly.

While Yamanaka while on roof controlled one of the guards in the shadows, killing the other guard hidden with him and stabbing himself...neatly all of the 8 targets were killed not even uttering a single sound.

Sakumo nodded to Renji, who in turn placed a Seal on the wall...


The Wall was blown to pieces and Hatake Sakumo entered the building

"Kenjutsu Art: Hatake Style: Dance of the Lightning Halo"

Sakumo coats his Sword in lightning, and with a quick slash unleashes a high-pressure wave of Lightning towards their opponent.


Without being able to respond, all the targets were burned to death by the lightning

"The target is secured, good job everyone...Let's just get the hell outta here...

After being freed the prisoner looked who looked like a ragged woman suddenly jumped at the one nearest to her...

"LEAVE ME ALOOONEEEEEE", she yelled as she bit Sakumo who was taken in by surprise...

"Let go of me, mad woman", he was able to push her off...but to everyone's horror, there was blood on the floor flowed right out of Sakumo's hand...

There was chakra in every single drop of blood, and while seal tag is still there to hide his chakra, his chakra although still a mystery but sensors now know, about their location. And with such tight security, it won't take time to have the reinforcement here.


"Sensei...40 Shinobis are coming from the side...they are mere 200 meters away...Highest rank: High chunin"

"Tch...for once I wish everything goes according to plan...alright everyone, Proceed to plan 2 Go"

With that, they tied the prisoner and bring her alongside them as 4 of them begins to run through the rooftop

Suddenly they are being surrounded as they were being chased from behind and 2 chunins were in front blocking their way...

"Fuinjutsu Art: Shunshin: Shukuchi" (Fuinjutsu Shinobi Art: Body flicker: Reduced earth)

Renji who was running bends his knees slightly before revitalizing his body with chakra...At that instant, he takes one step forward, while drawing his sword at that exact moment out of the hilt before returning it into the hilt, the instant the technique is completed.

The two chunins were wide eyed when they were cut to thousands of pieces without even being able to retaliate...


There are more of them, they are being surrounded...by 100's of them

"There are too many, we won't be able to make it", said Hyuuga Shin

"I will stop them, You three carry out according to plan", Said Renji


"That's the only way sensei...Please trust me, after all, you taught me how to fight, I can run away safely"

"Tch...You better return to extract point or I will kill you myself"

"You gotcha, sensei", Renji finally said with a nice guy pose though his grin can't be seen because of the mask

"Everyone, we will go according to plan 2 Let's move"

To every following Shinobi who were following them suddenly got shocked when One of them the red hair masked guy suddenly turned around and kept standing there.

He removed the seal tag on his arm...Knowing to have Sensei and the rest to have their second objective complete...he needs to have all the attention to him.

He while standing makes the hand sign

Dog → Rat → Bird

"Fuinjutsu Art: Gravity Seal: Killing Zone"

By creating a gravity field, Renji increases the force of gravity within a certain radius by sending gravity chakra into the air to rapidly accumulate a large mass of gravitons.

It only takes a matter of seconds before a large amount has amassed, then he releases a very powerful downward force within the radius. This technique required a high amount of chakra Levels, but if there is something he has the access to, it's his huge mass of chakra inside his body...this Technique is a testament why Uzumaki clan were massacred because of their seals


Apart from him, everyone within a radius is on their face to the ground....most of their bones and organs are being displaced, killing 40 chunnins, High chunnins died instantly.

This technique although is great but it can't recognize friend to foe and definitely is not something that can be used in a war...


He took a step back, his heart hurts for every kill, he feels their pain, their regret their anger and for so many people he killed, this was something extraordinary he experienced...this is one of the reasons he hates to kill...It hurts so damn much


He looked up, he was surrounded by even more enemies and these guys are stronger than the ones before, he could at least tell that.

"Such Frightning Fuinjutsu arts, and those Red Hair...Never really thought such an expert in Uzumaki still lives"

"Why...are you regretting that one of us manages to live?...for I will make sure, that you pay for your sins, of killing my family and massacring my clan"

"HA HA HA HA...you will kill me...we will see about that...I will pay for my sins my way...but I should at least know your name right?"

"You seriously think I will tell you my name, after going through so much trouble to wear this costume, and this mask"

"Your Name Uzumaki"

"Call me the Ghost of Uzushio...It should be more fitting me right? The one who was supposed to die in the massacre of Uzushio"

"Sigh...It doesn't matter...Just kill him, and let's get it done with"

Renji tensed, 80 Shinobi's with some being high jonin, he can't fight this force, even if he fights desperately for his life...

'Tch...No choice then, Guess I will use it...Hope I can Run to the extraction point...Sorry Sensei, I hope the package is secured'

With that, 80 shinobis with some being high jonins cast variety of Jutsu's at him...

He raised his left arm with index and fore-finger pressed together...and he snapped them.

Fuinjutsu Art: Gravity Seal: Forcefield




The moment he snapped his fingers the attacks coming at him got deflected, creating an absolute seal around him, the absolute defense is being created right in front of everyone...but that was not all, as every single one of the enemy were on their knees some weaker ones were even lying straight to the ground. Many Shinobis died because their organs and bones got displaced.

"What the hell is going on...", the previous high and mighty jonin was on his knees now, barely managing to stand up!!!

"This is my sole S-rank Fuinjutsu art, my favorite and my strongest attack"

"Uzumaki's sure are frightening...So what are you gonna do kill me?"


'Damn more are coming, and I don't much chakra left...damn this jutsu sure drain a mighty amount of chakra'

He turned around and left...


Renji didn't listen and just left to the extraction point


"You alright kid?", asked Sakumo

*Huff*Huff "Yea, what about the package is it secured?"

"Yea it is", said Yamanaka with a new hint of respect for the youngest member of the team

"We have both, the target and the package...Let's get the hell outta here", Sakumo ordered


(Someplace else...)

"So you mean to say, The 80 Man Jonin squad is destroyed by this Uzumaki", asked the old man sitting on the chair...

"Yes my lord...Apparently, he used some powerful Fuinjutsu art to do it"

"Hmm...What about the age of that guy"

"From the report we got, I suspect the boy is 9-10 year old"

"That's why he was overlooked, during Uzushio massacre...Very well what's the name of the brat"

"We are not sure of it, but he called himself Yurei of Uzushio"

"Send the word, put the bounty on the brat, I don't want him to grow, Get him Killed"

"Yes My Lord"


This is the tale told by the bards through centuries to come...of how the legends are born...How the Legendary Shinobi got his name for the first time...

This is the incident where he because of his one sentence to hide his identity because of the mission secrecy, he got his bingo book name...Yurei of the Uzushio...The Fuinjutsu Prodigy.

Siguiente capítulo