
Neo Aspect (4) (Edit)

Her Kiryu. He may have said weird stuff too. But she always lost her consciousness, and her loud heartbeat prevents her from hearing anything. After acting so indecent towards her though, it's hard to believe he's just working away as though nothing happened.

"Want to see?" Haruka said as he noticed her gaze.

"Um, my eyes are bad sometimes. So, I usually wear glasses."

"Take these." Haruka passed her some glasses, and she paused.

Eh, but the lens. Haruka, however, put them on her. Her vision was much more precise than usual.

Oh, she could see well?

She wondered what these are? They're different from regular glasses. Feeling herself being lifted off the ground and on to his lap, Lila becomes frantic.

Why does she have to sit on his lap?

"I'll teach you."

"T—teach what?!!"

"Yeah, the website. It would be good if you knew how to use it too. We could pay someone to customize your pages, but I'm sure you'd rather do it yourself," Haruka explained to her.

Oh, so that's what he meant.

Lila lets out a relieved sigh. For a while, Lila listened intently, but when she felt a bulge, she becomes frantic again.

"If you keep acting coldly, I'll kiss you again."

B—but, isn't he going to do it, anyway? Lila sent him a harsh glare - but only to see Haruka's intense look.

Lila mutters under her breath how shameless he is. Taking the initiative with kissing though? Lila's never done that before, so she knew she would be bad at it. Before Haruka could inch any closer to her face, somebody threw a book in their direction.

"Damn, what the hell are you doing Erika?" Haruka snarled.

The woman named Erika had mid-length hair, with pale hair with several color streaks. Loads of piercings in her ears, "You're the one who just disappeared. The boss is angry." Erika said.

Haruka sighed, "Ha? I told him to give me some time off."

Lila observed the scene. A pretty girl, Haruka seems different too.

"Such a pain," he muttered and yet snatched the documents from the girl and placed it beside his laptop. She should make tea. Before Lila could go to the kitchen though, his lips were on hers again.

A sudden kiss with no regards to her feelings at all.

"I am busy here Erika, so leave," Haruka told the girl.

"Hmm, I see. Well, all right." Erika said.

With those words said the pretty girl left, and Haruka-kun gets off her.

"Um..." she said, choosing her words carefully.

"I will take a bath." he interrupted her.

"Ah... The water.,"

"It's fine, I don't mind it being cold." he trailed off before he looked back at her, "Not coming?"

Lila frantically shook her head. He seemed upset on the way out, but Lila knew she could never go that far. At least for now, just kissing already makes her feel bad. After all, her heart belongs to Kiryu. It's true in middle school; she didn't think much of kisses. But it's different now. It's different now she has known and experience love.

For Hanyou's kissing is nothing but she experienced love and realized that kissing is something important. The kisses shared with Haruka do not mean anything, for her it's empty. The feeling behind them.

When he's out of sight, she lets out a relieved sigh. Her heart has been taken for a ride recently. Seeing his workspace messy, Lila cleaned the place up. But she stopped at the envelope with the surrounding documents. She caught a glimpse of the words and paused.

"Confidential S report…" Lila read the title out loud before she realized, what these documents are.

'He's your manager.

You'll be able to get closer all you want and at the same time.'

As she recalled Soichiro's words, she clenched her fist.

She has a mission to do. She didn't come to this place just to achieve her dreams.


Haruka spent quite some time in the bathroom, when he came out, Lila averted her gaze. Why didn't he get changed?

"You know I half expected you to come in, and at least wash my back for me," Haruka commented.

T—this idiot. Lila stared at him in disbelief. Is he serious? Why is he not ashamed at all. Lila sighed; this shouldn't surprise her. This person is very shameless.

"So, will you tomorrow?" Haruka continued to ask. Lila felt the intensity of his gaze.

Lila shook her head, "Y—you don't need my help," Lila regretted her words afterward. Not because she agreed with him but because knew that would only spur him on.

"But I do, I need you."

Don't say it like that; it's so easy to misunderstand.

"Can we kiss?" he asked.

Lila shook her head, being naive has it's limits. Especially now she knew his kisses meant so much more. His feelings for her haven't gone away have they?


Light Academy Dorm.

She didn't want to leave his place. But Haruka had work, and she wasn't well. Lila knew that it would be bad if they remained in each other's company long, so she asked Yumeko-chan to get her something. The moment she left, Haruka pinned her against the bed.


"That one will be gone for a bit," Haruka said referring to Yumeko rudely. But Lila didn't pay much attention to that.

They're close enough to touch. But, she still can't give him her heart.

Lila shook her head, "Let me go,"

"Your too stubborn,"


As Yumeko finished up placing things on the tray, she walked back. That surprised her; she wasn't expecting to see Ari-chan back. After all, all the others one would be like, 'Haruka needs me, so I can't stay here with you.'

Then again, there were ones who waited for a few days, so she should Ari-chan a chance. That's right; she's still new. She doesn't know how frivolous Karashima Haruka can be. Once she's seen it enough times, then surely. Yumeko arrived at the door, and she almost dropped the tray in her hands, upon seeing the scene before her. Haruka had cornered her friend on the bed frame, "So stubborn, but I like girls like you,"

"Stop it, or I'll get mad."

Haruka sighed and pulled away, "Really, so unreasonable."

"Senpai, you have to go." Ari urged him.

"I'll drop by later. I canceled your work, so rest."

"Okay. Thank you."

Something seemed different from usual. Is it only her? Yumeko was in such deep thoughts she didn't notice the door opening.

"You." Haruka started, but he paused.

"What?" she snapped. Is Haruka going to complain again?

Haruka seemed to debate about his response, but he eventually said."Look after her."

"You don't have to—eh, what did you say?" she stared at him in complete disbelief.

"I said to look after her," he repeated. This is strange; he's never gone this far for another girl before. Or rather, could it be?

"She's special to you?" she asked.

"None of your business," Haruka replied coldly.

Yumeko rolled her eyes, so much for change. He is still a rude person.

"Will you?" Haruka asked.


Haruka nodded and placed something in her hand; rather it was a bag of several items.

"Give her these after she's eaten. Tell her not to call me since I'll be in meetings."

Yumeko nodded and watched as he walked away. She should inspect the bag just in case it contains anything terrible. But, after watching that interaction just now. She doubts she will find anything dangerous inside. It's only been a short amount of time, and yet, he seems to have changed entirely because of her. There's another theory though, one that's more likely. When she first met Ari-chan a week ago, she thought the girl resembled Lila-chan.

She got caught up in the cousin theory, but, if she thought back to her conversation with Lila-chan. The cousin supposedly has bright hair and resembled her sister more. Ari-chan resembles Lila-chan. But, she can't say for sure that her theory is correct.


Light Academy Dorms

When Lila woke up, she realized he was gone and panicked.


Not here. Where did he go? Why did he leave? Did she offend him? When Haruka isn't with her, it all comes rushing back. She has to find him quickly. Otherwise once again she will... Lila halted when familiar voices emerged in her head.

'Just let yourself lose out, aren't we friends Lila?'

'We've been together for so long.

Why are you suddenly becoming cold?'

It's scary and frightening.

Even though, the darkness has always been her companion. Slowly but gradually something changed. The beauty and light she saw in the dark gradually became hollow. Since when? When did it become like this? It's cold, scary and frightening; she doesn't like this. Was it because she spent a long period in that place, cold grey walls. No windows. Or was it happening even long before then? She probably wouldn't have noticed if that was the case. After all, whenever she was with Kiryu, she always felt safe.

He always kept her safe and away from even the smallest dangerous. But he didn't baby her; he explained everything to her. The person she loves is her childhood friend and partner. All the demons she kept hidden in her darkness never emerged when he was around her. Just seeing him, was enough to bury the demons. They never appeared knowing Kiryu was there. But in her period of isolation, she gradually went crazy.

And now, she's found, someone, someone to help her calm down. She doesn't mean to use Haruka, and she can't allow herself to rely on him. But right now, she wanted to see him.


Even though she was given the day of, Lila left once she could move a little and headed to the building she had work in, knowing full well that Haruka would be there.


J Music TV, 8:00 am

"I didn't think you'd be here too," Haruka commented.

The last thing he expected was to bump into one of his women from the past, in a place like this.

"Oh? What's wrong with me trying out for a music award."

This woman was one of the worst ones he got together with.

"For one, you won one last year," Haruka said, Sophia still sat on his lap and was playing around with his tie.

"It was boring; my only competition dropped out.

His gaze darkened at the girl's words, "You heard."

"Hm? About what?" she feigned ignorance. But he saw the signs on her face.

Damn. Haruka wondered precisely how many people know. Boss, isn't exactly being subtle. If he maintains that behavior, then the Austin family will hunt them down much quicker. It's inevitable that will happen eventually, even he isn't stupid to think they'll win. Even so.

This woman who's kissing him now is a thing of the past; she's part of an old scar. He doesn't need someone like this anymore, especially not now.

"Haruka-kun...?" he heard a soft voice call out to him.

This voice, huh? Haruka looked over and saw blue hair at the door. His eyes widened. What the why is she here?

"Found Haruka." she staggered, and he quickly made his way over, and caught the girl.

"Idiot, what are you doing here?" he scolded her.

"Looking for you." she murmured.

He can see that but why. Maybe it's because Lila is sick, but Lila used his name.

"Haruka, I missed you."

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