
Dream Door

Miswat Siddarkk the only princess of the darkk kingdom who gained fame because of her overwhelming strength looks to overthrow her own father to become the first queen to lead the nation "I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com," - cheeby_4

Cheeby_4 · Fantasía
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6 Chs

Walking Destruction

Princess miswat and her army are walking into the forest close to the village because they heard loud screams coming from it,as they venture deeper into the forest they come across villagers who the soldiers try to stop "what's going on?" The soldiers ask the villagers "let me go,let me g-" the soldier lets go off the villagers hand,he falls down but gets up really fast leaving only words that echo throughout the forest "If i stay here i will die,those monsters are death manifestations,i don't want to die i--don't- want- t----o d----i----e"

Looking at the villagers state the sword pillar mercenaries understood that what's waiting for them deeper into the forest is not gonna be easy to deal with. A few minutes deeper into the forest,the scene that burns into their eyes is like a part of hell teleported right into the forest.

"Grrrrrr,Snip-snap whoosh,gurgling," monsters reaching a staggering 10 feet tall,a huge purple flame humanoid monster clad in full armour,every step they take the ground under their feet turns into liquid,a loud growl "Grrrragh" that's accompanied by a raging fire that burns everythingin its path. Life forms that are touched by their weapons or hands lose their moisture turning into lifeless shells of ther former selves.

Behind the 100 death knight's are nine men wearing black and red pants with dragon and skull tattoos all over their upper body and a woman who appears to be their leader,wearing a red dress with a five metre long scaly tail swing left to right and two horns sticking out of her head.

The soldiers are stunned by the overwhelming number of death knight's that are on the same level of power as them . "Whoosh whoosh" the princess dashes towards two death knight's that simultaneously attack her with hammers she dodges,sliding across the floor,slashes one leg of the death knight making it fall to one knee,once she stops sliding and is behind the death knight's then she cuts the other death knight's leg,jumps in the air between the two death knight's,spins around unleashing flaming slashes that cuts both their head's off.

The headless death knight's try to attack her,she steps on their heads piercing through the metal,breaking their orb cores. Their fire is extinguished leaving their armour crumbling to the ground.

Five soldiers try what the princess did but as soon as they are about to cut their heads off they are filled with purple flame arrows that mummify their bodies "Magicians use earth and water magic to restrain their movement ,cover their whole body in it leaving only the head and aura users use your weapons to pierce or break their orb cores,and make sure their flames don't touch you" the princess says as she kills three more death knights.

"Clang clang" sword clashes, Growls "Grrrragh" and soldiers yelling " Ahh" all this different sounds could be heard throughout the forest as the battle continues. "Grrragh" the last remaining death knight's are dealt with, the only enemy left standing are the nine men and their leader.

The tattooed men look a little frightened that 100 of their weapons,the walking destruction were defeated so easily. They ask their leader what actionsto take "Lady Frose what should we do" she looks around with a smile on her face "Attack" The men n run towards the princess and her army "Princess take care of their leader we will deal with them" kole says as he runs towards the nine tattooed men, "whoosh" he does an upward slash looking to slice one of the men's body in two but "clang", kole remembers that he saw no weapons on their body.

But as he looks straight at the man,the skull tattoo on his body manifested out of his body to block the attack,Kole let's his guard down because of his stunned state,he gets attacked by the dragon tattoos on the mans body he quickly blocks one but the other bites him on his arm "Hahaha" the tattooed man laughs out loud "we are the dragon skull squad i guess now it hurts to know who you messed wi--t-h, he dodges kole's sword

"Hey what are you doing, how can you disturb me when i am still talking" kole dashes at him " i don't even know who you are" kole and the man exchange two strikes "Tsk i guess you will DIE WHERE YOU STAND" A big technique consisting of two skulls and dragons are launched toward kole, kole's sword is gleaming with a blue light , he blocks with a large blue cross slash,he disappears behind the man attacking him with a wide are technique "Tornado Sword" a large tornado made up of one thousand swords

The man uses all the tattoos on his body,he struggles to block the technique as it breaks his skulls and cutting off the heads of his dragon tattoos. He uses all his might to change the techniques direction but it sweeps him in, cutting him into pieces as it passes through.

Kole catches his breath as he watches his subordinates deal with the rest of the dragon skull squad,,Meanwhile princess miswat is about to face her second toughest battle since the dream doors first RISK

The princess is on the offense "purple rain" a purple flame rain the size of rocks fall on frose "Rooar" her roar creates a sound barrier that stops the purple rain. Miswat draws her sword performing a downward slash that gets repelled by frose's tail "clang" an orange light is seen forming on froses wide open mouth "ziiip whip" the blast is launched, miswat responds with a large flame wall "Boom,crackle" the two techniques leave the ground scorched and cracked as they cancel each other out.

"Whoosh" frose uses her claws to attack "clang" ..."ohhh nice of you blocking that princess miswat siddarkk" .."bang" frose is pushed back "you crimson dragon bastard's are just pet lizards kept my father until he accomplishes his goals" frose grits her teeth in anger " Roar claws" she roars with her claws close to her mouth " whoosh, clang, whoosh, clang,ahhh"

An invisible slash cuts the princess on her arm,frose uses her tail to pierce through miswat's stomach,she coughs up blood and quickly drinks a potion to close the wound,frose unleashes another "roar claws" that cut the princess on her other arm and leg "Tap tap" soldiers come to the princess aid "Buy me a few minutes my soldiers " she runs to the side while drinking a potion

Some soldiers surround her as she sits down to open the dream door to get more power but a black door appears under her,swallowing her as it vanishes "PRINCESS" the soldiers yell as soon as they see her disappearing

Miswat falls to the ground,she slowly regains her vision,gets up and remembers that she has been using the dream door continuously for five days without waiting for the Risk which was gonna be a disabling traps trial,but because she did the healing potion mission five times,their risks combined into a new risk,which is why she's inside a room with a floor and two stone hands floating in the air.

"Whats the trial this tim-e" the stone hands start moving with both of them facing , the hands push down but a force is repelling them,the heavy force is transferred on top of miswat,she struggles to stand straight "bang" her whole body is pressed on the floor, she tries getting up but fail, "Slice" her leg is cut off "ahh" the screams and the struggle to overcome the force continue.

Twenty minutes pass as she struggles to get up, "slice" her arm is cut off "ahh" her consciousness fades away slowly,her struggle continue but she slowly reaches for a healing potion in her space inventory, "gulp" she drinks two potions that pull her cut off limbs and connecting them to her body.

Since she can't get up using her own strength,she slowly draws her sword and slowly places it under her stomach,a flame spiral attack is unleashed under her,an attack that connects with the sword under her stomach picking her off the ground a little,the attacks speed and power increase,which throws her in the air, "Grab" her two hands are on the sword,she covers it with flames and cuts the stone hands, the pressure is released and she lands safely on the floor.

The black door appears again and pushes her out of the room.before she arrives the soldiers are still keeping frose occupied,three soldiers simultaneously attack her but she cuts of their heads off,seeing how they have been struggling to touch her,kole tells the soldiers to use "Earth eater" the soldiers surround frose,plunge their swords into the ground,blue light is shining bright from their swords as soon as it disappears they all yell " Earth eater"

An attack that opens a big hole under frose and other soldiers attack her "ahh" the are screams coming from the hole that's covered by smoke. As the smoke clears and time tics for miswat we wonder whose gonna come out victories.