
Dragonball Z: Becoming the brother of Goku

After purchasing Dragon Balls online for $30 and making a wish, he unexpectedly finds himself transported to the world of Dragon Ball! However, his fate takes a tragic turn as he becomes the overlooked and often forgotten brother of a legendary hero: Raditz! But who's to say that Raditz cannot surpass everyone else? Possessing the hair of a Super Saiyan III, he has nothing to fear and everything to gain! __________ If any of you want to support me and read chapters ahead go to my patreon. patreon.com/Blaze987

Blaze987 · Cómic
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97 Chs

Chapter 57: Zarbon Transforms!

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As Zarbon watched his companion being ruthlessly tormented by the Saiyan warriors, he couldn't muster the courage to intervene. Fear gripped him, knowing that he would be the next target. These Saiyans wouldn't show mercy, especially Vegeta.

Dodoria's agonizing screams for help echoed around them, causing fear to grip Zarbon even tighter.

"What's the matter, Zarbon? Are you too scared to fight? Maybe you and your friend can team up to take me on!" Vegeta taunted, lifting his leg high and stepping down with force.


Dodoria's blood spurted, splashing onto Vegeta, further fueling his disgust.

Still, Zarbon remained paralyzed. His detectors indicated that Dodoria's combat effectiveness had plummeted to a quarter, while Vegeta's power surged from 25,000 to 30,000! Furthermore, Raditz and the others were also present.

The odds were stacked against him.

Vegeta eventually grew bored of tormenting Dodoria and decided to end it with an Ki bomb. The blast engulfed Dodoria, turning him into ash and leaving behind a hole. The explosion's gusts blew Vegeta's hair, highlighting his cold expression.

"Now, it's your turn, Zarbon. It's been too long since you've had the comfort of being around Frieza. I doubt you've made much progress," Vegeta said mockingly.

"Hey, Vegeta, I have to admit the potential of your Saiyan people is truly terrifying. Frieza must have considered that when he destroyed Vegeta's planet. But there's one thing you don't know my secret." Zarbon smiled, "Underneath my handsome appearance..."

"Enough! Stop!" Raditz couldn't bear to listen and interrupted . "If you want to transform, go ahead and do it! Spare us the embarrassment."

Zarbon felt deeply embarrassed, unable to utter the words he had prepared to taunt Raditz.

Swallowing hard, Zarbon asked, "Raditz, how did you know I could transform?"

This was a secret known only to him and Lord Frieza. He loathed his transformed appearance and rarely used it, reserving it for special situations where the opponent was powerful enough to necessitate its use.

Raditz, however, knew this secret, which perplexed Zarbon.

"I know a lot more than you think," Raditz replied simply.

"Since you were already expecting my transformation, then I won't hold back." Zarbon decided to face Vegeta in his transformed state. It was difficult to win against the whole group, considering their strengths, all above 20,000.

Swallowing his pride, he considered the possibility of escape. The Saiyans were formidable, and he couldn't simply flee from under their noses. But there might be a chance if he took a hostage.

He had his eyes on Gohan, still soaring in the sky. Catching him might create an opportunity.

Zarbon had observed Gohan's combat power during the earlier battle, and it was somewhere between Dodoria and himself. If Raditz hadn't weakened Dodoria earlier, Sun Wufan wouldn't have defeated him so easily. Besides, Gohan was just a child, making him the ideal hostage.

After transforming, Zarbon's combat power surpassed 30,000, making it possible to capture the child.

Filled with determination, Zarbon shouted out without warning, rapidly growing in size. His muscles bulged, and his skin became grotesque, resembling a giant cockroach.

Though Raditz already knew of the transformation's nauseating effect, seeing it in person still made him cringe.

The transformation made Zarbon hideous, but it also increased his power. His combat power soared to 32,000, surpassing Vegeta's current shown power level.

"Roar!" Zarbon bellowed arrogantly, flying up and quickly locking onto Gohan from behind.

With a powerful grip, Zarbon clasped Gohan's neck tightly, making his face red and struggle desperately. Despite Gohan's combat power being over 20,000, he couldn't break free from Zarbon's iron grip.

"Ha ha ha! All of you, listen up! Turn back, or I'll kill this kid!" Zarbon threatened.

"Bastard! How dare you touch Gohan! I'll kill you!" Piccolo was enraged. Though he wasn't initially hostile to Frieza, this situation now involved the saiyan kid, and he couldn't stand idly by as Zarbon toyed with their friend.

During Piccolo's outburst, he gathered two green Ki waves in his hands, the Ki violently surging and nearly uncontrollable.

Zarbon had achieved his goal—hostages of value.

"I don't care about Kakarot's son. Zarbon, you're finished!" Vegeta ignored Zarbon's threats, raising his arm to gather Ki for an attack.

The detector readings skyrocketed from 30,000 to 80,000, shocking Zarbon.

"What the... Vegeta's holding back so much power! 80,000 combat power! Isn't that stronger than most of us combined?" Zarbon thought, realizing that this Ki wave attack will kill him.

However, Goku intervened, grabbing Vegeta's arm and stopping the Ki bomb.

"Hey, Vegeta stop he has Gohan!" Goku said.

"So, you'd rather let him escape?" Vegeta retorted.

"No! Gohan's in his grasp!"

"Then blame your son for being so weak, Kakarot!" Vegeta scoffed.

Raditz stepped in quickly, trying to defuse the situation. "Vegeta, calm down. I'll find a solution."

"Humph! The last time you tried that, we lost Turles and he escaped. Let me handle it!" Vegeta's rage was unyielding, determined to kill Zarbon, who was unable to resist his force.

Stunned, Zarbon wondered about the diverse motivations of these individuals. Some cared about their friend's life, while others seemed indifferent to life and death. It was indeed a peculiar group.


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