
Dragonball AL

LNinja · Cómic
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14 Chs

Chapter 9 The meaningless talk

Both Vegito and Jaco decided to spend their night at the old man's house.

Vegito has nowhere to go and Jaco's spaceship was busted so he also has nowhere to sleep.

The old man prepared a place for the two to sleep in his living room.

"I've never had guests. Here before. You can lay out the cushions and sleep on them." The old man said as he handed out the cushions to Jaco and Vegito.

"I can bear that," Jaco said as he took off his clothes.

Vegito immediately falls asleep on the cushions as soon as he laid his head on them.

"Oh by the way do you have a name?" Jaco asked the old man.

"Of course I do. It's omori." Omori introduced himself to Jaco.

"Omori? Puff." Jaco laughed a little.

"What?" Omori asked.

"On my planet, Omori is a term for a booger that fallout off your face while talking," Jaco said.

"That seems like a useless word." The old man said to Jaco.


After a few hours.

Vegito who went to bed early got off from the place where he was sleeping and saw Jaco watching a picture box.

"Hey what are you doing?" Vegito said as he tapped Jaco from behind.

"Can't you see? I am watching this thing called TV." Jaco replied.

"Tv?" Vegito sat down near Jaco to watch the called Tv with him.

The newsman on the Tv said.

"Today we are witnessing a historical event. A rocket ship on the Kiwi island which is going to be launched with the top idol Azuki island inside it."

"Amazing This small box has a human inside it," Vegito said.

He didn't know about Tv so it was really strange for him.

"This is nothing. On my planet, we have a disk that you can insert into your brain to instantly get information." Jaco bragged.

"Disk? What was that?"Vegito asked.

"You seem pretty stupid if you don't know what a disk is. Fine I the superelite will explain it to you." Jaco said but it ticked off Vegito as he grabbed Jaco by the neck and lifted him.

"Stupid. Who do you think you are talking to?" Vegito threatened Jaco.

"I am sorry I was wrong." Jaco immediately apologized.

"Tch. You are a coward." Vegito let him go as Jaco fell to the ground.

Vegito's current power is not that different from Jaco's.

In fact, Jaco's battle power is even higher than Vegito's.

It's just that Jaco was scared that if he turned out to be a Saiyan a race which is known for its elite fighters he might be in trouble.

"Ah. I see that both of you are already awake." Omori greeted the two.

Compared to the previous day he was starting to warm up to the two visitors as he was the one who talked to them first.

"I have enough. I even thought that something interesting is going to happen if I stick to this alien but all I got is insults. I am leaving this island. Come. Dark Nimbus." Vegito yelled out aloud as a black cloud flew near him.

"Is he already going to leave?" omori asked.

And Omori and Jaco looked at Vegito who set off into the sky.

"Oh by the way the shark thing that you told me about earlier. I took care of it for you Jaco said as he pointed at the corpse of a giant megalodon-like shark.


"That alien disappointed me. He was a coward. If the old man was not there I would have taken care of it." Vegito complains as he continues his journey.

He did not like Jaco and If he didn't notice omori or met him alongside Jaco he would have tried to fight him.

As a former soldier, Vegito has some codes that he will never cross and paying respect to the elders is one of them.

Of course, he was not respectful to omori during his stay but he didn't want to damage his property or kill someone in front of him.

"I really wonder what was that big machine I saw on that old man's island," Vegito said as he remembers seeing a huge machine on the island as he left.

"Well, not my business anyways."

Little does he know that the machine that he just saw was a time machine which will be later recreated by the greatest scientist in the universe and aid him in his future battles.

Sry about the chapters being slow. I want to establish characters before I started an arc.

And updates are slow because of my university.

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