
Chapter 16 Ultra Divine Water


Yuudai appeared on Earth with his spaceship. Once he arrived he packed everything into capsules. Even his spaceship as he had added that capability. While he was walking he thought 'Although I have instant transmission now the spaceship is always good for gravity training.'

After a while Yuudai started hovering and then he flew to Korin and arrived within a couple of seconds. "Hello Master Korin." Yuudai said. "OH! You scared me." Korin said as he dropped his staff and stumbled a bit.

"So what ya here for?" Korin asked Yuudai. "The Ultra Divine Water." Yuudai said concisely as he looked at Korin. Korin didn't think about it too long before saying "Well you're probably the only one who can drink it without dying so here."

As soon as he said that Korin tossed a tea pot. Yuudai grabbed it and said "I'll be back in a few minutes just gimme a second."

Soon Yuudai teleported to Bulma and said "Yo can I have a dragon radar." once she heard him she stumbled and nearly fell "OI YOU SCARED ME KNOCK BEFORE YOU COME IN YOU PERV!"

"Calm down jeez I just need a dragon radar." Yuudai said as he caught the wrench she threw at him. "Fine here just get out of my house." Bulma said as she tossed a dragon radar. "Thanks." Yuudai said before teleporting to the various dragonballs.

Yuudai had acquired them all after a bit apart from the 4 star dragon ball. "Yo Goku!" Yuudai said once he teleported to him. "WHAT YUUDAI!" Goku said with suprise. "How did you get here so quickly I didn't even see you!?" Goku exclaimed.

"Ahh this? It's a technique you'll learn it later. Anyway I have to borrow the 4 star ball again but it's for you anyway." Yuudai said. Goku's nose started twitching but he said "Fine here Yuudai."

"RISE SHENRON!" Yuudai shouted as he place the dragonballs into position. "So kid what do you need this time?" Shenron asked once he appeared and saw Yuudai.

"Oh is it possible for you to duplicate this Ultra Divine Water?" Yuudai asked. "No that's impossible even for Porunga." Shenron stated while looking at Yuudai like his was an idiot. "Then could you duplicate this but make it so it only works for Saiyans?" Yuudai asked again.

"That I can do but I won't be able to duplicate an entire teapot just a glass full." Shenron said. "Ya just do that and give me the glass full in a cup." Yuudai responded with.

"Then your wish has been granted." Shenron said as the balls turned to stone. Immediately though Yuudai kicked the 4 star ball towards Goku without spilling any water.

Goku was really confused now and asked "Yuudai what's a Saiyan?" while scratching his head. "Hehehe you'll know in time Goku. For now just drink this water." Yuudai said while handing him the cup.

"This what you wished for right?" Goku asked. "Indeed but drink it, it will help you grow stronger." Yuudai said while motioning with his hand.

"Okay!" Goku said as he drank it all. He soon fell onto the ground and started screaming in pain. "Did you poison me!?" Goku screamed. "Sorry bud just ask Korin when you see him next. For now I'll leave a bit of my ki with you to protect you. Good luck by the way you won't see me for at least another 8 years or so." Yuudai said while expelling a small ball of light.

Goku soon fainted and Yuudai left him there with his ki protecting him just in case. Yuudai then used instant transmission and went into a secluded forest where he drank the entire pot. "Goku only drank a cup full in the story so I wonder what I'll get from a tea pot full." Yuudai said to himself once he finished.

After saying that though. Yuudai immediately fainted on the ground.

Soon a week passed and Yuudai woke up. He was startled as he found himself in a room on a bed. "Who's there!" He called out as he looked around. Soon a lady came in with dark purple hair and yellow eyes.

"Oh you woke up." She said as she walked towards Yuudai. "Well who are you?" Yuudai asked as he saw her. "Oh I am Luna and who might you be?" She asked as she looked at Yuudai. "I forgot to introduce myself. I am Yuudai." He said as he got up.

"Thank you for taking care of me while I was unconcious. I should be off now." Yuudai said as he found his bag and put it on his back. "WAIT!" Luna said as she saw he was about to leave. Yuudai stopped and looked at her questioningly. She soon continued though saying "You're still weak probably you should stay for lunch." Luna said as she thought he still might be hurt.

Yuudai realising that he had no where in particular to be apart from going to the Temple of Neo he said "Why not." as he put down his bag and followed her.

READ Note: Well guys I'll give you some options. 1st option I make her the female protagonist. Now if you want I have my methods to make her stronger so that's always possible. 2nd option I add another girl later. 3rd option No female protagonist or anything. I'll let you guys decide.

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