
Dragon lord incarnate

Matthew_Ethridge · Fantasía
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20 Chs

.9 Chapter 9

The next morning round 3 kicked off with the remaining 128 fighters preparing for the 3rd round. That equates 64 battles in this round before a 3 hour break. After that round 4 will commence with 32 battles. Today I have been slotted to fight a pugilist and a earth mage. The pugilist battle will be interesting but the mage shouldn't be a problem with my high health.

As the 61st battle I finally get to walk into the arena and face up against my fellow pugilist: a tall,broad female with extremely muscular hands and a long handled hammer. Squaring up with her I take a few steps around and wait for that hammer to swing at me. Finally after about a minute she swings her hammer at me and I dodge under it using my knuckled gauntlet to shatter the handle. Deciding to make the most of her weapon I pick up the hammer head and smash it into her sternum cracking the bone.

With a groan and a few stumbling steps the pugilist tries to counter attack but i activate my slow motion strikes and lay into the broken bone again and again feeling her ribs and collarbone shatter and crunch under my fists as the life fades from her eyes. Slinging her body over my shoulder I carry her to the side of the arena and drop her before heading back to my tent and taking a little nap.

Left with only 64 fighters the competition is heating up a little and the next round begins with only 32 fights this time it shouldn't be a very long round. My battle is scheduled to be the last fight of the round and as I walk in it becomes obvious this is gonna be a great final battle. The mages name is boulder and instead of normal armor he has wrapped himself in a thin sheet of rock. Grabbing ahold of my arm he tosses me on the ground and I hit with a hard thud. "well I'll give you that but no more" Grabbing his shoulders I knee his suit hard and crack some of the rock suit before lifting him up above my shoulders and tilt my hips slamming him head first into the ground cracking his skull and causing him to lose focus as the suit collapses and I begin beating into his face again and again when suddenly a rock hammer hits the side of my helmet and dazes me.

Rolling with the hit I get to my feet as I watch in amazement while boulder pulls himself up and starts swinging his rock covered fists at me. Knowing he's on his last fight i keep deflecting his fists until he tires out then I get a single hard hit to his nose shattering it into his brain as blood spurts everywhere and the life leaves his eyes. "Game over boulder" Walks away and grabs my dinner rations on the way out of the arena.

Congratulations to the winners of round 4 tomorrow at 9:30 round 5 will begin bright and early followed by rounds 6 and 7.

Stretching I proceed to do some sit ups,pushups and run around the arena a few hundred times until I'm finally out of energy.

You have leveled up


Name:Excer Lvl 9 Dragon lord

Health:1400/1400 Stamina:750/750

Strength - 20

Charisma - 9

Intelligence -15

Dexterity - 9

Wisdom - 11

Agility - 10

Luck - 8


Just one more level up before I breakthrough and get a massive boost to my stats and abilities. After leveling up I take a bath in the stream near the arena then goes to my tent. Opening my interface I scroll through the local news and see if there are any hints on the upcoming mystic rare level item but other than idle speculation no one really knows what it could be.

Heading to bed and closing my eyes I sleep through the night and get mentally prepared for the final rounds of this massive challenge.

.... to be continued.