
Dragon lord incarnate

Matthew_Ethridge · Fantasía
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20 Chs

.7 Chapter 7

I arrive at arena prime about an hour later with a little bit of shock I realize at some point I sped up and had managed to travel 75 miles in just over 60 minutes! With that kind of speed at my disposal I'll be hard to catch even without using slow motion strikes. Walking up to the gate of the arena I notice a large sign that states there will be a premium arena event Tomorrow morning at 9:00: Only winners of previous arena events may participate. this ensures experienced fighters and usually a better show for the audience while also allowing for rarer and better rewards. The entry fee is one diamond coin with a guaranteed win of 12000 gold coins and one mystic rarity item.

Let's just say I couldn't throw down my diamond coin and write my name down fast enough.


Name:Excer Lvl 7 Dragon lord

Health:800/800 Stamina:750/750

Strength - 16

Charisma - 9

Intelligence -15

Dexterity - 9

Wisdom - 11

Agility - 10

Luck - 8


Taking one look at my name and armor the male worker didn't even bother to ask which competition I had won; You didn't get my kind of armor and the title of dragon lord just anywhere ( well technically I was born a dragon lord but whatever )

I decide to head into the market nearby the arena and notice a store designed around blacksmithing and fighting knowledge ( most pugilists in this galaxy design their own armor and weapons to fit our unique style and as such need some blacksmithing and creating ability .) I walk into the store and see an entire section dedicated to enhanced armor. Everything from energy absorption to a semi nuclear coating that allowed its user to send an opponent flying using nuclear energy in a way I had never thought of: direct energy application in a wave that caused no radiation and therefore focused on overwhelming force.

Looking at my inventory I noticed I still had 30 gold after buying into the event and decided to grab nuclear coating, energy absorption and an interesting helmet upgrade that blocked all mental attacks ( similar to a magnetic villain you may know .) All together this cost me ten gold coins and I slipped the owner a silver coin to tell me where the nearest work shop was so I could do a few last minute repairs. "Down the street there's a man who owns a workshop/chemistry station. given the upgrades you purchased you may find both helpful" Thanking him I hurry down the street and the sound of a hammer hitting the anvil leads me to my destination.

Walking into the shop I realize it Is indeed a hybrid of a blacksmiths shop and a chemists laboratory. Looking over what I'll need for the helmet mental disruptor and the energy absorption paint I realize the old shopkeeper was right; I'll have to mix the paint at the chemistry station before applying it to all my armor.

Approaching the shop keeper I lay down my last 19 gold coins and tell him in a soft tone " I need all the materials listed in these 2 blueprints and I'll need your assistance mixing the compound and applying it to the majority of my armor. the helmet will be done last as I'm doing some improvements to it. will that amount be sufficient?" Eyes wide the man nods and rushes around grabbing everything I've asked for "Haven't had an order like this in ages I can't tell you how happy I am to get involved in a project!"

Chuckling to myself I proceed to mold the poly carbonated lionsteel ( A metal that possesses massive immunity to mental and magical attacks ) into my helmet along with a protective layer of high impact foam that will also keep the helmet from jamming down onto my head. At this point the shopkeeper has started painting the chest piece and I proceed to help paint the other pieces with the scentless and perfectly see through when dry paint. The energy absorption ability has two amazing effects


1. Bullets and energy attacks are absorbed and redirected as energy bursts with a random chance to actually strike your opponent.

2. Every time energy is absorbed by the armor it strengthens the armor a miniscule amount. ( the more I wear the armor in battle the stronger it will become)


Thanking the shopkeeper for all his help I put my armor back on including the gauntlets this time and head back to the arena to see If I can catch a glimpse of some of my opponents . After spending 3 hours at the arena and cataloging about 25 of the other fighters i head into town and grab a room with my 9 silver coins. Hanging my precious armor on a mannequin and shoving a wood block under the door to prevent it being opened I shower and head to bed so I'll be freshly prepared for the event tomorrow morning.

Waking up at 7:30 in the morning I grab some steak strips and a potato from my inventory and eat them since I can't currently afford to buy food from the innkeeper then I put my armor on and head to the arena at about 8:15. Stretching a little bit and looking around I find a tree stump and plop a seat deciding to wait until just a few minutes till the event to get in line. After all who cares what order i go in I'll still have to kill wait then kill again. Yawning softly I examine my gauntlets and the way the dark tungsten seems to glow eerily in contrast to the bright sunlight, almost as if it was anticipating the upcoming fights.

Having checked the roster there was 8 rounds of combat lasting a little over a week. 256 fights the first day then 128 rounds the second day, 64 rounds the third day, 32 rounds the fourth, 16 rounds the fifth day , 8 rounds the sixth. Then 4 rounds of elites followed by the semi final 2 rounds then the finals on the eighth and final day.It was to the death so the rewards would go to the sole surviving champion: 12000 gold coins and an unannounced mystic rarity item.


to be continued in part 2