
Dragon Heart System

After his whole village was erased, Simon who fell into disappeared dreamed of a great dragon. You're my heir, with those words and the power he got, he started to slowly seek revenge.

JinVonRey · Fantasía
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19 Chs

The School entrance!

The school walls looked more like a prison wall than a school wall, they were tall and grey, spiked cables run at their tops, The massive gate in from of him was made of steel.

CRAAAAAAAAAAAAK! It slowly opened up so they can get in, the inside was vastly different than the wasteland outside.

Endless green fields, spammed in front of them! The school building can be seen standing in the distance. "Space field?" Simon heard one of the recruits mumble to himself, that was a term that he didn't know about so he wanted to ask.

Slowly approaching the recruit he thought of a way to start a conversation.

"Excuse me!" Simon said, pausing for a moment "Can I ask you something?"

The other recruit looked at Simon, he had a slender build with very big glasses. Surprisingly he stood a bit taller than Simon.

"You already did, can't you introduce yourself first?" He replied with a smile.

"Sorry, my name is Simon Rotgar, like you, I'm a recruit here!" Simon replied awkwardly.

"Hary bilk, nice to meet you! What did you want to ask about?" Hary replied looking at Simon in the eyes.

"Are you familiar with space fields?" Simon asked, trying to not show the fact that he overheard him.

Ahh! Hary fixed his glasses before speaking, it seemed like a topic he enjoys talking about.

"You seem to have noticed it as well!" Hary said with a happy voice.

"On the simpler terms, It's magic that makes the spaces inside bigger! This school is a living example, the space inside seems bigger than what it looks from the outside!"

Hary spends more time talking about how does it works, Simon only managed to understand one thing from him. This magic has a limit to how much bigger it can make the space. The limit was twice as bigger!

After a short period, they were all guided inside Where the second test is going to be made, Simon was surprised when they were taken to a class. The second test was written, a check of their knowledge of the world and their country.

The question was mostly law-related when you're allowed to do this when you're not.

As they finished, a sergeant came to speak to them. With a well-defined jaw and a large build, that man had a serious look on his face.

"I like to welcome you to the military school, from today you're students here and are protected by the army!" He paused as he started down some students who were talking to each other, they shut up as soon as they saw him looking at them.

"All of you in this class are powerless, regular people that have failed to tame the power of magic and learn an ability! You all shall be level 0 from now on!" The sergeant started to explain.

The military school has a total of three years to be able to join the army, people who are just spending their obligatory 2 years and managed to get into the school they can leave after finishing the second year.

Those who have failed the first exam are sent to a training facility where they are trained to test again next year!

Being a level 1 means they just entered as first-year students. each year they will increase by a number so in the third year they will be at least a level 3!

There are other ways to increase your level other than that! If they have an ability the school with give them a higher level depending on their ability. Completing missions also gave them extra levels!

A man handed each of the students a credit card with their name on it.

The higher your level the more your paid, each student will get 10 credits to spend a day at level 1. This amount increases by 10 each level.

The school didn't want the student to starve so three meals a day are free at the canteen!

After hearing more of the school rules, they were given a tour around the school as their tests were being processed.

The last thing they were told is that those who failed the second test will still be accepted, but they are forced to attend extra lessons chosen by the school.

The results are going to be sent to their rooms this night.

A teacher was awaiting them at the door of the class to finish, as soon as the sergeant finished talking he entered.

"Now all of you should follow me, I will take you around the school!" He told them directly, He looked somewhat young, with jagged black hair and sharp eyes.

The teacher took them around the school, with a sleepy face he tried to tell them as much as he could, he clearly wasn't interested in this tour.

Simon could clearly see his teacher slacking on some places, how did he just skip the gym just because it was a bit far away.

"See that building over there? That is the gym, explore later when you have time!" The gym was barely visible from that distance.

"Well, you know..."The teacher tried to say something but stopped to think about it "You better get to know each other well!" He said

"All of you are level 1's without an ability. To be honest with you, we see a lot of bullying but are instructed to not intervene! You better band together as that's the only way you might survive against the higher levels"

The teacher was dead serious, to the point, he didn't even look sleepy anymore. Simon understood well what he meant. As they are weak, they must find strength in numbers!

It was weird that the school instructed the teacher to not intervene which left Simon with more questions than answers.

After hearing that the student became chattier, talking with each other, some worried and some ignoring the teacher's warning and just chatting.

Hary approached Simon and asked him if he believed what the teacher said, Simon's answer was direct.

"We better do our best to raise our levels!" Simon was determined, counting on his system. On the other hand, Hary had little hope of raising his level this year. He doesn't even have an ability so he thought it will be impossible for him to complete missions as they might be competitive with the other high-leveled student.

The tour continued with the teacher each time skipping on something, Simon had each time ask about it.

"mmm, Teacher, what is that building there we just passed by?" Simon asked.

"Ah! It's just the library, were you by any chance interested in it?" The teacher replied, "Well of course! It has books, They are kinda important!" Simon replied as he was getting mentally exhausted.

"Hahaha! Sorry, this is a military school and most of the student only cares about the shooting range and the combat space, It's rare that we got the types that care about reading!"

Slowly, Simon was asking more and more questions about the school facility and how they word, at one point it was Simon and the teacher walking side by side in the front while the other followed them Like duckling.

The teacher's focus now was only on Simon, guiding his around the school as the other student seemed to care more about chatting.

Hary who was walking in the back approached Simon and whispered in his ears.

"The others are giving you a weird look!" Hary tried to warn Simon that his attitude of getting close to the teacher might bite him back.

"Let them be! Come here and hear this!" Simon whispered in Hary's ear.

"There is a mission in the shooting range, Hitting ten moving targets with a head shot in less than a minute will grant you one level!" Simon shared the knowledge he had just gotten from the teacher.

Hary's eyes opened wide and Simon smirked.

"Let's focus on that at the start so you can level faster!" Simon smiled.

The tour was about to end, The student was ordered to form groups of two each so they can be given a room number. Hary and Simon stuck together as they were given their number.

They got room number 52, as they headed there Hary noticed something was off, they were being followed by three guys...

"Don't look back, keep walking!" Simon said to Hary as he had clenched his fist.

[Side quest: Beat the enemies 0/4...unfinished...reward +40 Exp, 200 gold pieces]

Where is the fourth one hiding, Simon thought as he looked at his menu.