
Dragon Heart System

After his whole village was erased, Simon who fell into disappeared dreamed of a great dragon. You're my heir, with those words and the power he got, he started to slowly seek revenge.

JinVonRey · Fantasía
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19 Chs

Four VS one

One, two, three...I can't see the last one. Should I engage directly?

Simon took a glance back looking for the last one, there were only three following them. This meant several things, the last one might be able to use magic, definitely not at the same level as an Esper but still a threat! It also might mean that he is a sniper staying far away, no, carrying either guns or bows is strictly forbidden in the school ground!

Or, he might be unrelated to the three behind us, a completely different enemy that came on his own!

"Hary, on my signal we run as fast as we can toward our room!" Simon whispered.

"Right, we definitely..." Before he could finish, Simon screamed! "NOW!" being surprised, Hary made a run for it without thinking, as Simon said before he didn't look back.

The three guys following them were caught off guard by Hary making a dash for it!

"After him!" one of them screamed as he was about to start running.

"Wait the other one isn't moving!" The other said, baffled by Simon's action.

Slowly turning, with a smile, Simon made a suggestion.

"I surrender, what do you want?" Simon said lifting his hands.

The three students laughed at him, "You weakling, call that teacher to save you now!"

They surrounded him, Simon noticed that the three of them carried knives. One of them approached him, pointing the blade at Simon's neck.

"The credit card! You should still be carrying it with you!" He shouted.

"Talk slowly, Aew! Your spit got on my face!" Simon pretended to wipe his face with his sleeve.

"Ah! What are you saying" The student approached Simon even more, he was so close that his face was just a few inches from Simon's.

Crack! Simon delivered a direct kick to the family jewels, That student's eyes almost popped out. Bending over Simon followed with an elbow to guts.


"Get him!" They charged, knifes in hands. they circled around Simon swinging randomly as if not actually wanting to hit him. 'What's wrong with them? Are they waiting for the fourth one to act?' Simon thought.

It was getting a bit annoying, Simon can't just charge at them now, otherwise, he might get stabbed in a bad place! No getting stabbed is bad no matter where he is hit! Simon focused again on how to take them.

If they won't just attack me then I will act first. Just then, Simon lifted the student that was laying on the ground in pain and threw him at them. One of them dropped his knife to try and catch his friend. seeing that the other student charged with his knife trying to stab Simon left and right.

'He told me to not use it on other kids as it was painful and might break bones, but I guess it's alright on you' Simon thought, to what a certain retired veteran taught him!

The Student tried to stab Simon in the face, It was a straight thrust directed at the eyes. This was all Simon needed. With a quick movement, he caught the guy's wrist and dragged it. At the same time struck him with an elbow to the chest. The force resulting from this move, along with Simons high Body stat, The student's shoulder got dislocated.

The one student who just caught his friend screamed! It was then that Simon felt a sharp pain in his shoulder, something stabbed him.

HP: 22/22==> 12/22 That almost took half of his HP. The intense pain surged through Simon's body he has never felt before.

This wasn't the first time Simon fought a bully, in fact, with him being known in his school he was bullied a lot. Simon had one response to getting bullied, he did fight back. Even if he was beaten once, he would come back again.

There was even the time when Simon was beaten so badly by two kids to the point he was hospitalized. Later when he recovered enough to move, he ran from the clinic to settle the score! The other two kids didn't expect Simon to actually come back after them just a couple of days of being hospitalized.

Behind Simon, a student had appeared from thin air, he was the fourth one. When Simon tried to punch him, the kid disappeared again.

'I felt something on my fist! he had disappeared but I felt as if I touched his clothes!' Invisibility, this one could use magic! If that was the case why did he get Visible when he tried to stab me?

Simon took the chance and kicked the student that just screamed into the face, knocking him out.

From the side of his eyes, he took a glimpse of the fourth student.

'The moment I kicked his friend he became visible for a split second? What could it be, why is he here and not at the Esper university' Simon thought, there was no way an invisibility user would be rejected by the Esper university without him having a major flaw. He couldn't be spending his obligatory two years as the esper university would give permission to skip on it!

[Side quest: Beat the enemies 3/4... The fourth ran away...finished...reward will be less due to not fully completing the quest +30 Exp, 150 gold pieces]

'He ran away, the coward!' Simon thought as he touched the knife that was still stuck on his shoulder. 'I better go to the infirmary, I wonder what the school would do now, they said they won't intervene but who knows?'

Simon slowly pushed himself to walk to the infirmary as the pain in his shoulder kept increasing, It was as if his flesh is pushing into the knife.

'bear with it, don't take the knife out or you will bleed to death!' Simon thought to himself.

Slowly as he approached the infirmary, he could hear two people arguing, one was screaming while the other seemed a bit apologetic.

"What do you mean by I can't? He might even die!"

"I believe you know, we are ordered to not intervene in student fights!" The other one replied.

What now, from the pain Simon could care less, the guy screams just caused him a headache. As he got closer, the voice seemed more familiar to him, it was in fact Hary, screaming at one of the teachers.

'What is he doing? Didn't I tell him to run to the room?' Simon thought as he approached them.

"What are you doing?" Simon called Hary, waving with a hand while the other held the knife on his shoulder.

"Simon! You alright...Wohaaaaaaaaaaa!" Hary screamed as he saw blood dripping from Simon's shoulder, rushing toward him almost crying. "Don't touch me, it still hurts!" Simon yelled as Hary shock him.

"You can at least help me get him to the infirmary!" Hary looked at the teacher as he said that.

"You don't have to tell me that!" The teacher supported Simon from his healthy shoulder, "We aren't allowed to intervene in students' fights, no one said we can't help after the fact!" The teacher started with a serious look.

They both helped Simon walk.

"If you can't intervene, that means there is no penalty on the student fighting" Simon was saying if they allowed fights in school, it means they can't punish them for starting a fight!

"Depends, are they still alive?"The teacher asked with a worried face.

"Definitely, I'm not a murderer! two unconscious and one with a dislocated shoulder." Simon said as if it was nothing! Not disclosing the existence of the fourth one.

Hary couldn't believe Simon who was a level one like himself, have beaten three students without the use of magic or a weapon!

They finally reached the infirmary, the teacher left them there as he rushed to get the other three.

Only one nurse was at the infirmary at that time, as soon as she saw Simon she sighed, 'Another one?'

The infirmary itself was big with more than 20 beds, each separated by a curtain. The nurse looked fairly normal, with a ponytail, and is a bit chunky.

But her response was fast, as soon as Simon sat, she had already prepared all she needed and started the treatment, taking the knife out, closing and disinfecting the wound. Simon was discharged immediately as he only needed to rest but before that, he had an earful from the nurse. As he got in a fight on his first day!

After that when he returned to his room with Hary, he felt extreme hunger, his stomach was growling as he craved meat! Both he and Hary had to skip Dinner as he was getting treated.

"Hary, would you mind going and buying us some food? If you found some meat it will be for the better!" Simon said as he sat on the bed.

Hary had a nervous look on his face as he replied.

"I have already spent 5 of my credit on books so... with just about 15 credits combined we won't be able to afford a decently sized portion of meat!" Hary said, as if apologizing, he seemed timider than he looks.

"What do you mean? We have 45 credits combined!" Simon stated and Hary looked at him in confusion. "Do you even know how to count? 10+5=15!" Hary said.

"I can count! 10+10+10+10+5=45! Those three idiots were after our credit, So I have gone after theirs!" Simon revealed that he had stolen the three bullies' credit.

"What?" was the only thing that came from Hary's mouth!

Finally, It's about to start! I hope you liked this chapter and as always, Don't forget to comment, and support with power stone! It really helps me to keep writing!

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