
Dragon Bound

In this VRMMORPG named Tergia, mages, lizardmen, elves, and many more compete to become the strongest, and 1 month after the initial release, Igor, with the alias of Largen gets a chance to join the fun. Guild fights, level ups, frienships and enemies... what adventures will he encounter?

lR0Dl · Fantasía
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9 Chs

Chapter 4 - The slimes

They also decided to hunt far away, but this time there were 10 flowers and 100 slimes.

Igor asked Fabien to make all the slime close to each other, and then to retreat. He did that, and Igor was able to hit a bit more than half the slimes with his fire breath, and his companions were impressed.

"Next time I could give you a buff when you do that skill"

"Shure! I'll tell you when the 5 minute cooldown finishes, Trok."

Fabien then continued to take most of the attacks, killing a few of them in the process, while Igor slashed left and right, and Trok was healing and giving buffs to everyone.

With this solid formation, he didn't think activating the scale armor was necessary, so he didn't.

While fighting, they all managed to level once.

"Hey Igor and Trok."


"Did you know leveling up gets exponentially more difficult after level 5?

"Yeah, I can see the difference in the XP needed to get to level 6, it's like double."

After about 15 minutes of exhausting work, they were able to finish the group, and now they had to find a way to divide the results.

A bit of thinking later, Largon and Trok divided the flowers in half, and the pair also gave around a third of their slime drops to Fabien, as he was not interested in fireblooms.

While the party was resting, Largon decided to use his skill points, as he was now level 5.

He used a point in STR and another one in DEX, so his stats were now like this:

Stats: 6 STR 3 DEF 4 DEX 4 ENG

He now had nine flowers, so although the sessions were a bit longer, he could get more slime drops, and the rest in between jumped from 2 hours to about 10 minutes.

Having rested, the team decided to continue, so after another round that went almost exactly like the first, he had a total of 14 of the 20 firebloom flowers.

Not wanting to do two rounds, as the usual patch only had 10 flowers, they decided to take on a boss, who seemed to have 16.

This patch had around 80 slimes, but the real deal was a giant level 12 slime that seemed to be resistant to fire.

Igor used his fire breath skill, trying to make the slimes weaker, and it worked! With his strength leveled up, they were able to one-shot the weakened enemies.

This was useful so that they could deal with the boss. Right now, Igor was fighting the magma slimes, while his friends were trying to do something about the boss. Trok had buffed them and was casting a weakening spell on the boss, while Fabien was receiving most of the hits. Largon could occasionally land a hit on the boss.

He could land some blows, but Fabien was struggling to keep the aggro and withstand the hits, and Trok was beginning to get low on energy, which he used to cast the spells.

But with patience and hard work, they managed to get the boss to 50% HP.

This could seem halfway there, but it was actually more since they were a bit tired.

Trok eventually had to go back to recover energy while the rest fought.

Suddenly, Igor had an idea. He had totally forgotten about his scale armor. This was a desperate position, so he had to take down the monster in the next 5 minutes of activation, as he barely had enough energy left to do so.

"Hey, Fabien, I've got a skill that I haven't used, as Trok and you are better than it, but I think it is time to use it."

"What? What is it."

I activated it, and then answered him:

"Scale armor"

"Wow, that's cool as hell!"

I could tell Tronk really liked it, but the important part was using it. This skill allowed me to use a more reckless fighting style, but I still had to be careful as hits still gave me damage.

Fabien was doing a great job dealing some damage, getting the slime's attention, and giving Igor an easier time fighting.

Also, the reflective orange was shiny, and made it hard for Fabien to maintain agro

Unexpectedly, he got hit by the slime when it did some weird flame spike, and then realized a new boss stage was achieved as the slime's health was now 25%

Fabien had to retire himself for a while, but Tronk gave Igor a fire resistance spell, so he was fortunately almost immune to that attack.

The fight dragged on for almost 5 minutes, until his energy dropped to 0 and he fainted, but the boss was now at 5% HP, so his friends were able to save him and secure victory.

They also collected the flowers, and a special rare fire sword that was dropped by the boss for when he woke up.

"Is the fight over?"

Igor had asked this when he regained consciousness, but nobody had to answer him as he saw two blue screens in front of him.

One of them was a level up notification, so he got a skill point, but the second one was achievements:

Slime master


information: beat a slime boss

rewards: 100 XP and +1 DEF.

Under Leveled


Information: Beat a monster with 200% of your level.

(you have also gotten the achievement "low chance success" as you have beaten a monster with 150% your level, and rewards will add up)

rewards: 1200 XP and 4 skill points.

Level up: You are now level 7 (+1 skill point)

"yeah! You damaged the slime a lot, and we didn't have to deal a lot of damage to finish the boss. We also collected for you 8 flowers and this rare fire sword that was dropped by the boss."

"Thanks a lot! I'm currently on an overdose of information, and I'm still tired from the fight, so I would like to rest a bit."

"Shure! Call me if you need anything."

Igor decided to check his stats first, then the weapon, and finally the quest, so he decided to spend his 6 skill points:

Stats: 8 STR 5 DEF 5 DEX 6 ENG

And then he decided to look at his new weapon:

Fire sword


+1 DMG

has a 10% chance of having a burn effect for 20 seconds.

He really liked it and was eager to test it out, but now, he wanted to sell the two flowers that he didn't need and the random slime drops he got after killing about 100 of them, so he went to the village to find a place to sell them.

He found a suitable place, so he presented the objects to the buyer.

"I can give you 20 copper for each firebloom and 1 silver and 5 copper for all the slime drops, would you like to proceed?".

Igor accepted, and saw how his inventory finally had money. 100 coppers were 1 silver, and 1000 silvers were 1 gold. You could also sell 100 silver coins for one euro.

Igor decided to log out of the game and investigate where he could find the salamanders. He expected great things about this game, and it was better than he could have imagined.