
Raditz Shows his face!


Ace woke up with a start partially prepared for a fight he ran out side and saw that there were light beams from his turrets and someone just dodging his beams with ease. "Hey!! What are you doing I worked hard to build those I missed a big event and I have to get ready for the next one so stop!!!" Ace's appearance has changed alot he has grown two horns on his forehead his right horn was red and his left was a bright lime green. His hair has grown the base color was crimson red and his tips were yellow, he had created new eyes. His right was all purple had a yellow circle in the middle but around the circle was a yellow ring and on the ring were three tomoe his left eye was the same but red and yellow under his eyes were these battle marks, right was purple left was red.

He wore a scarf that was crimson red with a yellow line going down the middle he wore a purple martial arts gi with some purple with lime green stripes down the side. The most noticeable thing is that he now had wings and a tail!! His wings were dragon wings they had a crimson red base color then on the inside was a bright lime green color then his tail was also a dragon tail. It was all crimson red but down the middle was yellow. "Now now Ace is that a proper way to greet your older brother?" Ace looked at him and realized that he was in fact his brother Renzo! "Like I said stop I made those for certain reasons and you're messing stuff up!!" Ace was mad but knew that he wouldnt be able to do nothing. "And what if I don't, what are you going to do huh?" Renzo wanted to see how strong Ace had gotten because of what he did...

Renzo's eyes glowed and within his eyes were three stars. The left star in each white, the middle one red orange and the last one on the right pitch black. "Now let's see....oh that's good...that needs some work..." Renzo stood there staring at Ace and mumbling to himself. "So listen up we need to work on some stuff before you go help goku against the Saiyans. Master your kill shot technique before fighting Vegeta and Nappa, because if you don't then everyone is doomed." Ace looks confused "What do you mean master it, I've already done so!" He looked so confident in his words that Renzo started laughing. "Okay I am going to point out a couple of flaws. First the charge up time takes as long as the kamehameha wave, Second it's far too weak I can't believe that you have been here for 20 years now and are still this weak!!" Renzo was furious with Ace but he calmed down, took deep breaths, and spoke again. "What I am trying to say is that in the future there will be someone who will try to kill you, I've fought this person before and they are at least 2 times stronger than me and once they come for you then they won't stop until your soul is gone out of existence!! If they kill you even the super dragonballs cant bring you back that's why you have to get stronger so that wont happen! You cant rely on goku's plot armor to help you because there will be people that even he cant defeat without reliable allies and right now you are Yamaha level, you have to remember that this is your story and me and your younger brother have our own stories based around yours just because the original time is still there dosent mean that you gotta follow it this is YOUR story not their's anymore." Ace was looking Renzo in his eyes the whole time he was talking and realized something....

Ace's facial expression changed from not a care in the world to a I gotta be serious expression then looked at Renzo and saw that he was dead serious so he nodded and his wings, tail and horns all vanished and he got into his fighting ready stance. "Okay I get the picture, I think it's about time that I get serious about how I do things, now I'm ready!! Now, I know that I'm gonna regret saying this but I want you to come at me with all you got!!" Renzo looked surprised at Ace's sudden change then he too got ready. "Let's see how good you've improved in your hand to hand combat!" Renzo charged Ace then threw a test punch and Ace punched with the same arm and jawed Renzo and he flew backwards. "Oh so it looks like you are stronger than you look...now time I get serious as well!" Renzo charged his ki and rushed Ace. He blocked the attack but he didn't feel an impact and realized it was an after image but he noticed too late and Renzo came up behind Ace and chopped Ace in the neck and Ace passed out. "Damn Ace....we need to work on alot of stuff but after you wake up then I will leave." Renzo said while standing over Ace's unconscious body.

*The next day Ace woke up and rubbed the back of his neck* Ow.. what happened? *Ace said while looking around his room to see where Renzo was he couldn't find him so he tried to get outta bed but something was forcing him to stay laying down. Renzo appears outta nowhere saying "Your first test is to make it through this stage of training" Ace was shocked at the sudden appearance of his brother but he got over it and asked "Training? Why cant I move I have to go help goku and piccolo this time!!" Ace struggled but no matter how hard he struggled he couldn't he outta the bed. "Listen if you want things to happen normally you will just have to wait till Vegeta and Nappa arrive, you have to let goku die right now..." *Then Renzo got a phone call* "Huh...yeah.....are you sure!? Ok I'm on my way now! Hey Ace you will have to train on your own for now, I have to leave...something important just happened I am sorry bye." *Renzo turned around and vanished and Ace was able to get up* 'Well great now what am I supposed to do? And I wonder what was he talking about, oh well let's see...' *Ace sat and thought for a while then remembered* Shit I forgot I have to go help! *He got ready and flew towards Goku's energy signature and arrives moments after Raditz kidnapped Gohan and his behind the house.* Wait you guys, I'm sorry Krillin you've already been brought back to life with the dragonballs once before, so has Master Roshi. So that's it if either of you die again this time it's for keeps the dragon wont grant the same wish more than once, I know its risky. *Master Roshi stood there quiet and Krillin said* Wow....that's a, bummer. *Goku looks at them and says* Yeah, you guys should just stay here. *Master Roshi and Krillin start to protest against it* And let you fight alone?! *Master Roshi said* Yeah! That'd be suicide! You think we're gonna sit here while you go off to get killed?! *Krillin falls into disrepair and thinks to himself* 'What am I saying? I'm gonna get creamed out there..This stinks!! I'm too young to go, and I never even had a girlfriend...'

*Then bulma offers a solution to lighten the mood* Hold on, I think I got a way out of this mess!! All we have to do is gather the dragonballs, then we can ask the dragon to save the planet that should work! *Krillin laughs and says with excitement* Yeah why not! * Then master Roshi puts that theory down by saying* Krillin we cant gather all those dragonballs in one day! *And which Krillin responds by saying* Oh yeah that right... *Goku steps up* Well, I say we go right now and attack him head on!! *Everyone is shocked at what goku was suggesting* That's the one thing he'd never expect it might give us an edge, and we need everything we can get. *Roshi responds* But how are we going to find him?! *Goku turns his back towards them* I dont know! I hadn't figured that part out yet. *Bulma says* I know! Gohan had a dragon ball on his head didn't he? So we can use the dragon radar!! *She clicks the button on the radar and the dots showing the locations of the dragonballs showed on the screen but one was moving at a fast speed away from them* You see, that's them there. Man that's fast. *Goku looks* Thanks Bulma *She says* Sure dont mention it! *And everyone said together* Look out stoped!! *Bulma says* Well at least they're not in outer space somewhere! *Goku stands up straight with his fists out and says with determination* Alright then, I'm going after him. What do you think guys, you ready? *Krillin replied* Yeah you never know, we might just beat that idiot. I'm in let's go!! *Master Roshi said* Well, what ever happens you two should know that you're the best pupils I've ever had! *They all looked at each other and shook their head. Then they heard a voice that said* You'll never succeed, you're too weak. *They looked around for the voice and looked up and were all scared at who it was! Krillin said in disbelief* Aw great, what else could go wrong today?! *Piccolo floated to the ground and responds* I suppose you could make me angry, but I wouldn't advise it. *Goku's ready to fight and says* So what do you want Piccolo!? *Master Roshi calms down a bit* Yes, why are you here? This is my island!! *I've been keeping an eye on your last visitor, I followed him here. *Goku relaxes, stands up and stares Piccolo in the eyes* Oh yeah? What do you know about him? *Piccolo says* I know this much, the only chance we have of winning, is if I go with you. I know we're enemies but hear me out. You've seen how powerful he is which means you know as well as I do neither of us have the strength to stand up to him alone...We'd be dead before the fight started however, if we team up there's a slight possibility we can over power him....its the only way agreed!?! *Goku quickly says* I dont know, why should I trust you? How do I know that you wont turn on me? *Piccolo confessed* The truth is you don't. I wont lie to you my reasons for doing this are purely selfish. I could care less what happens to your son, but I wont let this guy take over the earth. I plan to do it myself! *Bulma and the turtle are shocked at this* If we team up, as much as the idea sickens me I'm willing to put our differences aside but as far as I'm concerned this truce is only temporary the next time we meet, it will be as enemies same as always. *Piccolo says with a smile* And when that time comes I promise I'll do everything in my power to stop you from taking over the world, but until then it looks like we're a team. You've got a deal. *They smile at each other* Alright then let's consider it done. If you can stand to work with me then I suppose I can bare working with you, but dont forget when this is over our alliance is terminated.

*Just then they felt another energy signature and got ready for a fight and Goku said with such fear that he could've fell over* What is this power I-its bigger than Raditz's energy!! *Ace walks from behind the house* Hey kid, how long have you been there!? *Ace looks at them* I've been here for a while now and I wanted to help. *Then Bulma wanting answers walked to Ace and asked* So are you an alien too? *Then Ace showed his tiger tail and Piccolo took one step back in fear* 'No this is impossible....why is he here of all places?' *Then Goku asked* Dose that mean you're a Saiyan too? *Ace replied* No I am not, i am from a distant planet called Tigris and I was sent here when I was five years old, my name is Ace. We need to help him get his son back. *I pointed at Goku* You're right let's go *We all flew towards Raditz's location and arrived a couple of minutes later* Well...well...well Kakarot, it seems you've brought some friends. No matter it wont make much of a difference you all will perish by my hand *Raditz looked slightly irratated at the thought of his brother trying to kill him.

Hey please leave comments, criticize the chapeters so I can learn what I am doing wrong/right so I can improve it and make it more enjoyable for everyoneXD

Zenno101creators' thoughts