3 Backup plan, the Ultimate weapon

I have 10 years before the arrive of akuma, without trunks the time is insufficient, I don't know from where to start, fortunately the major of peace that I need for construct it already exists, the problem is that they aren't on earth.

I could ask bulma but she will refuse to build machine to create an artificiale life, for various reason she don't want to play a god, even thought in other time line where the humanity was facing the extinction she create a time machine, a killer cyborg and the ultimate weapon.

The 2 core thinks I need are difficult to acquire the first maybe I can wait father to fight with Broly and stole it, broly's blood ,the second I don't know if already exists, but I may convince bulma to create it.

I will start the project after the deafest of majin buu, I am also reluctant to do this but if we fail to defeat akuma this might be our last hope.

Now the big problem, I don't know from where to start I am really missing trunks, if was not for the invisible thread of time I would have revealed to who can really help me.

Trunks of other future do so creating a series of unfortunate event that lead to the destruction of his multiverses, the fate itself guide it for punishing the mortals who dare to challenge him.

I cannot other let know that I can use a Tecniche that I was not taught or do something to alert god, the fate keep a special eye on them.

I have to came up with un idea the faster possible.

Few day after I haven't made progress I give up.

This home work are became funny to do, I hope they stay this easy also in future, in that moment the lamp in my head turn on.

I use a little trick to make my invisible to dende sense the kami(god) of earth, I stole a radar from capsule corporation and start to collect the dragon balls.

-make me smarter like bulma and intelligent like dr brief.

I don't feel different from before.

-make another wish.

Yes I have other 2 two wish I forgot, I don't need else.

-you can g...

I voice in my head stop me, I cannot waists it, during the construction there will be a lot of material difficult to find I can ask him to make it now, shit I don't know what they are, yes the power of junior, I will ask it.

-give me the power of namekians.

-this is outside of my power make another wish.

You are reality useless shenron, there should be another way, think goten think.

-make a spiritual ring that only I can wear.

The dragon eyes glow red and a gold ring appear, I wear it, and it disappear in my hand and link with my soul.

-now give the namekinas power of creation to the artifact that I am wearing .

-the sky is dark, shenron is summoned, but by whom?

- I cannot see in clear way but his potential is very high, higher than goku and vegeta, but lower than gohan's potential.

-so way he hide himself, kami sama.

-this is the point.

-last year I had i bad premonition, a powerful enemy is coming.

-we have nothing to fear the z warrior will protect the earth.

-mr popo I thing the enemy they we are going to face is terrifying, I was hoping it was only a nightmare, I will contact re kaio and I think is time to summon the z warrior.

I will haven't to go around the universe to find rare material, with my high intelligence I start to realize the gaps i my plan, I am intelligent but my knowledge is the same as before with the difference that I can use it in a smart way.

For the successful of my plan I need to study, mathematic, physic, biology, mechanic and informatics and I also add economy for managing the expenses of the project.

I feel a strange energy in me it has alway been in me but I fill it only now and it's increasing slowly, I will discover in future what is it, I haven't time to waste.

I decided to solve my family financial problem, my brother is not home, i went to fish and I catch a fish big 3 meters.

It took me 3 hours to understand the molecular constitutions or vary rock and I create a beautiful diamond and put it in the fish mouth.

-mom I have to talk with you.

-Tell me, everting form my little genius.

-I what to go university early.

-hahah is to early I understand you what to study but you are too young.

-mom I will study hard and do all exams early.

-I am happy with this but you see she have financial problem and I have already sent your brother to university.

With the saddest face I can make- ok mom I understand. Making my mom feel bad.

Then with new energy I give the fish to mom.

-mom today I have catch a big fish, pleas cook it.

-ok honey.

-what the he... this is a diamond aaaaaaahhhh we are rich hahahah.

Maybe I should have blackmails mister satan that would have been more fun to do.

I feel more evil with high IQ, and in past I haven't master ultra instinct now will be harder also after the training the meditation to calm my ki and mind take long.

I am constantly in ss with my little trick to make appear my eyes and hair black, I find out what was the strange energy in me it's magic and grow with my knowledge, maybe in future will grow e

Enough be useful in fight.

I am 6 in 2 or 3 year I can have access to university doing all the exams but it will take me only a year to be study enough for it, in the extra time I can use to training and to get ahead in subject I need to know for the project of the ultimate weapon.

I will go back to college when time come, so I could conquers the heart of valese again, she will not be the problem but his father, all the time I think of that old dog my ki became chaotic.

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