
Dragon Ball - Timeless Saiyan

Reincarnated as Trunks Briefs

Nameless_Tea · Cómic
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15 Chs


- Age 774 -

- POV - Trunks

'Cough...cough' I've survived, coughing a couple more times I spat out some blood, it seems I didn't come out unscathed my copy move failed it was something of amalgamation of shield and Vegeta's Final Explosion.

Its already gone dark I can't be sure how long i'm out cold but I felt like few hours or days passed but it may have been some minutes, even so I felt sleepy from Ki exhaustion even with all the pain I felt through my body it was hard staying conscious.

Assessing my situation I felt some burn damage, Left hand broken bent in weird way my right side of the body hurts indication some internal bleeding along with the possibility of ribs being damaged. Legs seemed fine but have some burn marks and most importantly due to my clothes being incinerated my capsule supply got destroyed as well.

To matters worse my Ki ran out, I can't move from this place, Its taking my all just to stay conscious. It took everything I had to soften the damage that 17 caused, even then all I could do was minimize the attack.

I don't remember the Androids having bombs being that powerful not to mention the scale its beyond anything I've ever seen, it may have gone beyond a Super saiyan level threshold.

'Tsk' Gohan might not able to survive that explosion, even so I have to check. The possibility of his survival is low but its not zero. Slowly grabbing my left hand I popped back my shoulder in, a painful cry broke out of me as I felt intense pain.

Looking around I saw the whole landmass has changed the ground was smooth due to high plasma only some parts near me were different, The whole island and surrounding sea got evaporated it replaced by huge crater and a desert like state.

"Cough...dammit.." Coughing blood more times as I struggled to stand, soon I walked towards the center where sand brushed past me, it was dark and foggly which greatly reduced visibility and temperature fell down quite alot which got me chilly.

As I walked towards the center some part of me wished Gohan to survive, the closer it was to epicenter the more smooth and more concentrated the damage was, the intensity was lot more at the center, without ki I couldn't sense anything not to mention due to exhaustion my vision's all blurry.

What was more surprising was Gohan was able to push me quite far away, it brought me some time to form this move without it I too would be consumed by the move, seeing that I couldn't make any progress I without any capsule supply all I could do was meditate to replenish my ki.

Soon I saw faint outline of someone seeing it I bolted to it but I left with disappointment as it turned out be the android, she too didn't came out unscathed as she was carrying many injuries.

"Y-you arrogant punk!! you survived as well" A bone chilling 18 said, from the looks of it she had her wounds cauterized, All her hair got burned, most of her left side got exposed but her was skin heavily scorched almost black.

Its worse possible outcome that could have happened, as the one arm android dashed towards me rapidly I slowly powered up for battle.


"huuagh" with a thunderous scream we clashed,

White hue shrouded my body and with each clash sparks flew out, Few exchange in I found her attacks disorient some missed but slowly she was getting sharper by each time and by each counter, from my estimate she's blind in one eye.


Lighting cracking in air with her attacks getting more stronger and more accurate.

It wasn't a fight rather a game of cat and mouse where i'm the mouse, all i'm doing is redirect or dodge her attacks. Gohan's training at least payed off, she's 50 times stronger than me albeit severely damaged.

"ughh.. I hate you!! its your fault he died!" her eyes were hard and cold as she stared at me venomously slowly broke a cold grin as she said.

"and kid that was a mistake you won't live to regret" Soon her battle prowess became something I couldn't handle as she was adapting at faster rate.

Using the application of [ Energy Blade ] and [ Special Beam Canon ] I had all my remaining Ki concentrated into one particular body part. This move makes one part of the body several times stronger, a multiplier is applied as ki is concentrated but at the cost of leaving rest of my body unprotected,

Racing around the fields of sands, I mostly parried and stayed at her blind spots to matters worse she was getting stronger with each time, not to mention its exhausting its only delaying the inevitable outcome.

Staring at incoming attacks that were never endings, I've realized 18 switched her strategies opting for pure speed than to overpower with strength.

[ Solar Flare ] bringing my hands over my face I reflected a intense bright light which blinded 18 who had her eyes covered.

"you little shiit..." I formed a Ki blade quickly blitzing over I soon reappeared behind her and struck her.


A Blue hue swirling dome shrouded over her, sparks flew in every direction as my ki blade coming in contact with her android shield.

Intense pain coursed my whole body as her back kick connected, since it was not protected by ki the damage I sustained were far beyond I've ever experienced, while in mid-air I saw her preparing a Ki blast.

"[ Infinity Bullet ]" Raising arm in front of her, a pink swirling energy sphere as she fire multiple pink energy blast.

With volley of ki coming towards me I focused all my energy in deflecting her ki blast, unfocused. she soon teleported behind me roundhouse kicking in my arm before sweep kicking towards the ground.


Crashing down I


I spat more blood, my body had reached it limits, it wouldn't be long before I fall down.

"I'm going to enjoy this... punk" as she was charging her Ki attack I knew its not something I could dodge or block.

This is it for me.

The chances of Gohan surviving that blast are fallen seeing the android survived as she was close to the epicenter if he had survived she would finish him off as well to matters worse she's strong even without her arm.

Strangely his death hasn't affected me, I realised the moment 17 self-destructed he died. Yet I felt nothing, just emptiness.

No anger nor was there hatred, I accepted my fate it was something I always did even in my past life, it was a nice dream.

"I'm sorry Gohan" I don't feel any hate towards 18 all I feel right now is..

With bright pink light reaching towards me.

Time slowed and the whole world froze as life flashed through me, moments re-experiencing from times when I spent with my mother and things I've learnt from Gohan.

Every incident of my past life seemed to me to glance across my recollection,

It was like this over and over again for what it felt like days, years or maybe eons even my past life events came in, things I hated seeing to things that I loved yet all this didn't make me feel anything it only made me more analytical more practical more focused.

As death came closer the more I felt alive, all I felt was the gentleness and tenderness world had to offer.

"Amazing..." I always felt this life was a fantasy like it was a dream or some hallucination that I'm reincarnated as Trunks, Like a beggar in a rich man's body everything felt surreal and bizarre. I had everything that I ever wanted just by being reborn does that mean all my past life struggles are worthless.

Does life even have any meaning? was there any point on dying if you could reborn anyways but I realised now, I understand everything its like my mind's eye has opened, there's no need for answers all you have to do is experience.

And life is meaningful because of those struggles.


Without any effort I moved away from the attack while my eyes were flecking into teal, efficiently I kept dodging her attacks just from her stance and predicting the optimal attack, all I did was move away from the place she was supposed to attack at.

It wasn't instincts nor did I see her moves she was faster than me but

My thoughts were lot clearer, lot sharper and most of all, I felt like I'm top of the whole world.

The Highest;

The Forerunner;

The Very best;

I felt like a god like a Buddha.

Yes, all i'm feeling right now is pleasantness this world has to offer.

"Throughout the heavens and throughout the earth...I alone am the honored one"