
Let the battle begin!

"I should ask you the same," he nonchalantly replied.

"I'm really puting an effort so we can converse and here you are, answering me with question, too. Don't be unfair," she complained. His amused look did not leave his face but he responded coolly as well.

"It was the first food introduced to me when I first came here."

"You were not raised here?" she raised her brows. No wonder he looked foreign.

"No, my father married twice. His first wife died just few weeks after my half-brother was born. He figured he needed someone to raise him up and that's how he met and got married with my mom. However, my grandparents on my mom's side died when I was just a few months from birth so she had to fly back to the states to manage the winery and dad came following after her. We stayed there since." Her eyes remained opened wide. Wow, that was the longest time he spoke without arguing or shouting at her. Oh, he's sounding okay now.

"Ah, you got an older brother, too" she replied.

"Of course! You can't be the only one with a sibling,"

"Hey, I did not mean anything by that. So, where's your brother then? He's supposed to be the one giving you an earful instead of me,"

"He's happily married," he smiled. She thought it was so genuine, she smiled too.

"Are you jealous of him?" she stopped and realized she may have asked out of line. He hesitated for a bit then gave a warm genuine smile.

"Of course not,"


"I'm happy being single. I don't think I would want to marry if she ends up just like you - a pixie."

"Well you're a troll."

"At least I'm not tiny."

"Can we stop talking about my height since I'm already starting to see red and I might kill you for good this time."

"I like talking about your height," Grrr.

"Okay let's talk about Ellai-"

"Are you really a nurse?" Ha! Gotcha! It looks like they are on non-speaking terms right now.

"Of course, did you really think I'm lying?"

"Judging from your height. Sorry. I really thought you're just a rebellious teenager sent here to be punished."

"Well I don't feel punished. And I'm not a teenager, I'm already twenty-six you dummy. And you are? 35? 40? No wonder you're so moody, you're nearing menopause."

"Do I look like I have ovaries? And I'm only thirty-three, life begins at forty you know."

"Eww. You'll be a senior citizen when you have your first baby. It's a good thing your brother decided to get married, he won't be a geezer like you."

"I'm not an old hermit."

"You should have proposed to Ellaine instead of fighting with her. Life would be a whole lot easier."

"Watch your mouth."

"Ooops. Sorry." he remained quiet. Ugh, me and my big mouth.

"I really did not mean it," he still refused to speak.

"Okay," she stood up to leave him alone when he spoke.

"Where are you going? Come back here."

"You're not angry?"

"I'm not mad."

"You refused to talk to me earlier and you're not mad?" she scoffed. I cannot! Aren't women supposed to be hard to understand? Why is this guy...? Wait, is he a girl? Mayu, stop dreaming.

"Don't shout. I'm not mad. Come sit here, I also want to throw some question." She gave him a questioning look but still obediently sat again.

"What do you want to know?"

"What's your height?" she rolled her eyes.

"C'mon dude. I did not mean to touch upon that subject earlier and you're already taking your revenge."

"It's being fair and square." he's smiling now.

"Are you on drugs?" his forehead knotted.

"What's with that question? Do I look like I'm doing drugs?"

"That's the question that popped on my mind."

"Fine. No, I don't do drugs. You're turn, are you a girl?"

"Yeah. Do you have a problem with that man?" he just raised his eyebrow. "You don't believe me? How dare you!"

"You're the one who started it."

"Hmp! When did you first come back here?"

"I was six. Seven. Around that time."


"My paternal grandmother died."

"Oh! Sorry."

"That's okay."

"I never met my grandmother."


"Yep, she died young. Even my mom,"

"What happened?"

"She died during childbirth."

"I knew it, there's some supernatural force in you. Maybe you're a leprechaun."

"You're being rude, you know. I did not wish for my mum to died. I'm the same as your brother, his mum died, too. So, is your brother still based overseas?"

"No. His wife stays here and he was never based overseas. When we flew back here, he stayed. He decided to accompany Gramps."

"That's nice of him."

"I know I'm not."

"I did not say anything like that."

"Yeah right. Hang on, you're exploiting my secrets. My turn. Where's your brother?"


"What does he do?"

"He's your doctor."

"Well hate to tell you this little miss but I think you got the wrong patient."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, my brother, who happened to be a doctor is the one handling my case."

"Well, you may have forgotten that you were on an accident. And you we're operated on. My brother is the one who admitted you so he's also handling your case. Hold on, your brother's a doctor?

"I just told you that." he said.

"What's your surname again?"

"It's Aresta. You didn't know him?"

"Is he a regular there? I feel like I've never met him,"

"Don't mind my brother, he's already married."

"I'm not a pervert like you!" she snapped.

"Then why the questions?"

"I'm just curious. I'm a nurse you see so there should be a big chance that I'm gonna meet him. Work, you know. Professional. Really professional."

"You're implying I'm not professional. I'm a licensed architect,"

"I already know it, duh!"

"Well, duh to you, too!" he snapped back, she just laughed.

"And you're laughing because?"

"Because you said 'duh'" she continued laughing.

"Is there a law against that?"

"Ugh, you're the greatest villain of my life. Freeze!" she blurted out.


"Nothing. Going back, can you stop killing my mood?"

"Well you're also not good for my mood." She just rolled her eyes. Patience, where are you? I need you now!

"You really won't run out of rebuttals."

"So are you. And I won't lose to you."

"Whatever. I refuse to speak to you." she turned away from him. She easily gets annoyed.


"Okay," but she also forgives easily. Oh well.

"We look stupid here. Go on, ask me." it looks like he's trying to make it up to her.

"How did you get into that accident?"

"Are you trying to get your revenge by annoying me, too? It was a car crash!"

"I'm not annoying you, I'm just looking for facts. I was not able to fully review your profile. It was an emergency situation and my brother just towed me inside the operating room."

"What?" he exclaimed. "You mean to say you're not part of the team?"

"Hey!" she smacked his arm. "I may not be part of that team but I did help save your life so you better behave."

"Well, that was really something. I didn't know hospitals do that."

"We call it overtime sir. And speaking of which, did you know that you have mistreated me?"

"I obviously don't know and I'm sure I did not mistreat you in any way. I just met you yesterday and that's about it. I really mean it when I said that I don't date kids."

"Ugh, whatever." she brushed it aside. As their conversation progresses, she's starting to get used to being called a kid. If you want me to remain as a child then so be it! "You still mistreated me. You gotta feed me for the time I was not able to eat when we operated on you.'

"We're you that worried?"

"Duh! I don't even know you that time! I'm not even sure if you're the one we've operated on."

"Was it serious?"

"It was an emergency situation. I really think you're not the one we operated on but regardless, since your eyes have been affected, it will really take time."

"I thought my conditon was critical at that time."

"Well, to tell you honestly, you maybe."

"Really? Why didn't I die?" she saw a hint of sadness in his eyes then it became cold as if she just hallucinated. Then digesting what he just said, her eyes became rounder as she looked at him in shock.

"Hold it! Were you trying to kill yourself?"

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