
Zhu Yundi Crisis_1

"Hahaha, Empress Dowager, an unfortunate death by soul beasts in Evil Eye Forest, with not even bones left behind, that's also within the realm of possibility, right?" Davis sneered coldly, his expression turning icy as he said, "Enough, I won't waste words with you. Take action!"

"As long as I am here, you can dream on about harming the Empress Dowager!"

General Longxiao roared, and a gigantic Ice Dragon materialized behind him!

Under the overwhelming aura of his mighty Soul Douluo, the surrounding Soul Emperors and Soul Sages were instantly pushed back!

Seeing this, the two people by Davis's side revealed their Martial Soul Soul Rings. Their Martial Souls were a Black Ghost and a White Ghost, and beneath their feet shimmered two yellow, two purple, and four black rings – eight rings in total!

Indeed, two Soul Douluo!

"The Black and White Ghosts!"

General Longxiao narrowed his eyes at the sight of the duo before him.

"General Longxiao, since you've heard of my brother and me, I suggest you don't struggle too much!" said Heisha with an indifferent smile.

"Hmph! I, Longxiao, have roamed the battlefield for decades, and I have yet to be frightened!" Longxiao sneered, "Sixth soul skill, Ice Dragon Breaks Sky!"

As Longxiao growled, the phantom of a gigantic Ice Dragon tore through the sky, heading straight for the Black and White Ghosts!

The Black and White Ghosts, upon seeing this, pushed out with all four hands simultaneously, and their twin ghost Martial Souls also seemed to shove forward with their palms!

In an instant, three powerful forces collided in mid-air.

Although Longxiao was alone, his Soul Power had reached the eighty-eighth level, while the Black and White Ghosts were both at the eighty-fifth level!

Luckily for the Black and White Ghosts, their Martial Souls, when used separately, were not that powerful, but when combined, they were exceptionally strong!

As a result, after a brief standoff, Longxiao's Ice Dragon was broken through.

"Ice, True Body!"

Longxiao immediately invoked his Martial Soul True Body, transforming into a tens of meters long Ice Dragon!

Then, from the mouth of the dragon, he spewed forth a river of ice that dissolved the soul power of the Black and White Ghosts and simultaneously sent them flying!

Quick to react, the Black and White Ghosts had their seventh soul ring start to shine, ready to activate, when suddenly a woman's voice was heard from behind Longxiao, "General Longxiao, stop! Otherwise, she will undoubtedly die!"

Davis and Longxiao looked towards the voice in shock!

They saw Cai Er, with a longsword at Zhu Yundi's throat!

"Cai Er, you're also one of Davis's people!" Zhu Yundi exclaimed in terror.

But then they saw Davis's face of utter bewilderment while Cai Er coldly stated, "No, Your Majesty, I belong to His Majesty!"

"What!" both Davis and Zhu Yundi exclaimed in unison.

"Impossible!" Zhu Yundi shouted in astonishment.

"Yes, I have always been the one His Majesty placed by your side, His Majesty has long been wary of Your Majesty!" Cai Er said with a ghostly smile, "I'm sorry, Your Majesty, but when you said last night that you intended to protect Zhu Zhuqing and Zhu Zhuyun, I already informed His Majesty! His Majesty commanded me to dispose of you when the time was right!"

Zhu Yundi, struck by these words as if by thunder on a clear day, her eyes immediately reddened, and she screamed, "Dai Zhantian, how could you treat me this way!"

Hearing this, the corners of Davis's mouth lifted to the sky. It seemed his foolish father, the emperor, was not so foolish after all!

"General Longxiao!" said Cai Er, pulling out a golden command token and aiming it at Longxiao, "Executing Zhu Yundi is His Majesty's order. Are you planning to rebel?"

Seeing the command token, Longxiao immediately deactivated his Martial Soul True Body and knelt before it, his lips trembling as he said, "I wouldn't dare!"

At that moment, the six or seven Soul Emperors and Soul Sages took advantage of the situation and firmly bound Longxiao!

At the same moment, Cai Er, like a gust of wind, swept by and beheaded General Longxiao, "His Majesty commands, Longxiao must not be spared!"

"General Longxiao!" Zhu Yundi cried out in heart-wrenching agony.

"Wow!" Davis was first startled, then became greatly excited, "I said, how come it was so easy when I switched out the strong warriors around Zhu Yundi. So Cai Er, you were helping!"

Cai Er remained silent.

Davis turned to Zhu Yundi and said, "If I had known earlier that Father wanted to get rid of you, why would I have bothered to go to such lengths!"

Zhu Yundi's tears fell like rain, no longer speaking, her heart had already despaired.

"Cai Er, how about I take care of Zhu Yundi myself?" Davis asked.

"All as the Great Crown Prince decides!" Cai Er nodded.

Following that, Davis walked up to Zhu Yundi's side, looking at the beauty who couldn't move, "Indeed, quite charming, even I'm slightly tempted! Zhu Yundi, if I'm not wrong, you haven't lain with Father yet, have you?"

"If you're going to kill, just make it quick!" Zhu Yundi said coldly.

"I too wish to make it quick for you!" said Davis coldly, "But, Zhu Yundi, do you remember how I, like a dog, begged you to kill Dai Mubai, and how ruthlessly you refused me?"

"I can't let you die so easily; I want you to live a life worse than death!" Davis said coldly, "Black Ghost, White Ghost, she's yours now!"

Upon hearing this, Black Ghost and White Ghost looked at each other, their mouths curving in a lewd smile!

"Great Crown Prince!" Seeing this, Cai Er furrowed her brow and said, "Your Majesty didn't say to torture Zhu Yundi!"

"Cai Er!" Davis said coldly, "You must remember, Father is old and frail, he won't live much longer! Dai Mubai, that waste, his wife ran away with someone else, this Xingluo Empire will sooner or later be mine!"

On hearing this, Cai Er's delicate body trembled, her head lowered, she said no more.

"Indeed the number one beauty of Xingluo! Truly full of charm! I, Black, never thought that in my lifetime, I'd get to taste an emperor's woman!"

As he spoke, Black Ghost's greasy hand had already reached deep into Zhu Yundi's cleavage!

"Davis, you've got some nerve!"


Two pleasant-sounding voices rang out in succession, as two dark silhouettes fluttered out from the jungle!

"Who could it be, Zhu Zhuqing, Zhu Zhuyun, you sisters, couldn't be here to save Zhu Yundi, could you!" Davis was first surprised, then sneered.

No sooner had Davis finished speaking, he heard a scream like a pig being slaughtered. Turning around, he saw Black Ghost's gnarled hand tightly grasped by a young and strong palm!

The hand was incredibly well-shaped, and its owner, even more remarkably handsome, if not Chu Qin, then who could it be!

Black Ghost's arm was painfully gripped by Chu Qin's hand, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't loosen Chu Qin's grip in the slightest!

Then, with slight exertion, Chu Qin's grip caused a crisp sound of bones breaking in Black Ghost's arm, and Black Ghost himself was flung away by Chu Qin!

Seeing this scene, Zhu Yundi's pupils contracted.

Davis and the others were taken aback, asking in panic, "Who are you!"

"Davis, do you still remember the pain of a broken arm!" Chu Qin's gaze hardened as he spoke.

"It's you!" Hearing this, Davis immediately recalled the scene in Wuhun City, where a masked figure had broken his arm, and later Davis spent a great price to hire skilled craftsmen to make a pair of metal soul-guided prostheses that were indistinguishable from real!

Thinking of this, Davis's legs began to shake involuntarily.