
Return to the capital, Shangguan Yaqing_1


"What have they come for!" said Emperor Xue Ye, his expression slightly cold.

"These nobles, my lord, have come concerning the matter of Duke Stephen's clan leader being murdered!" the Knight Commander replied.

Upon hearing this, Emperor Xue Ye's eyebrows furrowed slightly. While it was uncertain who had killed Duke Stephen's clan leader, it was known that his son had been executed by Chu Qin!

Thus, Emperor Xue Ye surmised that this affair was mostly Chu Qin's doing.

Emperor Xue Ye found himself in a difficult position. He was well aware of Chu Qin's power, and the latter was also his son-in-law. However, the Eight Great Families were the most powerful nobles in the Tiandou Empire. The system of the Tiandou Empire was somewhat akin to a feudal system, with these vassals controlling their own military forces. It would be improper to offend them rashly!

In other words, the imperial authority in the Tiandou Empire was not highly centralized, with kingdoms and principalities abroad, and vassals within — a country of countries!

The Tiandou Empire was fundamentally unlike the Xingluo Empire, where the emperor was an absolute entity! This was also why the Tiandou Empire would later become fragmented.

"Li An, where is the Kingly Peerage?" Emperor Xue Ye inquired of the Knight Commander.

"Your Majesty, according to the message transmitted by Commander Rogerson, the Kingly Peerage is expected to arrive at the capital tomorrow!" Li An, Knight Commander, replied.

"And what of Qinghe?" Emperor Xue Ye continued.

"The Crown Prince is still unwell!" replied Li An.

"This Qinghe, how has he become so frail lately?" Emperor Xue Ye sighed. "In this condition, how can I confidently entrust my legacy to him!"

"Your Majesty, would you like to go see the Crown Prince?" asked Li An.

"No need! Since when does an emperor visit the Crown Prince?" Emperor Xue Ye shook his head.

"Go tell the various Dukes that it's already late and I am tired. Have them stay overnight at their respective residences and come again tomorrow," Emperor Xue Ye said. "And remember, they must be treated with the utmost hospitality!"

"Understood!" Li An immediately took his leave to carry out the command.

"Hmph! It's about time for the Eight Great Families to perish!" After Li An left, a fierce light shone in Emperor Xue Ye's eyes!

The next morning, the Rogerson Knight Group and the Women's Knight Group, escorting Chu Qin's luxurious carriage, arrived just outside the capital.

"We're home, we're home!" Xue Ke lifted the carriage curtain to look outside, expressing her excitement.

"Yes, indeed! Every time we return to the Tiandou Empire from outside, it gives me a sense of comfort and pleasure!" Ning Rongrong followed with a smile.

Chu Qin smiled faintly, patting both Ning Rongrong and Xue Ke on their upturned buttocks.

However, Ning Rongrong and Xue Ke paid no mind to Chu Qin, still inhaling the air outside!


At that moment, the carriage came to an abrupt halt, nearly causing Xue Ke and Ning Rongrong to tumble forward, but they were promptly embraced by Chu Qin, who smiled lightly and said, "See? I told you it was dangerous."

Immediately after, Chu Qin looked outside and called out, "Rogerson, what's happening?"

"Reporting to Lord Chu Qin, it is Knight Commander Li An of the imperial palace guard. By His Majesty's orders, he requests that the Kingly Peerage make haste to the Tiandou Imperial Palace!"

Upon hearing this, both Qian Renxue and Chu Qin were taken by surprise.


"Chu Qin, it couldn't be that the matter of the Stephen Clan Leader's death involved you, right?" Su Jin asked with a worried expression.

"I don't know! However, Jin'er, even if it did, there's no need for you to worry about me!" Chu Qin replied with a smile.

"Zi Ji Er Long, Xue'er, Ke'er and I will make a trip to the Tiandou Imperial Palace. You take Jin'er and the others back to Azure Dragon Academy first," Chu Qin said, turning to Zi Ji.

"Alright!" Zi Ji and Liu Er Long nodded in unison.

Inside the Royal Study!

Here, came a group of Dukes and Marquises. Leading them, the trio, dressed just as lavishly as the rest, consisted of two men and one woman.

The two men were elders, advanced in years! They were none other than Clan Leader Sima Yulong of the Sima Family and Clan Leader Osro of the Osro Family.

As for the woman, she appeared to be in her thirties or forties, exceedingly beautiful!

Her facial features were stunningly beautiful, her face shaped like an egg, with a slightly prominent nose, a pair of clear, bright phoenix eyes, and cherry-like red lips that formed an incredible visage.

She wore a splendid phoenix-embroidered gown, her head adorned with countless gold and silver jewels. Her chest was partially exposed, revealing a deep cleavage, and the lower part of her dress, similar to a cheongsam, was slit on the sides, clearly displaying her long, shapely legs encased in black silk. Below, she wore gold-plated cool high heels.

The brilliant manicure and flawless insteps were enough to draw one's gaze and make it linger.

She was the head of the Eight Great Families, Clan Leader Shangguan Yaqing of the Shangguan Family!

"Your Majesty, please avenge us!" At this moment, Osro turned to Emperor Xue Ye and pleaded, "Duke Stephen, the Clan Leader of the Stephen Family, died a wrongful death in Sky Water City!"

"Died a wrongful death?" Xue Ye pretended to be unaware and asked, "Have you found out who did it?"

"Your Majesty, the murderer has not been found, and not even Duke Stephen's body has been recovered! However, at the same time that Duke Stephen met his untimely death, his son was..." Sima Yulong said.

"Was what?" Emperor Xue Ye purposefully continued to inquire.

"Killed directly by the Azure Dragon Duke!" Sima Yulong continued.

"I've heard that this City Lord of Sky Water City, Stephen Lin, was useless in his duty, and moreover, he attempted to molest the head of Tianshui Academy who is also one of Duke Chu Qin's wives. Isn't it normal that he was killed?"

"Your Majesty, Stephen Lin deserved his death, but Duke Stephen was innocent. Is it not too extreme for Duke Your Majesty to have killed him as well?" Shangguan Yaqing said with a gentle smile.

"If it were indeed the Duke who did it, that would indeed seem excessive! But, Duke Shangguan, as you yourself said, the murderer who killed Duke Stephen has not been found!" Xue Ye replied.

"Your Majesty, Stephen Lin offended His Grace the Duke, and Duke Stephen happened to die in Sky Water City. Can that be a coincidence?" Osro asked.

"Why couldn't it be a coincidence?" Xue Ye said with an indifferent smile, "In all matters, evidence is crucial. You suspect an esteemed and respected Duke of the Tiandou Empire without any basis; isn't that a bit too much?"

"Your Majesty, the Azure Dragon Duke is your son-in-law. Surely you are not showing favoritism to the Duke?" A Marquis from the Stephen Family questioned.

"What did you say!" Xue Ye immediately gave the Marquis a cold look!

Upon hearing this, the Marquis immediately knelt down, "Your Majesty, I beg your pardon! Duke Stephen was my kin, and I was a bit anxious!"

"Please calm your anger, Your Majesty!" said Duke Osro, "Duke Stephen was the vice-chairman of our alliance among the Eight Great Families. His passing is a great loss to all of us, and we all wish to seek justice for him before Your Majesty!"