
Douluo: Double comparison, this Yuhao is too cruel!

..... This is translation ..... Introduction: Qiankun Wenqing Valley, when Tang San successfully defeated the God of Destruction, he planned to take action himself and begin to tame Huo Yuhao... Suddenly the mysterious black hole appeared, and all the creatures in the Douluo Continent and the God Realm were sucked into the plane cracks! The comparison live broadcast room suddenly arrived, showing the completely different lives of the two Huo Yuhao's! Huo Yuhao in the original world: He was bullied by the Duchess and Dai Huabin when he was young. He was deceived by Shrek Academy when he was in school. Even if he has a girlfriend, he can only look at her but not touch her! The last names were changed in the finale! Controlled by Tang San like a pet, life is full of tragedy! Huo Yuhao in the parallel world: He took action directly when he was young, beheaded the duchess, beat Dai Huabin, and escaped from the duke's palace with his mother! Discover the disgusting aspects of Shrek Academy in time and lead everyone to run away together! After growing up, he took revenge himself and killed the scumbag Duke White Tiger! He directly destroyed the seal Tang San planted in Wang Donger's body, allowed her to give birth to a child, and even cut him into two pieces when Tang San was settling the scores afterwards... Original Time and Space Huo Yuhao: "After comparing with him, I realized how much of a failure my life was. I want to be like him. I don't want to be a coward anymore!" Tang San, die! ..... Schedule: Mon to Fri (5 Chapter/Week) .... Note: If you want to read 30 chapters in advance you can join me on petreon: patreon.com/Taichu372 .....

Taichu · Cómic
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28 Chs

Chapter 18

Hearing that the God of Destruction was going to start a thorough investigation of the day's events.

Tang San's face suddenly became gloomy. Because no one knows better than him what happened that day.

Although Tang San was indeed unaware at the time.

But since he became the law enforcer of the God Realm and understood the laws of the God Realm, he knew that

The previous Shura God had violated the laws of the God Realm 100%!

After all, the God Realm has a clear rule that ordinary gods cannot hold two positions at the same time.

And Tang San, in fact, strictly speaking, did not go through the process that day and accept God's test of Shura God.

That's why God Shura didn't dare to pass on the Godship of Shura to Tang San.

Instead, he used Xiao Wu to cover up his tracks and then passed on the godship of Shura to him after he reached the god realm.

But the problem is again

Tang San didn't get the godship of Shura at that time, but he used the power of Shura in the battle with Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue.

Xiao Wu's godship scabbard couldn't drive so much power, so where did the power come from? Naturally, it came from the secret help of God Shura.

Therefore, in the God War that day, Tang San and God Shura cheated.

It's just that no one has investigated the matter thoroughly over the years, so Tang San naturally thought he could hide it.

But judging from the current situation,

If the God of Destruction must investigate thoroughly, then it's inevitable that some clues will be found!

This would be a bit troublesome for Tang San.

So when Tang San saw that things would turn out like this, he was a little angry and cursed Bibi Dong in his heart:

"This damn bitch ruined my good thing again, damn it."

But he soon spoke to the god of destruction again, trying to dispel the god of destruction's intention to investigate thoroughly.

He said to the God of Destruction, "Destruction, what happened that day was not as the Rakshasa God said."

"She just had a grudge against me and wanted to sow discord between us."

"I did use the Shura power that day, but that was mainly because my wife Xiao Wu volunteered to become the scabbard of the Shura God, so I was able to exert a little Shura power."

The God of Destruction raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this.

Qian Renxue also spoke at this time: "A little? How much is a little? Is it a little? Why do I remember that the Shura God's power was stronger than the Sea God's power that day?"

Tang San's mouth twitched when he heard this.

But before he could reply again, Bibi Dong also spoke: "That's right; besides, didn't you just say that you have nothing to do with Shura God? Then how come you have become Shura God now? What's the situation?"

Sure, kill!

Bibi Dong's words directly hit Tang San with a wave of sure kills!


If Tang San hadn't become Shura God later, everything would have been fine.

But the problem is that Tang San became Shura God later.

If there is no shameful deal between Tang San and Shura God, even a fool would not believe it!

Therefore, the God of Destruction snorted coldly and said again, "Hmph! I will investigate this matter thoroughly later."

The God of Destruction was determined to investigate thoroughly.

And Tang San knew that he couldn't change the mind of the God of Destruction.

So he was so angry that he gnashed his teeth.

He wanted to skin Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong alive.

But Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong were so happy that they wanted Tang San to die.

Therefore, seeing that Tang San was a little angry, Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong laughed even happier.

"Someone is anxious, very anxious!"

"He is so angry! If it were me, I would not be able to resist~"

Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong kept mocking.

But Tang San resisted and didn't take action.

He clearly remembered that the mysterious voice had said that it was forbidden to take action here.

Although Tang San didn't know the true identity of the other party, since he could forcibly bring so many gods here, it must mean that he was powerful and he couldn't resist.

Therefore, even if Tang San was angry to death at this moment.

But he still didn't dare to attack and could only swallow his anger.

And this scene was naturally seen by the soul masters in the gap between the planes.

"It seems that Master Tang San was repeatedly defeated when facing the two demon women, Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue."

"I remember that the history books said that Master Tang San easily controlled the two demon women. Why is it different from what is written in the books?"

"Besides, I always feel that Master Tang San has some reservations. He won't let others get hold of him."

A group of soul masters kept discussing.

Of course, most of the soul masters still believed in Tang San without thinking, so at this moment, these soul masters also expressed their opinions.

"Hmph! Don't think too much. Master Tang San just doesn't want to bother with them."

"When we get out of here, we'll see if Master Tang San can deal with them!"

Huo Yuhao noticed the blind spot: "But in this case, it seems that Master Tang San didn't win so easily that day. It's different from what is written in the book."

Wang Dong'er snorted and said:

"Just tell me whether I won or not!"

"The ancestors of my Tang sect are still trustworthy. As for the history books, it is reasonable for something so old to have some deviations."

"After all, these things were written by later generations, so it can't be blamed on our ancestor Tang San!"

Huo Yuhao felt that it made sense, nodded, and said, "That's right. Let's continue watching the screen."

They continued to look at the content on the screen.

And at this moment, in the picture.

[After Tang Ya and Bei Bei's persuasion and the strong temptation of the Shrek Academy quota]

[Huo Yuhao was finally persuaded by Tang Ya and Bei Bei and was ready to join Shrek Academy.]

[Bei Bei and Tang Ya looked at each other, and then Bei Bei said to Huo Yuhao:]

["Okay! Yuhao, since you are willing to join our Tang Sect, Xiao Ya and I welcome you."]

["But we have one last thing to remind you, that is, as long as you join the Tang Sect, you must fight for the glory of our Tang Sect from now on. You are a member of the Tang Sect in life and a ghost of the Tang Sect in death. You must not do anything to let down the sect."]

["Moreover, no matter what you learn in our Tang Sect later or what you get with the help of our Tang Sect, as long as you want to quit the Tang Sect, you must return everything you have learned."]

The soul masters in the plane rift were dumbfounded after seeing this scene.

Because it was the first time they heard such a weird rule.

And Bibi Dong directly mocked: "This is not joining a sect; this is directly signing a contract to sell yourself."

"In my opinion, it is better not to join such a sect!"

(End of this chapter)