
Chapter 452: Teach

Soon, under Ye Chen's intervention, among all the seven members of the reserve team, only Ye Yu was qualified to fight.

Chen Bing made a mistake. Beibei and his tactics were designed by Huo Yuhao. The purpose was simple. Wasn't Ye Yu the strongest? Then they used the momentum of thunder to quickly solve the other six, leaving one Ye Yu to besiege the seven. Down, two fists are hard to beat four hands.

"We lost." Looking at the teammates around him who were divided and resolved, Ye Yu felt a deep sense of frustration.

She didn't choose to continue struggling. If she lost, she lost, and she was convinced.

Although Beibei's overall strength was stronger than her own, she could feel that the seven on the opposite side only used the cultivation base of the third ring and the spirit ability of the third ring.

It is because they are not as skilled as others, and the degree of cooperation is not enough.

Ye Chen watched this scene and nodded secretly in his heart. His goal has been achieved. It is not terrible to lose. What is terrible is that he has been living in the dream of invincibility and ultimately ruining his talent.

Seeing their drooping heads, Chen Bing greeted them with a soft smile: "What's the matter, do you feel ashamed?"

The nearest Qin Mo looked up at Chen Bing, who was full of love, and nodded listlessly.

He was the first to be solved, and he was the most embarrassing one.

At this time, six people also surrounded one after another.

Chen Bing shook his head and patiently explained to everyone: "It's not terrible to lose. What's more, you are facing the best team of the same age on this continent, and Qin Mo was deliberately targeted."

"Do you think Yechen really wants you to win today, then everyone is wrong. From the moment you awakened the spirit, you have been living in the praise and admiration of the people around you, so you don't have a thorough view of your own situation. ."

"Ye Chen called in the last reserve team today and said it was a discussion, but in fact it was just a beat on you to let you see your own position."

Without waiting for her to continue, Ye Chen walked over and took the topic: "I am not satisfied with you. It is not the strength or the tacit understanding. After all, you have just got together. It is too early to say that the tacit agreement is too early. It can be cultivated later."

"The reason you are dissatisfied is that you are not serious enough in the execution of the tactics. Let alone you, even if it is given to me, you will be restrained when dealing with Xuan Ming replacement.

Having said this, Ye Chen sighed softly, and beckoned to Xu Sanshi and others not far away.

"The best way is to keep An Xia in place, and other people stay away immediately, so that no matter who suddenly appears in that position, he will face your strongest defensive link."

"Your teacher Chen has already worked out the tactics, but you have not implemented it firmly. The mistake lies in it. Xiao Xiao didn't leave immediately, but wanted to help An Xia, but have you ever thought about it. Once the person who sends it over is A strong attack type spirit master with long-range attacks, you, the master soul master, will be directly exposed to the most powerful opponent."

Hearing this, the seven people had already bowed their heads in shame, even Ye Yu was no exception.

Chen Bing also said the things Ye Chen said. The difference is that Chen Bing didn't tell them to stay away immediately.

For these young girls who are rapidly absorbing knowledge, Ye Chen's words are extremely valuable experiences, so he listened very carefully.

This is also where Ye Chen is more satisfied with them. After not understanding his mistakes, he will not become irritated, but accept and correct with humility.

These qualities are the foundation of becoming a strong man.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Chen calmly pointed out their mistakes in many other aspects. Chen Bing listened quietly from the side. Some things, even her head teacher, felt like a rush.

Beibei and the others also came over, and seeing that Ye Chen asked their questions sharply, they didn't immediately express their opinions.

It was not until Ye Chen finished speaking that Beibei and Xu Sanshi stepped forward and said apologetically: "School brothers and sisters, first of all, we must apologize for our rudeness. You are already very strong, but you must remember. One point, no matter how strong a person's strength is, there is no perfect person, and no perfect soul master."

"And the existence of partners is to make up for our shortcomings in one aspect, and play the effect of one plus one greater than two."

Ye Chen nodded, and then said: "Yes, partner, you can hand over your back to the other's existence at a critical moment. You must remember this truth and tell you the experience summed up by our personal experience. When the critical juncture is truly reached, it is not the weapon in your hand that can save you, but your partner."

Hearing this, even Xu Sanshi's expression became serious. The thing they were most thankful for was that they met this group of friends around.

The Seven Ye Yu nodded thoughtfully. They understood the truth, but after all, they did not have too many intersections. Only after experiencing some things together, would they understand how precious the feelings are.

Before he knew it, the sun had moved directly above everyone. Seeing that it was almost done, Ye Chen began to explain some things: "For you, the first thing to improve is tacit understanding. I will give you a task. Starting today, you every day After finishing the theory study in the afternoon, you must go to the fighting spirit area and have at least one team game."

"After you have a certain degree of tacit understanding, then on the basis of the team competition, you can team up two, two and three by yourself, and have a group match."

Ye Chen looked up and observed the time, speeding up his speech: "The first thing you need to cultivate is tacit understanding. Don't be afraid of getting tired. The real strong will not make excuses and enjoy the resources of the academy. If you can't even endure this bit of suffering, Then don't stay in this team."

Ye Chen said it was awful, but no one issued a rebuttal. After today's test, they have understood what the gap between themselves and the real team is.

No one wants to be a loser, everyone secretly swears, next time you fight, you must not lose so embarrassed.

After the explanation, Ye Chen looked at Chen Bing, nodded to him, and said, "It's late, everyone, go to the cafeteria for dinner, believe me, today's meal will definitely bring you surprises."

"By the way, Zhu Mengying will stay for a while. I have something to ask for your opinion."

Everyone cheered and planned to leave immediately, but they stopped at the same time when they heard the words behind Ye Chen.

"Senior Ye Chen, let's not worry, wait a minute, since it's a group, you can't let members drop orders." After soliciting everyone's opinions, Yuan Feng stepped forward and said to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen nodded, anyway what he said was not a secret.

Only Zhu Mengying was a little puzzled, wondering what Ye Chen had left her behind.