
My own, my love, my precious!

As I soak up the comforting vibes of my turf, I can't help but feel pretty darn good about life. All those crazy adventures I've been on and the risks I've taken?

Well, they've paid off big time. Now, it's time to dive deep into these new goodies and see how they're gonna spice up my future.

Let's talk about these Immortal Herbs I've scored. These babies are loaded with potential.

They might be chilling in their cultivation zone, but their progress means good things for yours truly. When they're cultivating their spirit and spiritual energy, I also get a part of it, just like income tax, hehe.

These herbs aren't just about making me physically ripped; they're also about blending their cool properties into my very being. It's like sipping on their hard work without actually munching them down.

It'll not bring harm to them. Their unique properties will feed my own unique property, for example if there's someone who munch on one of my leaves, it'll not give them increase in their hot and cold resistance.

It'll be something else. But the specific properties was not something that I know, they gonna beef up my power in ways that are still a bit of a mystery.

Then there's the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well and the leftovers from those two Dragon Kings. These guys are like the heart and soul of my inner world, the real SSS grade fertilizers!

Let me just sink this for you, if these immortal herbs get tenfold increase in cultivation speed due to being near and absorb a little bit of the well's energy...imagine what they gave me when I took the well and the Dragon Kings' remains! There's also taxes come from these immortal herbs!

It's hundred fold bro! This means if I need 10,000 years to become a 200,000 years old spirit beast or should I say a Fierce Beast, now I just need a 100 years!

Then if I can gather more plant spirit beasts, more heaven and earth treasures or just go ham and consume all spirit beasts, I can increase this speed even more! But the last one is not my cup of tea, man. 

But the more advance my cultivation, the slower it'll be! Sigh, why should these human got that absurd cultivation speed!?

This is not, never, and absolutely unfair, hmph! Just you wait, after I control this world...I hope I can lessen these blatant oppressions!

I wanted to make this Douluo Planet ruled by spirit beasts again! Sigh, why does the Dragon God made that blunder and just die!?

Please remember us weak spirit beast, wuuu. Okay, enough lamenting about some unfortunate things life had given to us spirit beasts.

Other than boosting my cultivation speed, they're also the key to boosting my wood attribute, which is a pretty big deal for me as it's my main attribute. They got a perfect blend of fire and water vibes, and it's teaching me some sweet lessons about their laws, making my inner world more profound day by day.

There's also Dugu Bo and his fam. We've got this loyalty pact going on now, and they're like the starting point for my future plans.

Keeping them loyal won't be a walk in the park; humans can be pretty wishy-washy. But I see so much potential in them as my peeps in this grand scheme.

With some clever maneuvering and solid guidance, I'm gonna shape them into my loyal minions, no doubt about it. Or should I say my worshiper, fufufu.




As I kick back and mull over my recent score, that warm feeling of accomplishment just washes over me. The loot I've snagged on my journey is seriously loaded with potential, and it's got the power to shake up my future in some pretty epic ways.

But while I'm getting cozy back in my old digs, my mind can't help but wander to my buddies, Yasaka. You know, in the original story, it was like Kurama vanished into thin air after his tribulation.

Maybe Kurama didn't quite ace that test, and both of their tale got left hanging. So, I figure it's high time to throw out a friendly lifeline, maybe patch things up.

I'm all about the idea that real companionship isn't just about the good times; it's about being there when things get rough. To tackle the wild challenges of Douluo Planet and make my grand plans happen, I need some rock-solid allies who won't bail when the going gets tough.

Yasaka, my foxy pal, and her bro Kurama are the dream team for this gig. I've got a bit of history with Yasaka, and now it's time to take it to the next level. I shoot a little message through the rootI've previously shared with Yasaka, basically inviting Yasaka over to my lair.

I lay it out for her, straight up, telling her I'm pretty confident I can help Kurama deal with his tribulation thing. It's a win-win deal: they get some backup, and I get some trusty pals who might just come in handy as we take on whatever the Douluo Planet throws our way.

Spirit beasts are just like that, we can become brothers and sisters quite easily if our interests and personality match. And from my past conversations with Yasaka, I can say that she's quite a good lass.

As I wait to see how she'll play it, I'm feeling hyped. The road ahead is all about growing my cultivation level in all front and changing the ruling power of this planet, and with some loyal buds in my corner, the day will come faster!

While I kicked back and waited for Yasaka to hit me back on our root telegraph hotline, it hit me just how different things roll down here compared to the divine realm I'm used to.

See, this root telegraph deal is a bit like old-school texting, and the speed of it depends on how far apart we are. It's a real reminder that this world's got its own set of rules, a totally different vibe compared to where I'm from.

In the meantime, I couldn't help but clock that my journey was just getting started. Sure, I've got some serious battle chops now, like, on par with a 200,000-year-old spirit beast, no biggie.

But honestly, that's just scratching the surface. If I want to dig deep into the heart of the Great Star Dou Forest, where the heavy hitters of the spirit beast world chill, I've gotta level up even more.

So, I'm thinking some strategy to make them know that I'm not easy to be bullied, right? Scooping up some potential plant spirit beast buddies sounds pretty smart.

With my help, their cultivation will be far easier and that will be my selling point when recruiting them. Until that big moment when Ah Yin did her silly thing for Tang Hao, I'm cultivating as hard as I can and as I should be.

But the one thing weighing on my mind, like a ton of bricks, is this showdown with Di Tian. This dude is the real deal, no joke.

He's the big kahuna, the head honcho of the Ten Great Savage Beasts, the Golden Eyed Black Dragon King, the top dog of the Great Star Dou Forest, you get the picture. His strength is publicly the strongest spirit beast, and he's got a flashy title to match, the Beast God.

Now, this guy's got some serious moves, like the Dragon King's Claw, a skill that's the cream of the crop, handed down by the Dragon God himself to his loyal Black Dragon King squad. He's also got a pretty clear grudge against humans, and he's always been itching for a throwdown with them.

I'll cross paths with this dude and I heard he's quite territorial.  One thing you gotta know about Di Tian is he's got spirit beast solidarity in his bones.

He's all about keeping his spirit beast crew alive and kicking, and he'll pull out all the stops to make it happen. Pride's his middle name, and he wouldn't even think about becoming a human's spirit soul.

But Di Tian's very loyal to his former leader, he'll ride or die for the Dragon God. He's happily signed up as a spirit servant to Lan Xuanyu, who's like his young master or something and is supposedly the Dragon God's reincarnation.

Sight, all these planning for the future's gimme quite a headache. I'll find some new minions first, I hope there'll be some plant spirit beasts with good potential.

They will become the grunt or mob, pick your poison, haha. It's better if they have second or third attribute as that can help me introducing some new law into my inner world.

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