
CH 43: Tang San's 2nd Misfortune

The second External Soul Bone, Arachnid Bracelets, weren't something to scoff at either. Just that External Soul Bone had made it so he can act the part of a Control System Soul Master. It also had an actual Domain even though it was just a 2,000-year Soul Bone, no doubt it was extremely extraordinary.

Now, not only was he an extremely powerful Power Attack System Soul Master, he could also act as a Control System Soul Master using his Arachnid Bracelets. His area of control was also enormous, and it would only grow bigger as he grew stronger.

"Tonight was definitely a great harvest." She nodded, smiling :"Two External Soul Bones, and both of them are actually so powerful. We were really lucky tonight."

"Yeah, I especially like these two." Ah Li snickered, raising his hands before bringing his hands back, causing razor sharp stingers to come out of Arachnid Bracelets. They were both about 10.5" (26.67cm), 3/4" (1.9cm) in width at the widest point, and 1/8" (0.3cm) in thickness.

Looking at them, Ah Li couldn't hold back giggling. The two were simply awesome, for the simple fact that they looked like and reminded him of his favorite weapons, Assassin's Creed Hidden Blades. Specifically, Ezio's Hidden Blades with how long they were.

Looking at him childishly smiling at the cool blade-like stingers, Bibi Dong couldn't help but chuckle. He didn't act childish most of the time, so when he did, it was really amusing. He looked cute when smiling at something he found cool.

Bibi Dong :"Yeah, they're amazing too."

Nightmare, squinting eyes :"Don't you already have my Nightmare Sickles? Aren't they a lot more powerful than these stingers?"

Ah Li :"Hm, but that's different. Those are specifically for frontal combat, but I can use these in stealth too. Also, just like Sister Goddess said, the Arachnid Bracelets External Soul Bone allows me to act as a Control System Soul Master because of its webs, so it's pretty convenient."

Nightmare, looking away :"Hm, true..."

Ah Li, smiling teasingly :"What's this? Are you... actually jealous, Nightmare?"

Nightmare :"What?! No! Why would I be jealous?!"

Ah Li :"I don't know, you've been looking at the Arachnid Bracelets weird."

Nightmare :"Huh, you're just imagining it! Why would I be jealous? My External Soul Bone is leagues and worlds above these measly 2,000-year External Soul Bones."

Bibi Dong, laughing :"Oh, so he's jealous about you liking your new External Soul Bones so much!"

Ah Li :"That's cute, Nightmare."

Nightmare, rolling eyes :"Screw you both, I'm not jealous."

Ali, smiling :"And you don't have a reason to be jealous. Sure, I like these two and they're amazingly convenient, but your Nightmare Sickles is a different breed of External Soul Bone entirely. Heck, even Sister Goddess says she hasn't seen one as powerful as the Nightmare Sickles. Although these two are suitable for group combats, yours is a pure power External Soul Bone that anybody has to be careful of."

Winking, he nudged him :"So don't be jealous, I still like yours the best." Causing the centipede to smile and nod :"Yeah, got it. Alright, I'll be going back to your Spiritual Sea now. Call for me if you need help."

"Alright, good night." Ah Li nodded, and so did Bibi Dong :"Good night, Nightmare." After he disappeared, the noiret stretched comfortably :"Man, tonight was a blast. Not only did I get two new External Soul Bones, I even got to have fun with my Orbs."

"Yeah, true. But you need to make your way back now. You've been gone for long enough. We shouldn't make them suspect anything." Bibi Dong reminded, causing him to nod :"Fair enough. Let's go."

After finding out how, he took back his Arachnid Scythes, re-absorpting them back where they turned into energy and got stored between his ribs. It wasn't hard, considering he already had experience with his Nightmare Sickles.

But it did make him groan in discomfort. That he needed to get used too. However, he didn't take back his Arachnid Bracelets, causing the goddess to hum in curiosity :"Hm? Aren't you going to re-absorb your Arachnid Bracelets too?"

"Hm? Nah, they're completely normal bracelets unless I pour Soul Power into them, so might as well let them stay out for fashion and faster use. They are pretty after all." He reasoned with a smirk, and she hummed in agreement :"True, I guess. Okay, however you're completely. Just be careful.

[Description: bracelets that can shoot out various webs. An Arachnid Bracelet, which is a black bracelet, will appear on each hand, even on the extra hands brought by the Abyssal Centipede Martial Soul. The Arachnid Bracelets can also extend to become fingerless gloves or turn into actual claws. Have the special feature to be seen as normal bracelets unless Soul Power is poured into it.]

"You know what? I'll turn them into gloves instead. I like that better." He decided in the end. Transferring his Soul Power into them, causing them to expand from his wrists down to his hands and to the middle of his fingers, where they stopped growing and turned into tight fingerless gloves with no wrinkles.

"Yeah, I like this better." The noiret smirked :"Alright, we should really get back now." He made his barrier disappear and deactivated his Orbs after finding the others' location. But before he started running, he got an idea. A fun idea that made him smile like a child.

Raising his arms, two strings of web shot from under his wrist to two giant trees. Seeing what he did, he giggled happily before pulling, causing himself to be shot into the air before he shot another web at another tree, where he started to swing from.

'I'm Spooderman!' He shouted in a childish voice in his head, enjoying the breeze flowing into his face as he swung around, careful to not crash into any trees. Something that his Instincts assisted very much in doing so.

"You get the wildest ideas, Li'er." Bibi Dong chuckled in amusement, watching him smile happily and excitedly, a smile on her own face as he laughed :"Duh! That's why I'm Ah Li!"

After swinging for a bit, he stopped when he sensed the Shrek folks with his Spiritual Power. Landing on the ground, he started running towards them. And shortly, he reached the depressed looking people :"Yo, what's up?"

Seeing him, Zhao Wuji, the most gloomy one of the group, immediately grew excited :"Ah Li, is that you?!" He asked, rushing towards the noiret :"Duh, have you seen anybody more handsome?"

Zhao Wuji checked his body, looking for any scars or wounds :"Are you alright? Did anything happen to you? Where were you? We looked everywhere, but couldn't find you. Tang San told us you stayed behind to fight a Man Faced Demon Spider."

"Teacher Wuji, calm down." He calmed the worried teacher :"I'm alright. I was just hiding to recover from the fight and started looking for you all when I recovered completely. Seems like you found Xiao Wu. And speaking of Tang San... what happened to him?"

He nodded towards the unconscious body of Tang San being carried by Dai Mubai. He didn't know what happened to him, but he didn't seem to be just sleeping. Hearing him, everybody's face turned gloomy again, confusing him.

"Haiz, it's a long and sad story." Zhao Wuji sighed :"Seems like after he parted ways with you, Xiao San continued to look for Xiao Wu. But he actually came across another Man Faced Demon Spider. A 1,000-year one at that.

After killing it, seeing that he couldn't continue with his condition, he decided to absorb the Man Faced Demon Spider's Soul Ring. Fortunately, he successfully absorbed its Soul Ring despite it being a 2,000-year Soul Ring. But unfortunately, it wasn't a Man Faced Demon Spider... it was actually a World Deceiving Shapeshifting Slime..."

"Pft HAHAHAHAHA!" Bibi Dong immediately burst into laughter. Meanwhile, Ah Li's eyes went wide in shock as he used every bit of willpower to not laugh. Of everything the two had thought of hearing, that wasn't one of them.

World Deceiving Shapeshifting Slime, a name that the noiret could clearly remember. For the sole fact that it was the reason Tang San's Martial Soul was ruined. That's right, the same World Deceiving Shapeshifting Slime that Tang San absorbed a Soul Ring from. What ruined his already trash Martial Soul.

He really didn't expect to hear that name again. Especially with Tang San in the same sentence with it. The guy actually came across a second one! He could clearly remember Bibi Dong saying how rare they were, yet this guy actually met two of them in less than ten years, and absorbed the Soul Ring of both of them!

He really went from son of fortune to son of misfortune. Thinking about it, Ah Li had an even harder time trying to hold in his laughter. Especially as Zhao Wuji began to explain to him what a World Deceiving Shapeshifting Slime was. And from the looks of it, the others already knew. It was apparently Xiao Wu who had told them. Since even Zhao Wuji admitted that he didn't know about them.

He really, seriously wanted to just start cackling like a madman. Like the milf goddess on his shoulder who was wheezing :"Hahahaha a se- hahahaha second one! That damn Tang San actually came across a second one hahahaha! And he actually absorbed its Soul Ring too hahahaha!"

"(Stop laughing, Sister Goddess!)" He shouted, voice breaking :"(I'm trying not to laugh and you're making that way too hard!)" But she simply couldn't stop. The entire situation was way too funny. She had thought absorbing one World Deceiving Shapeshifting Slime's Soul Ring at Lv 10 would have been Tang San's unluckiest day, but how could she expect he would meet another one?

Tonight was beginning to be her favorite day. Riches of a Lv 80 Soul Douluo and a Lv 60 Soul Emperor, two External Soul Bones, now finding out Tang San had absorbed another World Deceiving Shapeshifting Slime's Soul Ring. It couldn't get any better. She really didn't know how it could.

"Xiao Wu told us that the reason for Xiao San's Martial Soul being... like how it is, is because of absorbing another World Deceiving Shapeshifting Slime's Soul Ring at Lv 10. Who would have thought someone would be so unlucky?

Sigh, now it seems that his Martial Soul's quality not only went lower, his 3rd Soul Ring also became a 100-year Soul Ring... poor kid actually threw up blood and passed out when he found out after the Man Faced Demon Spider started melting into a black puddle."

"(Stop laughing! Sister Goddess!)" He pleaded, but she simply laughed harder every time Zhao Wuji added something again. At this point, he was about to cry from how funny it was. Bibi Dong's tears had shown up already with how hard she was laughing.

"Goddamn... I don't even know what to say..." He had to give himself a pat in the back, his acting was topnotch. Even with how hard he was about to laugh, he still held it in to show a speechless face. Others looked rather sad too, they couldn't help but feel pity for the poor pedophile.

Even Zhu Zhuqing wasn't exception this time. Just the thought of suffering the same fate as him sent a shiver down her spine. That was a sure way to cripple someone's path to getting stronger. Yet Tang San had suffered it twice. She made a mental note to stay away from him. His bad luck may rub off on her.

"Sigh, forget about it for now." Zhao Wuji sighed in disappointment :"We can't do anything about it. We shouldn't get back immediately. The forest is too dangerous to stay here. The sooner we get out of here, the better. It's time we return to Shrek school."

"Alright, let's go." Ah Li nodded, and they all began to make their way back. He couldn't help but wonder about something though :'Why did he suddenly get so unlucky? Does it have something to do with Crow? No, I doubt it. Maybe it's because of missing out on his chances?

Like, the heavens put the best chances for him to get stronger and best benefits, like with the External Soul Bone. So, every time he misses them, he gets punished for it? This is the second time, so it may actually be that. Oh boy, if that's the case... Hahaha I'm going to fuck you up majorly, Tang San.'

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