
Shrek's Entrance

Dai Mubai stood in front of five defeated Heaven Dou Imperial Academy's students with a somewhat confused look "They are kind of weak" He said a little unsure.

The five of them had attacked Shrek's group as they saw them and Mubai had been able to quickly defeat the five of them and he didn't even have the need to even use his spirit, quickly dispatching them. He thought that an elite academy like this would have stronger students.

"Yes" Next to Mubai, Qin Ming answered "There's a lot of nobles with very little battle experiences, but you shouldn't put every student in the same place, following their achievements they are put in different classes. The ones in front of you are from the lowest class, the Tiny Heaven. For the other clases..."

"Yes, you shouldn't group all of us together" A new voice sounded gathering the attention of Shrek's group. A handsome black-haired boy with deep purple eyes approaching the group "In the end, there's a big number of students here. Not everyone could be a monster."

"Oh? It isn't Haotian" Qin Ming said with a smile "Did you get attracted by the noises?"

"Yes" Haotian nodded "It's strange for people to fight in the middle of nowhere. I was just a little curious" He turned to Shrek's group "Oh?" He emulated a surprised face "It isn't Shrek Seven Devils."

"And you are?" Mubai stepped forward, analyzing Haotian.

Haotian turned to Qin Ming and made a gesture.

Qin Ming quickly understood him. It seemed that Mubai was wary of him after the last previous attack, so it would be better that Qin Ming made he presentation of both size, Qin Ming having good relationships with both.

"He is Hu Haotian. He is part of the advanced class, the Heaven Dou class, and he is also a member of the second strongest group of the academy" Qin Ming presented him "On the other hand, they are Shrek Academy. They had great strength and talent and the academy had prepared and sharing program with them, accepting Shrek's professors and students momentarily as part of our academy."

"Haotian" From Shrek, a beautiful pink-haired girl stepped forward "How did you know about Shrek Seven Devils? I had never seen you before." She said looking directly towards his handsome face "I would surely remember you." She said the last part in a low voice.

Haotian charmingly smiled at the girl, causing her to blush a little and for a white-haired boy to furtively glance at him "May I have the honor to know the miss name?"

"Oh? Sorry, I didn't present first" She said a little embarrassed. "I am Ning Rongrong."

"It's an honor miss Ning" Haotian smiled "To answer your question. I am a big fan of Shrek Seven Devils" Not that it wasn't true, but it was mostly about his last life than in this one "I saw you all fighting over Suotuo City Spirit Arena. It's easy to recognize the full group even when you wore masks. However, I am really surprised at how young everyone is and" He smiled at the three Shrek's girls "And how charming you all are."

Rongrong blushed, Zhuqing smiled lightly and Xiao Wu looked warily at him while the boys looked at him with murderous looks "You!" Mubai stepped forward, positioning in front of Haotian.

'How easily to anger' Seeing Mubai pissed caused a smile at Haotian "Now that I remember, you said that the academy's students are weak. Are you up to a little spar to learn otherwise?" Haotian challenged him.

"There's no need" Qin Ming said "They would pass some time here. Surely there would be better opportunities in the near future."

"Who knows what the future awaits?" Haotian grinned "Anyway we will need to fight. If I'm not wrong they had come to take our second spot over the Continental Tournament. I want to simply try a little their strength."

'How does he know?' Qin Ming blinked surprised. Shrek joining their academy and becoming part of the second group at the Continental Tournament was only known by him and the principals. They had thought of having Shrek take the spot while joining the Emperor and Prince teams, creating the strongest team to face against even Spirit Hall.

"Let's do it" Mubai said menacingly looking at Haotian.

"Beware, boss Dai" Tang San warned Mubai as he gazed at Haotian's smile "With a simply look at us, he had discovered our identities and our reasons to be here. He is not so simple."

"Let's see it" Mubai prepared to fight, positioning ready to fight.

"Let's learn from each other" Haotian put his hands over his back and stayed still while smiling, only making Mubai angrier.

"Ah!" Mubai was the first one to move. He charged towards Haotian with great momentum, his higher frame seemingly to overpower Haotian as he threw him a right punch.

Haotian lightly tilted his body to his left side, Mubai's punch barely gracing his clothes "A power attack system. Not a bad speed and power."

Mubai was a little surprised at how easily had Haotian avoided his first attack but he quickly reacted. He twisted his hips, punching with his left hand.

"Paf!" Haotian lifted his left hand, completely catching Mubai's punch with it"Rank 38 spirit elder, age 15, almost 16. A good foundation indeed."

Mubai was shocked at how his punch was stopped. He tried to put more strength in it, trying to free himself, but it kept immobile, it stood imperturbable. Rather than being caught by a hand, it seemed that a mountain was pressing him.

"Oh? Sorry for it" Haotian released his grip.

"Gr!" Mubai answered swinging his right leg like a whip but it was again avoided by Haotian who backstepped the attack.

Without letting him go away, Mubai chased over him.

"Pam!" "Pam!" "Pam!" Mubai started a barrage of hit, but everyone one was easily stopped or avoided by Haotian.

"Boss Dai is losing ground" Shrek's group was shocked. Dai Mubai was the physically strongest of the group, only Tang San being able to win against him with the use of his mysterious movements, tactics and hidden weapons. Seeing Mubai easily being stopped by someone of their same age was a truly incredible sight.

Haotian smiled seeing the faces of shock. With his actual strength, he should be able to win against Mubai in a real fight, but it would be a difficult fight if they go all out. However, a spar without using spirits was too easy as Haotian was almost technically cheating.

If Mubai activated his spirit, his strength would directly double while Haotian using his spirit wouldn't have much of a change. His spirit was his own body, making it far stronger than other of the same rank and keeping the power exerted by it as a passive.

"Let become more serious!" Mubai growled as he stopped attacking Haotian, tired of being made fun of him "White Tiger Possession!" Finally, Mubai activated his spirit, an imponent White Tiger appearing at his back with a growl, followed by three spirit rings under Mubai, 2 yellows and 1 purple.

Mubai charged again, not letting Haotian time to even use his spirit, throwing a punch with all his body strength.

Seeing the attack, Haotian knew that he needed to become serious. He could have invoked Meijing's sword, but he wanted to try something first.

Haotian crossed both of his arms, receiving Mubai's full attack while he slightly jumped backward.

"Bang!" Mubai's strength was incomparable now that he used his spirit, showing an immense power that clearly surpassed other power spirit masters. Haotian was shot away, but he quickly recovered somersaulting in the air and landing on the ground while nailing his feet on it.

It might seem a very strong blow, but Haotian dissipated skillfully most of Mubai's momentum jumping back in the last moment, plus his air maneuvers.

Mubai didn't let Haotian breathe even a moment. He charged towards him again, trying to push Haotian to use his full strength

"The White Tiger, eh? Star Luo Imperial spirit" Haotian grinned "So you are Dai Mubai. The Runaway Prince" Haotian said with a mockery tone only Mubai being able to listen.

Listening that, Mubai's eyes turned red with anger "How you dare?!" He growled as his first and third rings shined, his body started shining, increasing his attack and defense to a new level.

"AHHHHHH!" In his mad state, he uncontrollably charged with all his body towards Haotian like a berserker.

"Mubai! Stop!" Flender shouted seeing Mubai's charge with the intention to kill. Everyone tensed up at how it would finish and the consequences that could have.

"Perfect" Haotian grinned as he stepped forward, his spirit rings shining for an instant.

"BANG!" Mubai crashed over Haotian, a cloud of mist swallowing both of them.

Qin Ming quickly reacted turning to a worker "Quickly, call the nearest healer!" He commanded as he was worried about Haotian's state as even Haotian would be greatly injured by such attack.

"There's no need for it" Haotian's voice came from the mist. The mist dispersed and showed the outcome of the clash.

Haotian was perfectly still with only some of his uniform ragged while Mubai had become a cub of ice, all his body was frozen with the exemption of his head, keeping him immobile.

When people let their emotions take hold of themselves in a fight, their strength can even increase but they become easier to trick and control, not letting much to the defense. Haotian took advantage of Mubai's mad state, using his Golden Roc to easily avoid such a direct and easily seen attack while freezing him with Pure Yin flames from his Phoenix, not much different than against an unintelligent beast.

"Are you hurt someway, Haotian?" Qin Ming asked worried at he came close to him.

"Perfectly fine" Haotian smiled "For him" "Sp!" He snapped his finger, the ice wrapped around Mubai breaking and releasing him on the ground "He only needs to get a little warm."

"It was a good fight. I've got a little tired" Haotian said to Mubai before turning towards Shrek's group, approaching them "It will be great to have such a strong group as yourself" He smiled at them who were still in shock about Mubai's quick defeat "I look forward to our next meeting"

Haotian approached Rongrong and lightly kissed the back of her hand "Until we meet again, miss Ning" He said before walking away leaving the shocked group.

Once Haotian was gone, the group was able to recover from the shocking scene. Rongrong blushed embarrassed and Tang San sharply looked towards Haotian.

'He is dangerous. With such a little interchange, he had been able to discover Boss Dai's strength, playing with his emotions and controlling him. He is either a genius or he had investigated Boss Dai before. Either case, showing that he is dangerous for us. Moreover, at that moment...'

When Mubai crashed to Haotian, Tang San had activated his Purple Eyes and had seen Haotian's quick movements and his spirit rings, including a black ring shining.

'Is that even possible?' He thought doubtfully.

Having recovered from the first shock, all of Shrek's group quickly went towards Mubai, making sure that he was fine.


"It went good enough," Haotian said for himself while walking towards his training ground "The most important thing was to make a big impression. Even if it was a little bad, it wasn't important as it could be changed later. The important being remembered by them."

"While it's clear that is inviable to take them in a very near future, this could become a good first step." Haotian thought "Rongrong seemed the easier so that's why I focused on her as trying the three at the same would have been a disaster. Zhuqing while colder, it has a possibility. And Xiao Wu" Haotian shook his head "There's no way to take her heart, her heart already having Tang San. Not that her body is out of limit"

"Even in my last life, I always had preferred Rongrong as while her body isn't as hot as Zhuqing, she is more beautiful. So it goes well with my preferences" Haotian grinned "What would the future hold for me?"

Arriving at the training ground, Haotian turned his face towards the main building of the academy "Now Shrek should have been expulsed of the academy by Dugu Bo and Xue Xing. I would have preferred for them to join us and have more moments with the girls, but I'm not gonna risk to offend a prince and a titled douluo. It's not worth it."


Haotian started his routine, swinging his sword while controlling the blue flames and wind around, spending hours doing it.

"What's that?" He suddenly stopped swinging his sword and sniffed around, causing to frown his nose "Could it be...?"

Haotian's eyes went wide "Oh, fuck!" Haotian's third ring shined brightly, a pair of golden wings seemingly formed by wind appearing over his back.

He flapped his wings, trying to fly away, but it was too late. "Fuck!" A pressure crashed over his body, slamming him to the ground.

"Agg!" Haotian vomited a little blood as he crashed to the ground. He knew what was the cause of it. It was simply spirit power pressure, an incredibly powerful one.

By the same pressure, Haotian's body was lifted, forcing Haotian to directly look at his aggressor.

A man stood gazing down at him. He was slender with looks like a javelin. With dark green hair and beard, and eyes shimmering like emeralds. With only simple and unadorned grey robes covering his body, his whole presence felt illusory, like a phantom. All of it followed by an incredible stench of poison.

"D-Dugu Bo" Haotian weakly said, using his strength to fight against the pressure.

Without a doubt, the one in front of Haotian was the infamous Poison Douluo, Dugu Bo.

"Let's talk in a more private place. I don't want anyone interrupting us." Dugu Bo coldly said before Haotian's consciousness faded.

With this chapter, I surpass 50.000 words. Not bad!

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