
-Drifting Mist 2.0

The owner quickly walked into the room towards the person Coldin assumed was a craftsman and without showing any hesitation slapped the back of his head.

"ARGG YE F*CKER LET A MAN REST.....oh hi boss" he yelled at first but then after seeing the owner froze before greeting her.

Min Yong couldn't help but chuckle at this and only offered a prayer for the man. Coldin stayed quiet and out of the way which he deemed the best for this situation, especially after seen the owner smack him.

Sweat dripped down the mans face as the owner stared at him with what Coldin would later find out to be her signature smile that made a person shake in their shoes.

"Hello to you to Lee, now where was I? Oh right. First we have a new member on the team he'll be helping with cooking and Lee?" The owner said as she tried to get back to the topic at hand.

"Y-y-yes ma'am?" Lee just managed to get out after an audible gulp rang through the room.

"Well you see this boy has a very special job he'll be doing other than cooking and it may require you to make something new for the inn. Oh forgive me it's been a week and I still don't know your name child." Said the owner still staring Lee, not taking her eyes off him.

"It's Coldin James. What jobs do you have for me?" Spoke Coldin trying his best to not annoy the owner in any way.

"Coldin James? Weird name. Well before that this is Lee Yong and I see Min has already introduced herself? Lee is her father and is also the acting handman of the inn, he can fix any thing and will fix anything, right Lee?" Said Mi Zung, the owner.

"Right you are ma'am!" Shouted Lee. Coldin could tell who ran the show around here and made a note not to piss her off.

"Min is the cool and helps out with the costumers when she's not busy. As for you Coldin you'll help Min in the kitchen for a week or so after that your debt will be payed. However I have an offer for you. I'd like to higher you as well, a footman. You'll have to travel to art places during the time my teleportation is unusable, as payment you can stay in the inn free of charge and should you help Min in you free time with cooking I'll give you a bonus." Said Mi Zung who finally turned away for Lee.

With an eyebrow raised Coldin looked at her "I can agree with that and as for the work after the debt is payed, what do you mean by stay at the inn free of charge if I'm moving from place to place?"

"Simple really, ill shrink the inn to a size were you can carry it and you'll travel with it, as for the fine details, Lee will take measurements of your normally sized body or the one your always suppressing and make something that will allow you to carry the inn easier as well as some shock absorption so your steps don't rock the entire Inn. Oh as for how I know that you suppress your size don't forget who shrunk you down in the first place."

Processing the information in his head Coldin put on a poker face so that the owner couldn't read him. After a few seconds of contemplating he said "sounds interesting but I have to reach Sea Song Port in four months, so if that can be the final destination for this work I'll agree or otherwise I'll pass."

While the offer was interesting Coldin still had a time limit on his journey so while he was fine with working and the idea interested him he couldn't sacrifice his original goal for simple curiosity.

Mi Zung without any hesitation said "deal, I'll use my teleport to reach there in one go so long as were close enough so you don't have to worry about that. Here's a uniform." After which she handed Coldin a set of clothes similar to a suit except they had no blazer and had a waistcoat instead, the uniform was black with some gold embroidery as decoration. This was similar to the owners and Mins dresses in style while Lee was the odd one out.

"Now Lee. You've got a week to make something like I've just mentioned and if you don't.....well let's just hope you do. Min show Coldin the ropes I'll go back to handling the customers." Said Mi Zung giving Lee a scare, he instantly ran off, presumably to get to work even a moment faster.

Howls moving castle, meet Drifting Mist the moving Inn.

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