
- Debt

The room that Coldin payed for was a little studio, it was fully furnished, it had a double bed, large desk and desk chair, bathroom with a toilet and shower. But compared to normal studio apartments and rooms instead of a kitchen it had a futon surrounded by plants making up a mediation and cultivation area.

After a brief look around Coldin was quick to sit on the futon. He pulled out the whole ball he'd been carrying since he traded first traded for it with Long Yue.

A little head with blue patterns popped out from the ball and looked straight at Coldin. "Hey there little guy. It's time" Coldin said with a smile on his face which the Gecko looked to be sharing.

Coldin focused he wanted to be aware of everything that would happen, as while his other spirits didn't cause a soul shock he didn't want to risk it.

He'd become aware of this phenomenon after watching Long Yue absorb his fourth ring.

Finley ready he sent a wisp of spirit power to the little gecko. Before he even had a chance to watch how his spirit absorbed spirit rings he passed out.

A week later outside of Coldin's room the woman who owns the inn could be seen standing outside with a look of hesitation on her face.

-is the kid okay? We haven't seen him come down for food all week- while being powerful the woman still had a caring heart.

Unable to take it anymore she opened the room with a master key and walked in.

Inside the air carried a foul smell and instantly made her cover her nose. She could see nothing wrong with the bedroom and bathroom section of the studio.

-that leaves the cultivation platform- she turned a corner and saw Coldin sat in meditation. She released a sigh but upon noticing something she walked forward and went to tap Coldin on the head.

Just before she could touch Coldin his eyes popped open and his hand grabbed hers, leaving her stunned.

"Owner I'm fine, I just thought id cultivate for a bit" said a now awake Coldin. He breathed out and felt his body crack repeatedly and his skin flaked revealing a new layer more brilliant white than previously.

The woman looked at him in astonishment and then chuckled "for a bit? It's been a week child. Your lucky I would have kicked you out before but I was resting from the teleportation. So you going to pay for the nights you didn't pay for before?"

Coldins face became ridged. Sure he was 'there' but he never thought it was a week that had passed.

He laughed, scratching his head awkwardly he said "boss I can't pay I've used up all my money just staying for a night. Can I work to pay my debt? I know how to cook and have some basic skills in repairing things"

"I'll take you up on the Cooking offer as for the repairing that's not needed but I've got an idea on what you could help with. Oh and I'm Mizung, just call me boss now since your working for me." Said Coldins new boss with a evil smile on her face.

So Coldin finally got his third spirit ring but what happened, who knows, guess we’ll have to wait. XP

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