

* * *

"So what did he say?" Ian asked as he approached Hanlu but looking at his husband's unlikely expression, he figured it didn't go as smooth as the Alpha expected it would be. After all, it was Mo Laotian he was talking to. Even if they're brothers; there was no way Hanlu could go up against his older brother's decision.

"He's angry with me. I can definitely tell. But I didn't do anything to him!" Hanlu uttered, still shaken. Thankfully, he was currently on leave from work because if he wasn't. His older brother will definitely make him do all the tiring jobs for weeks or even months and with minimum pay.

"Hmm, I already told you, it's okay. It's not like my face was shown. Let's just follow your brother's plan." Ian cooed and hugged Hanlu from the back. He inhaled the Alpha's scent that quickly soothed his mood. Ever since what had happened earlier, he had been feeling a little off but it would quickly disappear as long as he was close to the Alpha. Maybe he's going to be on heat or something. It should be the time of the month.

"But to wait for three days?! I hate it! I don't want people to talk ill of you. I wanted to show you to everybody but not like this, this is so unfair." Hanlu pouted, he turned around and hugged Ian back making the Omega laugh.

"But you know it's also your fault; since you were responsible for Daniel Mo's pregnancy. You said your brother didn't want to have another kid and now they're having twins. Maybe that's why he's angry with you?" Ian continued to laugh and this time pulled away from the hug. "Anyway, it's time for dinner. Your son's already waiting at the table,"

"Wait, are you sure this is okay to you? Even though I don't know what my brother's plans are, I knew he wouldn't be this reckless without great return." Hanlu said worriedly, holding on Ian's arms. Ian looked at Hanlu and then smiled again. He was genuinely okay that this had happened; he will have to show his identity in the public anyway because he married Hanlu although he might have preferred a different photo.

"Luu, I'm completely fine. You can defend me from the public as much as you can after three days, okay? For now, let's enjoy our peaceful lives as it lasts. In three days, I'll properly stand as a member of the Mo household and as your wife, Okay? Come on, let's eat." Ian reminded again. Hanlu smiled at what Ian said and quickly pulled him into another hug.

"Can I kiss you?" Hanlu asked, burying his face on Ian's neck.

"I'm your wife, you've always been insistent. Why ask me now?" Ian chuckled before slightly pulling away and initiated the kiss. He held onto Hanlu's nape and pulled the Alpha down for him to kiss more. Their tongues moved habitually when Ian shifted his head. Their kiss lasted long seconds before finally Ian pulled away with a blush.

"Okay? Satisfied? Let's eat now," He quickly said and attempted to escape from Hanlu's embrace but as usual he wasn't able to.

"What is it again?" This time Ian frowned at the Alpha. Their son is waiting at the dining table and he definitely wouldn't start eating unless they arrive. Additionally, Hanlu had been so clingy throughout the day. It's not that he hated it but it slightly annoyed him that he couldn't do anything with the Alpha stuck to him.

"Your scent, it's stronger than normal. Are you on heat?" Hanlu asked and once again nuzzled Ian's neck making the Omega blush deeper.

"Seriously, I'm not. So stop it already. Lan is waiting for us,"

* * *

"Madam, Ms. Chime has arrived." Lucas informed Laura who was now sitting comfortably on the couch while reading the latest released members-only magazine from her favorite fashion magazine. Laura flipped the pages close. Since Veronica was Laura's visitor, Diane left to prepare and also call her husband who was currently on the way to the Estate after work.

Ever since Daniel was admitted to the hospital, Diane and Armand had been living with the Mos and the Mos were kind enough to cater them. At first they wanted to decline the offer and planned to rent or buy a house closer to the hospital but since both Mo Chendong and Laura Mo insisted, the two didn't have a choice. It had been a week since then. Armand still had to go back to their house every now and then for his work but he always looked for ways to return to the Mo Estate and be with his wife.

Nodding to Lucas, Laura puts down her magazine and glances stoically at the blond actress behind the head butler. Lucas didn't stay for too long and left immediately to give the two their privacy.

As soon as Lucas left the vicinity, Veronica automatically started her act. She quickly runs towards Laura with her already damp eyes. "A-Auntie," Veronica stammered, she sat next to Laura and finally her crocodile tears burst out. She gently caressed her stomach and as if hurt, tears continued to drip from her eyes to her cheeks and down.

"H-Hanlu… Hanlu have s-someone else. He's a-abandoning me and our b-baby," Veronica wept. Her tears never seemed to end. "A-Auntie, W-What do I do? What about us? I-I can't let my baby be like me, I love Hanlu but he just doesn't love me back. I already told everyone we were going to marry; now it's not going to happen." Veronica continued as her voice cracked. She hid her face using her palms.

Meanwhile, Laura continued to listen, not saying anything. To be honest, she was quite amazed at the woman's acting skills. If she didn't know the truth, she would have definitely believed Veronica's acting.

Alas, her sons are truly black bellied beings. For them to even figure out this kind of scheming were happening to them was quite unbelievable. She had already known what are the things her Eldest and Middle son are doing behind their elite identities but she didn't expect her beloved small family to experience something like this. Normally, this kind of thing only happens in movies and TV dramas.

Not to her Mo Family.

"A-Auntie, what do I do? I-If I had known, I never should've revealed this in public. I should've left with my baby." Veronica continued to say sobbing, her voice filled with sorrow and anguish thinking with this enough acting Laura Mo would surely be swayed.

Choking on her own sobs, Veronica waited for the middle-aged woman to comfort her, however, it had been a while since she started crying and Laura Mo still hadn't said anything.

Veronica cried more; she drew her palms away from her face and touched her stomach again. "M-My baby will grow up just like me, without a father to lean on. B-But that's okay since this baby will have me," Veronica said filled with melancholy. She then shifted her gaze finally at Laura Mo and Veronica was quickly taken aback. Laura Mo was looking at her without reaction, it almost looked like she was bored.

Blinking uncomfortably, Veronica wiped her tears, "W-What's the matter, Auntie?" She asked, confused. By this time Laura Mo should burst in anger and demand for Hanlu to come and comfort her but now instead of that, she's looking at her like she doesn't in the slightest bit concerned about her situation. Not concerned at the new scandal her son was in, just when it was not too long ago when she announced she was pregnant.

"Nothing, are you done?" Laura Mo simply said with her rarely used dominant tone. Even though there was not a change on her expression, Veronica shivered in fear.

'What is happening?' She thought as she tried to calm her vigorously beating heart.

"A-Auntie? W-Why are you l-like this?" Veronica managed to ask, her tears long stopped from flowing. All that remained on her now was the feeling of fear, thinking that maybe the middle-aged woman knew she was just pretending?

"When are you going to stop acting?" Laura asked and this time her well-maintained features frowned in displeasure. "Do you think I'm enjoying your live performance?" Laura added, her tone remained dominant; her eyes peered at Veronica as if she was seeing through the actress's acting.

"W-What are you t-talking about, Auntie?" Veronica continued to act oblivious despite already panicking deep inside.

"Ms. Chime, do I really need to spell it out for you?" Laura warned dangerously. "When are you going to stop acting? Do you think all of us here don't know what you're doing? Your background, that child not being a Mo, your personality; do you think none of us here knows the truth?" She repeated her earlier question. When Veronica understood what she meant, her eyes bulged open in shock that she surged up from the couch.

"I-I don't know w-what you mean," Veronica replied in panic. She wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.

"Do you think you can handle the backlash? Do you think you can handle it when the Mos strike back?" Laura asked gravelly looking at the actress as if it was her final judgment day.

"You're a very good actress, I give to you that. But Dear, you messed with the wrong family. There's a rumor that our family both handle legal and illegal business. Do you think we won't know the truth? How naive do you think this household is? Or are you underestimating us since we've been trying to be low profile?" Laura said the last part dangerously.

With her mouth open and close like a fish out of the water, Veronica wasn't able to say anything in disbelief. She stared in horror at the middle-aged woman in front of her, her mind getting wild until finally, Veronica's knees gave out as she fell on the floor.

"N-No! No! T-this should not have happened!" Veronica mumbled, putting her palms on her ears thinking. This should not have happened! How did Laura Mo know the truth? Her employer told her there was no way the Mos will know she was deceiving everybody as long as she kept her flawless acting.

"This was bound to happen Ms. Chime, you stepped foot into something you don't fully understand. And what, just for little money and title, you would sell your soul to the demons?" Laura mocked, she was truly disgusted by Veronica at this moment. She truly hated people like her. Thankfully she learned the truth sooner or she might have hated herself for really marrying her son to such a devious woman.

"Little money and title?" Veronica repeated in an almost whisper sound. Later she chuckled bitterly and lifted her head up to see Laura eye to eye. Her tears started streaming again, this time it was not acting. She was crying in anger and frustration.

"You're saying that because you don't know how it felt to have no money and title! You had it better from the very start. You're born wealthy! You've never experienced how it was to be poor and not have anything to eat, not sure what the future might bring you! You rich people really disgust me! All of you are hypocrites." Veronica burst. At this moment she truly finally gave up! There was no use for struggle.

Truthfully, why did she even agree to be a part of this? She should have just gone on with her abortion and continued to be an actress.

"You might be right. I didn't experience how it was to be poor, I had it all since the moment I was born but you see Ms. Chime, I didn't let any of this get into my head. I don't step on other people's misfortune. You have become a great actress but you didn't look back."

"Now, you're losing everything you've worked for just because you've been blinded by greed. Be thankful you have that child inside you, it saved you greatly. Because no matter how furious I am with you now, I'm still not that evil to put a mother into prison," Laura Mo said, her expression remained emotionless. She watched Veronica cry on the floor, she attempted to walk away but she stopped when the actress said something.

"W-What do I have to do?" Veronica asked with her tear stained face. Laura looked back at Veronica and didn't say anything for a while.

"That's something I don't want to decide," Laura said before finally leaving this time. If the actress was planning to beg, then she should do it to the ones she inconvenienced.

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