
Door of no secret

The wall has become an accomplice of both bad and good deeds, blocking all views from the happenings behind it, keeping the secrets and mysteries away from the world and the door becoming the key that locks it away. But also the only key to unlock it.        The cloud was dark and unsettled. Heavy rain pours down on thousands of skulls. The deafening screams, painful tears, and horror of the people filled the air as the vampires attacked every single hospital in the country. A powerful man has prophecied that the chosen babies who shall end the tyranny and the existence of vampires shall be born on that particular day which results in the killing of newborn babies, the pregnant women being murdered brutally, sounds and explosion of cars involved in an accident provides more victims. The mothers ran with the determination of saving the lives of their babies. Suddenly, the cries of the babies echoed, shaking the earth, the venomous fangs of Lord, the leaders of the vampires stared into the eyes of the babies with a dangerous smirk, then the rain stopped and the prophecy man disappeared.

Dammy_Dimples · Fantasía
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21 Chs

Chapter Twenty four

Everyone was speechless,

"I said where is my daughter?", he yelled at them,

"What did you mean sir, Vanessa is not here", Lyndia replied innocently.

"does it looks like I'm daft, she said she was coming over for a sleepover",

"and she also called that you didn't allow her to leave ", she replied.

Paul dragged her roughly by the shirt causing her eyeglasses to fall and got broken. Others eyed him and made to interfere but Lyndia stopped them.

"I Know Vanessa so well, she's very stubborn, I know she's here so just call her out already", he commanded holding her with the shirt tightly. Max couldn't keep on watching, he made to interfere but just then, someone came in between and freed her from his grip.

" let's go of my daughter", she hid Lyndia behind her,

"your daughter is a criminal, tell them to provide my daughter",

Alice was dumbfounded. She remembered the previous night when she saw them all soaked in blood and now this man here is claiming they were with his daughter.

"stop pretending", Max fired back, "you never let her out of the house, you keep claiming to be protecting her, and now? you didn't even know when the person you are protecting got out of the house. Mr, it's either you call her or anything <>don't come here and be telling some bullshit story, if anything should happen to her, you should be asked as her father",

"you heard that, and never dare call my daughter a criminal again", she defended," so leave now before I call the police",

"we shall see", he said and stormed back to the car and drove away angrily.

"Are you alright?", Alice turned and asked Lyndia, holding her shoulder but Lyndia jerked her hand off her shoulder.

"what are you doing here?",

"Lyndia!!", Lissa tried to shut her. Lyndia sighed and looked away. Alice smiled feeling appreciated, she looked at them and said,

"how about I take you all out to eat and then I'll proceed to the hospital to get another lens for Lyndia",

"It's our pleasure ma'am", they accepted. She took them to her minivan car though Lyndia does not want to follow Vero pulled her along.


Alice and Lyndia sat opposite the doctor, answering some questions. The doctor proceed to fill out some forms and then turned them back to them.

"may I ask who you are to her?", the doctor asked referring to Alice.

"I'm here...",

"she's my aunt", Lyndia quickly said before Alice could complete her sentence. She didn't want her to refer to herself as her mom Alice's heart sank as she denied her as her mother.

"may I ask where are your parents?",

"my dad is not around but my mom died 12 years ago", Lyndia said firmly without a blink. Alice felt multiple knives pierce into her heart, tears dropped from her eyes but she quickly wiped them off. The doctor thought she was reminded of Lyndia's mother's death.

"I'm very sorry about that", he quickly apologized.

"It's an ok doctor", Lyndia said.

"Okay then, I think your aunt should sign for you instead", he said and handed over the forms to her.

"is she going to get her glasses now?", she asked after signing and handing back the forms.

"no, she'll have to come back for it in the next two days, but I'll give her eye drop for now",

"Thanks so much", Alice said,

"can I come alone for it?", Lyndia asked,

"I'm sorry you can't, you'll have to come back with your aunt",

"what if she isn't available",

"nevermind doctor, I'll be available", she defended,

Lyndia rolled her eyes. They stood up and thanked the doctor, then proceed to get the eye drop from the nurse before leaving the hospital. On their way back, Alice tried pleading with Lyndia,

"I know I deserve all these treatments from you, but Lyndia I'm so sorry", she kept apologizing till they got to the restaurant but she didn't say anything. They went towards her friends,

"how is it?", Max asked,

"We were told to come back for the glasses in the next two days", Alice replied. A waiter approached them with a menu. Alice chooses sauteed potatoes.

"what will you like to eat?", she asked Lyndia.

"I'm not eating", she replied without looking at her,

"why? did you lose your appetite?",

"I lost my appetite right from the moment I saw you", she retorted. Alice felt ashamed, embarrassed, and sad. Not now, not in the presence of her friends and everyone. Tears began to form in her eyes,

"Lyndia", her friend pinched her,

"tell me anything, anything, anything you want and I promise to do it",

"All I want is for you to get out of my life", she yelled at her and ran out of the restaurant.

"Lyndia!!", Lissa called and ran after her. Alice could not hold back her tears. The waiter quickly leaves to give them their moment.

"we're ready sorry about that", Max apologized on her behalf.

"I hope you understand her, she just needs some time, please don't feel offended", Veronica tried to comfort her,

"no matter what, you are still her mother and I know for sure, she'll accept you back", Max added,

"I hope so", she said,

"There's an assurance", Vero said with a smile. Alice nodded and wiped off her tears.

"I think we should leave", John said and they all left the restaurant.

"Lyndia what's all these you are doing", Lissa yelled as she dashed into the bedroom and met Lyndia crying. She sighed and calmed down, then take her seat beside her, on the bed. She wiped her tears off,

"don't you think that embarrassment is too much?",

"Isn't that what heartless mothers deserved?",

"heartless?, come back to your sense Lyndia, she loves you and I know that for sure, isn't that why she's back for you?",

"no she doesn't, if she did, she wouldn't leave me in the first place", Lyndia said sobbing,

"fool, some mothers didn't even go back for their child, some have even forgotten they had one, you should be happy she came back, what if you later couldn't find your dad, then you'll become a loser, if you also did find him, won't you be happy to present his wife as a welcome back home gift, then you'll be a happy family again, did you think every family is perfect<>I have one like I don't", Lissa couldn't stop the tears that threatened to fall, "they don't have time for me, vampires are everywhere, I am scared and worried if they are alright but they don't even seem to care about my safety, I last saw my parents 5 months,17 days ago, they only phoned me, send me money and that's all. This has made me always call for a sleepover or go to Vero's house to spend some days, they can't boldly tell how good their daughter",

Lyndia felt for her as she speaks, she pat her back and reasoned along with her,

"all they care for is wealth, all they are after is making money, I wasn't so lonely because of my friends but that doesn't mean I didn't crave their attention, how is my situation so different from yours, if I were to be you and my mother came back for me that shows she still loves me, she remembers me and I'll surely embrace her",

Lyndia cried but Lissa is right, she should forgive her mother, she has lost her once, and she shouldn't lose her again. Soon they heard the door of the sitting room open and Max's voice with Vero.

"I think they're back",

Lyndia nodded, her heart was beating very fast,

"We should meet them", she said and stood up and went out with Lissa.