
Doom At Your Service

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What is Doom At Your Service

Lee la novela Doom At Your Service escrita por el autor Kausar_Masood publicada en WebNovel. ...


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She's the most beautiful flower in the kingdom. No one can compare to her beauty that seems to intoxicate both men and women. However, word travels fast and news reaches the ears of this most beautiful princess. A man with beauty that can compare to her is creating commotions inside her domain. Felix Sage (Asphodelus) a man so beautiful that he can be a femme fatale and at the same time a homme fatale. He can entice both sexes. Young and old — anyone who is in search of entertainment. He woke up one day in an unknown world as an orphan. The long uncombed hair of the slave and dirty face hides his natural beauty but nothing is impossible for an international actor and model that's popular in modern times. He ran away from the institution that slaves away homeless teens like him and live his way performing in streets at first then at theater that he made for himself. This is a world where entertainment are scarce. People are focused on agriculture and craftsmanship as a hobby and entertainment. They paint, embroider, do sparring matches and gambles. The only music they know are those that are produced using instruments. They dance but only paired dancing is known. However, Felix turned his knowledge of modern entertainment to give performances for them. Tap dancing, he made it. An operatic drama and beauty items that became the trend for everyone. However, the princess who became interested in him didn't want him to remain the beauty of the country and proposed that she'll knight him in exchange, he'll always wear his helm and take it off only in front of her. Although the offer is good and the pay she's giving is ten times more than what he earns in his little theater, Felix declined it, saying that he'll enjoy his days more doing what he loves but in reality he's only afraid to hold a sword. A coward! How can a man who's born in peaceful times love that killing tool?

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