

It was the first saturday of the school year. There was no school Today and the next day so the party decided to make use of the time and train train train. At this moment in a training center, Elijah and Maryline where having a scrimmage. It had already been weeks since they last had a chance to fight and it felt good to fight someone familiar again.

In another area in the center, Drew and Mark were also battling each other. Their battles were more intense then before since they were not holding back anymore. In the next corner, Lars and vivian where practising their precision and different methods of saving mana. Since they would be battling with 2nd years who would have bigger mana pools, every spell would have to not be wasted.

Stephanie was also training hard. Although she usually looks weak, when a bow is in hand, her face is cold and serious and every arrow hits the mark.

Finally in the last corner Adem was testing his strength as he tried to break through Don's null shield. Adem had been using all his strength yet he had barely made a crack. Knowing that he could not even break a small shield from an unawakened kid only caused him to work harder.

After training for a few hours, everyone fell from exhaustion. whether it be physical or mental, they were all exhausted. Lars the team's appointed main support had used up too much if his mana and was not able to replenish the team's stamina. Although they were all exhuasted as soon as they gained a bit of stamina back, they started to fight again.

Who could blame them? After getting the results from Vivian, and Drew's digging, anyone would train like animals. The team they were facing had 5 2nd years along with some of the top 1st years. They quickly realized that while kicking out everybody they had kicked out the number 7th, 9th, 11th and 15th which were Known as Miles, Rebecca, Jun Li and Azreal respectfully. It was due to their anger that this whole mess started.

From what the two had collected, Miles was the strongest. He was a level F5 fire rougue who used blades as a weapon for choice. His family was actually well known in the underground for their good ratings in assassinations.

Rebecca who was also ranked F5 was an earth mage like Vivian. Although she came from a commoner household, she worked under rich nobles and was basically raised by them which earned her many precise treasure and increased her strength quickly.

Other then these two, the other two were more mediocre. Jun Li was a F2 fire brawler while Azreal, his girlfriend was a F3 earth healer.

If it was just these 4, there would not be much to worry about but the 2nd years were the problem. Mason, Miles brother was a level F9 fire berserker edging to level E. He had a bad reputation for bullying the week. He had over the last 2 years created a posey which also included Jun Yi a level F7 fire brawler, Derk, a level F7 earth mage and Garrison, a level F7 earth Tank.

In truth when the group had heard up to here they had wondered what they had gotten themselves into. Luckily the 4 only had low to high D ranked armour which was acquired through participating in certain events and exams while the top 11 got low C ranked armour right from the start.

If they had thought their chances would be low before, when they heard the last person, they could not help but frown.

Brian Beach, who so happened to be the younger brother of Bart Beach. He was a level F8 earth knight who was ranked in the top 25 of all 2nd years. He even had a B grade armour and wepon although this was speculated to have been through family connection. What was more odd then his armour was why he was helping Mason and his crew. Rumors said that Brian is the real boss of the 4 and he uses them to bully weaklings without moving a finger.

When the Finch siblings had heard this name, they could not help but feel their face go cold. Mark also seemed to not have a good impression of Brian as his face scrunched a bit.

It was due to this knowledge that they could not help but work hard. The Challenge was scheduled for the folllowing monday afterschool. Although everyone was worried, they still worked all through saturday and deep into sunday when Adem finally broke through to F4.

Everyone congratulated him as they heard this. In fact, at this time, everyone had leveled up atleast once with the use of the orb. Mark was now level F8, Drew was F7, Elijah, Maryline and Lars were F6, Vivian was F5 and Stephanie and Adem were F4. Most of the group had used the orb as soon as they got it in order not to waste it yet, Adem had taken his times absorbing the orb before quickening his speed in the last day or so.

After measuring each other's strenght and viewing the opponents list one more time, they decided on how they would fight. It took them the rest of the day to sort out groups and goug compatibility. In the end the day was only so long and they had to sleep.

On Monday they all woke up early in order to finalized any little bit of their planning. As soon as the gang arrived at school, they could not help but noticed the stares they got.

"Why is everyone staring at me? could it be that my face has become more handsome after I leveled up?" Drew could not help but ask. Everyone tripped as they heard this.

"No idiot. It has already been announced that a first year group would be challenging a second year group. this rarely happens so everyone is curious to see who we are." Vivian sighed. The fact that she had to explain this gave her a headache.

Maryline could not help but smile excitedly. 'I can not wait until school is over!' If the crowd knew what she was thinking, they would be shocked. Shouldn't she be scared?

Indeed, the faces of these 9 freshlings were way too relaxed. Don't they know that they are at the disadvantage? In the end, the crowd only looked by as they saw the group go to their class.

Time seemed to have passed very slowly for the group. Even Don who usually was alert in class kept looking at the clock. Finally the final bell rang. Don quickly leapt from his seat and left before Mo could wish him luck.

Mo could only sigh. He had wanted to discuss some things with Don but, it would seem like he would have to wait until the next day. As Mo was leaving his class and was planning to go to the challenge stadium, he bumped into Teacher Lisser. As they saw each other, they could not help but frown.

" Ah, I did not see you there. You were below my respect range." Teacher Lisser said apethetically. Mo drowned as he heard this. He had always had an insecurity with his height.

"And how big is that respect range of yours? You, you and you? The ego on this one. We may be in similar age ranges but I already have grandchildren yet your still single." Lisser's face turned red with rage as he heard this. It was not that he had never tried to find a woman to settle with, it was just that none ever wanted to settle with him.

Lisser quickly tried to bury all the sad memories.

"Why are you even walking this direction?" Mo inferred. Lisser smiled as he remembered this.

"Two of my finest students are entering their first competition today. Truly hold historians they are." Mo laughed as he heard this.

" To think I would see a day when Lisser talks well of his fleashlings. " Lisser frowned as he heard this.

"If they are worthy of my praise, what of it?" Lisser asked. Mo smiled as he nodded.

"Well I guess we are atleast on the same wavelength. One of my disciple is also in the Challenge." Lisser frowned.

"You actually took someone from those despicable 2nd years? Were did your eye for quality go? Were you blinded by dirty money?"

Mo frowned as he heard this.

"Do you think money is an issue for me? I only look for the finest of gems. Why would I take in any of those second rate runts. No I was talking about a little one from the first year group." Mo responded. He could not have people thinking that he made anyone his disciple.

"Don?" Lisser asked. Mo smiled proudly.

"Yes, Yes. Don!" Mo replied.

"That is one of my finest historian! The time for picking disciples has also not even started yet. Have you gone senile!?" Lisser said angrily.

"I am only 10s of years older then you. What do you mean by senile!? I'll have you know that my mind is sharper then a fox. I have just decided early...."

"Well pick someone else, it is rare for me to see such a fine gem with great intelligence in history at such a young age."

"Do you think it is easy for me either? We can pick 10 first years each year yet I have only 4 disciples and 2 are graduating this year."

"Well I only have 3!"

"That's because you hate everybody!" They continued to argue until they heard an announcement.

"Team MagnoFinch will compete against their challenger Team Beach in 5 minutes. All those wanting will not have to pay the observation fee as this is the first challenge of the new semester." It was Vice president Valentine using Null magic in order to send this message through the school with a technique known as voice to the mountains.

After hearing this, the two grumbled and quickly went to the challenge area.

Could it be? Two chapters in a day? Yes, it is I your inconsistent author here with more chapters ?

Coolspacesquidcreators' thoughts
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