
chapter 241-- soul body

After Tang Ningshan finishes, she uses her colorful hand to touch Shao Ruihan's clothes. After her hand rubs Shao Ruihan's clothes, the color of the palm fades. This time, Tang Ningshan finds a good way. She uses Shao Ruihan's clothes as paper towels. Not until her hand became clean, she takes back her hand.

Shao Ruihan shakes his head helplessly, his eyes are full of tenderness. Tang Ningshan does not look at him, just thinking about making his clothes dirtier to vent. While rubbing his clothes, Tang Ningshan thinks that this camouflage suit is really good, even if it is stuck so much rust and soil, it doesn't look dirty.

Shao Ruihan looks at his training clothes that have become a rag, and he really doesn't know what to say. He can only take Tang Ningshan to continue to walk forward.

Tang Ningshan does not struggle and continues their plans. The two people walked in the middle of the road. The more they go inside, the more sulfuric acid they smell. The smell of sulfuric acid is quite pungent, which makes Tang Ningshan somewhat unbearable.

Shao Ruihan directly covers Tang Ningshan's nose with his hand, because he accidentally discovers that Tang Ningshan is not just good in vision, her hearing and smell are equally sensitive. He himself even cannot stand such smell, let alone Tang Ningshan.

Tang Ningshan is somewhat touched by the actions of Shao Ruihan, adding a few points to Shao Ruihan in her heart. Suddenly she discovers that Shao Ruihan is approaching her perfect goal. However, even if he is perfect, he does not belong to her. Thinking of this, Tang Ningshan suddenly feels sad. She always feels that if she has to leave Shao Ruihan for some reason, she could do it, but now she suddenly feels that she wants to stay with him forever and look at him and help him. Two people support each other, and which is the life she wants.

However, Tang Ningshan could not say this because Shao Ruihan has another woman in his heart. This is what Tang Ningshan knows. Therefore, Tang Ningshan secretly makes up her mind that if Shao Ruihan really falls in love with her, she would not give up this opportunity. If not, then she would sincerely bless him.

Shao Ruihan does not know that Tang Ningshan actually makes such a major decision in such a short period of time. When two people walk down the slope, they see a hole that was made by sulfuric acid. The ground inside the cave has also been corroded by sulfuric acid. Tang Ningshan feels for the first time that sulfuric acid actually has such great power.

Shao Ruihan takes out the dagger. Just when he is about to make the hole a little bigger, the dagger in his hand suddenly turns into a pen, and Shao Ruihan is completely shocked at this moment. The dagger actually turns into a pen in his hand and in front of his eyes. His eyes are full of surprise. However, he does not question Tang Ningshan.

Tang Ningshan immediately turns her head to the side, not looking at Shao Ruihan, because she really does not know how to explain it. Why does the dagger become a pen?

Shao Ruihan reaches out and lets Tang Ningshan face his eyes. Two people face to face and eyes to eyes. The distance between the two is only about 50 centimeters. Anyway, the distance is very close. Tang Ningshan clearly sees that Shao Ruihan's eyes are saying that I want an explanation. However, Tang Ningshan really does not know how to explain it. Is she going to tell him that the sharp dagger is actually turned from a pen? If she says that, would Shao Ruihan believe it?

"You are sure, you want to hear?" Tang Ningshan sees the insistence in Shao Ruihan's eyes and could only ask. When she asks, she curiously looks at Shao Ruihan.

Shao Ruihan nods without thinking. Tang Ningshan knows that she can only give him a reasonable explanation now. Otherwise, she does not know how to face Shao Ruihan in the future.

Tang Ningshan reaches out and takes the transform pen from Shao Ruihan's hand. After she is silent for a long time, she looks up at Shao Ruihan and says with a serious look "Can you guarantee that you will not tell other people after I tell you?"

Shao Ruihan listens to this, and the angry fire in his heart comes up. Does the girl still distrust him?

Looking at the rising anger in Shao Ruihan's eyes and the low pressure from his body, Tang Ningshan knows that she has said something wrong. She quickly explains "I don't mean that. I trust you. After all, I have a lot of such pens. If you want to give someone else, I can't tell you. I hope you understand that this pen can't appear in the hands of others."

After listening to Tang Ningshan's explanation, Shao Ruihan's expression returns to normal, but he still says nothing. Tang Ningshan can only continue to say "This is a transform pen. Anyway, you can understand it as Transformers. It can be anything you want. However, it can only last for two hours."

Shao Ruihan immediately raises his eyebrows and says "It could be anything?" There is a strange feeling in his voice. However, Tang Ningshan, who is saying with excitement, does not notice it at all, but instead, she nods proudly.

Shao Ruihan looks at the proud look of Tang Ningshan and really wants to pinch her face. However, before he reaches out, Tang Ningshan immediately puts the dagger in her hand into his hand. She says with a flattering face "Shao Ruihan, I can give you one, but please don't look at me with that kind of look."

Shao Ruihan directly puts the dagger in his waist. He does not indicate whether he would accept Tang Ningshan's transform pen. However, this time he does not dig the hole with a dagger, but says to Tang Ningshan "Spade!"

"Ah?" Tang Ningshan does not understand the meaning of Shao Ruihan, looking at him with doubt.

Shao Ruihan points to the hole in front of him, and Tang Ningshan understands immediately. It turns out that Shao Ruihan knows that they have tools, so he is not willing to use daggers. Tang Ningshan could only immediately use a transform pen to turn out a spade and send it to Shao Ruihan.

When Shao Ruihan just takes the iron spade in the hands of Tang Ningshan, Tang Ningshan whispers "Each pen can only set six modes, which means that each pen can only turn out six things, but I am willing to give you only one pen, so I suggest you be cautious when you decide these six modes. Congratulations, you have locked in a mode, and now you have five chances left."

Shao Ruihan hears this and feels very speechless. There is a hint of regret in his eyes. He is like, Tang Ningshan, you just want to me to die of angry; why don't you tell me in advance about such an important thing? Why do I have to turn out such a meaningless tool like an iron spade? And you obviously want me to waste a chance.

Tang Ningshan makes a grimace to Shao Ruihan and laughs at Shao Ruihan in her heart. She is like, you can only blame yourself for looks at me with that kind of look, and I just want to retaliate against you.

This is also thanks to the fact that two people do not know each other's ideas. Otherwise, they may have a fight in this tunnel.

After Shao Ruihan digs this place, they see that the area inside this room is quite large. There is a fairly high-end device in the middle of the room. Anyway, Tang Ningshan has never seen this in the world; of course, she has never seen it in her previous life. She involuntarily turns her eyes to Shao Ruihan.

Shao Ruihan circles around the device in the middle, as if he wants to find out what it is.

"Shan, come over. Look, is this still working?" After Shao Ruihan's words are finished, Tang Ningshan immediately runs over. She looks at the flashing green light on the machine, and the constantly changing number on it, Tang Ningshan immediately replies "It is really working, but there is no one here, is it high-tech equipment? Can it be controlled remotely?"

Thinking of this, Tang Ningshan immediately looks up at the ceiling, and looks around, and does not find any monitoring. However, Tang Ningshan is still a bit worried. Since this machine can be remotely controlled, it may be that the machine itself has monitoring capabilities.

Tang Ningshan immediately shouts in her heart "System, you come out and see what this is, and, is there any monitoring here?"

"There is no monitoring. However, I really don't know what the machine is in front of you. I think you can decode the program of this machine, so you will know the function of this machine."

After listening to the system, Tang Ningshan feels very speechless at once. She says directly "If I can know its function, do you think I would ask you!"

It just happens that Shao Ruihan catches the speechless expression of Tang Ningshan. He feels very strange and keeps staring at her.

"Please, master, you are really stupid. Since you have mastered these decoding techniques, you should solve these problems yourself. Please don't always look forward to reaping without sowing. The reason you died last time is that you were too lazy."

Tang Ningshan is so angry that her face turns red. She even shouts out directly without thinking "What do you mean that I want to reap without sowing? I just want to ask you. If you don't want to tell me, you can keep silent, but why did you mention something that has passed for a long time!"

Tang Ningshan's voice is quite loud. After shouting out, Tang Ningshan immediately covers her mouth with her hand. She immediately turns her head to Shao Ruihan and sees Shao Ruihan looking at her with a look of surprise.

Tang Ningshan knows that the trouble comes again. This time, how should she explain it? She curses the system a hundred times in her heart, even if she kills the system, it would be difficult to vent her anger now!

"Shan, shouldn't you tell me who are you talking to?" Shao Ruihan walks to the side of Tang Ningshan and fixes Tang Ningshan's body with his hands. As if he is questioning her, but there is a trace of worry in his eyes.

When Tang Ningshan sees the worry in his eyes, she knows that she could trust Shao Ruihan. "I am talking to my friend. It is a small animal. However, you can't see it. How should I say it? To some extent, it is a soul body. When I got into this body, it followed me. Its sense is keen, and it knows a lot of things, so I just asked if it knows what this machine is. , and so..."

"Soul body? Shan, you mean that you can see something that I can't see? For example, the soul...the ghost..."? Shao Ruihan still can't convince himself. He can convince himself that Tang Ningshan is another person, but there is no way to convince himself that Tang Ningshan can see the soul, the ghost, and this kind of supernatural things.

Tang Ningshan nods very seriously and says "I can't see ghosts, but I can see the soul. It may be because I died once. But I can only see it, I can't see anything else."

When Tang Ningshan finishes, she feels that her body is locked. Shao Ruihan has already held her in his arms tightly.

Tang Ningshan hesitates for a moment, and then she still reaches out and pushes him. However, she could not break free from his arms anyway. Her movements can only be exchanged for tighter hugs. Tang Ningshan also gives up and stays quietly in his arms.

After a few minutes, Tang Ningshan finally feels that Shao Ruihan's mood has become normal. She says "Look, I am fine now, right? Don't worry, I am really fine..."

Tang Ningshan could not understand the thoughts of Shao Ruihan. After Shao Ruihan hears that, all he thinks about is how she died before and how she came to the world? When she came to the world, she also carried a soul. She came to this strange world, without any families, she must be very scared and desperate at that time?

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