

it's a stormy night, the crack of thunder and the drip of rainfall drown out any other Potholes full of filthy.

Walking through a dark, narrow lane having body odor she was beautiful .

She was quite Frightened , wrapping arms around herself her face was as red as a tomato

She was swifting in a terrified manner as someone was chasing her

As she was passing by in a terrified manner, someone suddenly approaches her and kept his hand on her shoulder .she suddenly become shocked with this unexpected act.

She slowly turned around to see a man of her age living in the same apartment as her, also a best friend of her, she made a face like Relieved Face Emoji

MYA:" oh man you scared me" she said in a relief way, by the way what's doing here at this time

TEE: hy, don't you think that I should be the one asking that??what a stupid girl is doing here at this period of time.

MYA: I was just roaming around and getting some freshend air "starts chitchatting"


MYA: hy tee look at that

{a men who is probably died was lying on the edge with blood all over his shirt seems like someone shoot him before almost one hour ago a women sat besides him laments over his dead body helpless and shouted

"this fucking killer, he kills him , he kills my one and only love "

She was cursing him}

MYA : Gosh ,this damn killer what he got by killing people,wa..wait what if he kills me too

[She starts shouting] I don't wanna die soon I have think a lot for my future

TEE: don't worry you idiot" he will not kill a joker like you" he said while smile annoyingly

MYA: are you serious joking around at this terrified period of time, what if the killer approaches us

TEE: well… he can be around you anywhere ,but don't worry he might fell in love with you and might be not killing you "he said as if he gives a very good explain of what I asked"

TEE: yaah, I wanna use washroom I'll be there in a while

MYA: Tee are you serious how can you leave me alone here??

TEE: don't you worry just remember he can be there with you any time and at any place. he said in a deep voice frightened enough to scared Mya

MYA: hit his arm in annoyance have some shame and go come back hurry

TEE: "take care he could be there with you". He said while walking towards the washroom

MYA: Aish this guy

{She starts thinking of something, when someone tapped her shoulder

As she slowly turned around it was Prin (a secret crush of Mya and also apartment fellow of her) and good friends too}


"I was standing there alone waiting for tee when someone approaches me and tapped my shoulder I really become terrified thinking it might be the killer when I turned around it was Prin who lives next to me "

MYA: uh you just scared me

PRIN: "what are you doing here alone at this period of night " I don't think a girl like you should be here at this time ALONE

MYA: hey i,m not alone Tee is with me


TEE: oh hey man, whassup whats doing here

PRIN : nothing just walking..

*ambulance passéd by*

PRIN: seems like the killer kill another men

MYA: how can you say that easily

PRIN: what then huh laments over his dead body??

MYA: *starts sobbing* I really scared I don't wanna die please someone help.. she starts shouting

TEE: hy idiot are you stupid or something stop this drama I'll gurantee he will not kill you

MYA: "while crying" why are you so sure?? Huh..

TEE: as long as you are a joker he will surely not kill you

MYA: "hit his arm" stop it you…

PRIN: listen Mya if you scared that much why not stay for one night with me this way we can give company to each other

MYA: well , are you sure ?? like is it comfortable with you

PRIN: of course I am

TEE: I think it's a better idea too



The three of them get into elevator then Mya and Prin get off on 4th floor whil Tee went off n 5th floor



(I went into my room take a shower and make dinner for me after that I drink coffee while looking out of the window , The moon was a ceramic bowl overflowing with milk in the amethyst sky, and all the stars were sugar crystals. I was busy in making arts of stars by joining them in my thoughts when ..

I heard Mya's screamed she was shouting for help I immediately run towards her floor then I knocked the door and it was opened so I get in, as I step inside everything was a mess the clothes were amiss from cupboard I found no one there so I started shouting

he was about to speak when

He saw Prin coming out from the room with blood stains over him, his white shirt was full of blood and he had a knife in his hand from which the blood was oozing his face colour was full yellowish and he terrifingly looked at me



(HE was about to say something when Mya from the same room out of which Prin comes appeared and ran towards Tee)

MYA: TEE please help me he will kill me kill you he will kill everyone please save me from this monster

TEE: I don't understand a word of you how can I believe that you ..you ..Prin you can't be the ..

PRIN: trust me Tee its nothing like you think le-

TEE: you were my best buddy dude and what you did huh

PRIN: I didn't do anything trust me dude I'm not the one killing all it is-

TEE: then who?? Huh who??

Who is the killer then

PRIN: the killer is –

MYA: ME , she said before stabbing a knife in Tee's back


I thought Prin a killer and was about to run with Mya when someone stabbed knife on my back

I touched my bally and it was bleeding I unconsciously fell on the ground

And saw Mya smirk

All I heard was

PRIN: (while unconsciously felling on the floor)