BOOK I & BOOK II [MATURE/R] "I have always thought that infidelity does not exist. I thought you can be faithful, even having sex with other people. The body can be shared, but the soul definitely not." Dominick, a teenager who does not remember anything about his past, blames himself for having killed someone for pure pleasure, he wants to tell you the truth that he consumes him before committing suicide. A truth that emotionally destroys those who listen to it. Do you want to know what it's all about? # Avaiable in Spanish. • Cover by: Nicole♥️ Addicts Trilogy. Sex Addict [Dominick and Emily] Addicted to women. ⚠️It contains spelling errors. Turbulent scenes for people over 21 years old.
Chapters marked with (*) are edited.
Content Warning.
Pornographic Content History [+25]
It contains sex scenes.
Strong Words.
Let imagination fly.
You're warned! It is your responsibility what may happen in your head when you read the story.
"This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author's imagination or have been used in a fictitious manner and should not be interpreted as real events. Any resemblance to people, living or dead, current events, locals or organizations is coincidence.
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced, copied or distributed in any way without the express permission of the author, except in cases of short extracts cited in critical articles or reviews.
This book is intended for people over the age of 18, as it contains sexually explicit scenes. Not all of the characters in this play are over the age of 18 and the acts described here are consensual.
All the events that take place in this story are fictional, so pregnancies do not occur, unless they are part of the story. In real life, having unprotected sex can have serious permanent consequences; please remember this and always wear proper protection and do necessary testing to ensure that your partner or yourselves do not suffer the ravages that can arise from a venereal disease or an unplanned pregnancy. Thanks for reading!"
Addicted Series Trilogy.
Sex Addicted | Addicted to women.
Copyright © Freddy Henriquez, 2015.
TV-MA Content
Sex, nudity, violence, drugs, inappropriate language, suicide.
—Goal: 1M readings—