
I need Sa-body to hold!

(A/N: Thank you all so much for getting this novel to the top 10 of collections, absolutely amazing.

Also, if you find inconsistencies within the story, such as locations, or powers that shouldn't be available as of yet, I'll just PSA that this will be an AU. In the infinite multiverses there are bound to be changes and differences that save my ass as an author, hehe <3)< strong>

Following their encounter with the Amazon Lily pirates and Boa Hancock, the atmosphere aboard the ship shifted. Robin, ever the dedicated scholar, expressed a newfound desire to hone her combat skills. Recognizing the immense potential of her Devil Fruit, Kasper took on the role of mentor.

By incorporating elements of Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist, and a technique that utilizes Haki to strengthen attacks, Kasper designed a personalized training regimen for Robin. Her ability to sprout extra limbs offered a unique advantage, and with each passing day, Robin's mastery of the technique transformed her fighting style. The ability to manifest multiple limbs imbued with Haki promised to make her a force to be rekoned with.

"Alright, that's enough for today, Robin," Kasper announced, wiping the sweat stinging his eyes. "You've got the foundation of the technique down pat. Now it's all about consistent practice. We can spar more, or you can hit the training dummies I set up in the gym." He walked over to Robin, who was sprawled on the mat, the damp patch a testament to her grueling workout. He offered her a hand to pull her up, a gesture of camaraderie amidst the exhaustion.

Robin gingerly reached for Kasper's outstretched hand. The moment their fingers brushed, a wave of crushing pressure slammed into her. It felt like a mountain had materialized on her chest, stealing her breath away. Kasper's eyes widened in realization, and he yanked his hand back with a startled laugh.

"Oof, sorry about that, Robin," he chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "Forgot to adjust the pressure field around me."

Robin, still catching her breath, stared at him with a mix of curiosity and wariness. "I still don't understand that magic ring of yours, Kasper. It's honestly a bit frightening. Finding something like that on that island... and the way it slows down the ship – it's baffling."

Kasper's forced laughter scraped against the silence of the training room. A bead of sweat, a tiny traitor to his facade, snaked down his temple. Thankfully, Robin remained oblivious. "Lucky, I guess?" Kasper said, his voice a low murmur tinged with a hint of amusement. "Perhaps fate had a hand in it."

Robin emerged from the training room, muscles pleasantly sore and sweat clinging to her skin. She needed a long soak to wash away the grime. Kasper, however, had a different destination in mind. An earlier system notification buzzed in his head – they were about to pass by Impel Down, the infamous underwater prison. Curiosity piqued, he headed towards the deck, eager to absorb the sight of this legendary fortress.

Kasper reached the deck, his enhanced vision already piercing the veil of distance. There, shrouded in a perpetual twilight, loomed the infamous Impel Down. He recognized it instantly from his pre-existing knowledge and his time watching One Piece.

This colossal, submerged structure resembled a monstrous tower, its base clawed into the ocean floor. Built within the treacherous Calm Belt, the entire prison was constantly besieged by gargantuan Sea Kings patrolling the depths.

Kasper knew what horrors lay concealed within its dark belly – a labyrinth of cells and torture chambers designed to break even the most iron-willed prisoners. The very walls were woven from Seastone, a material that negated the powers of Devil Fruit users, rendering them utterly defenseless. Beyond these walls, unspeakable acts transpired – relentless whippings, savage beatings, boiling cauldrons, and spiked pits that waited to claim their victims.

Kasper scowled as he surveyed the imposing structure. "It's a monument to their arrogance," he muttered, his voice laced with disgust. "The Marines and World Government flaunt this place, like a giant dick swinging contest." A spark of morbid curiosity flickered across his eyes. "With my abilities, exploring those levels wouldn't be a problem. I could likely adapt to anything they throw at me. But..." He trailed off, the weight of their mission settling on his shoulders. "There's no time for sightseeing. We have bigger fish to fry."

Kasper retreated to his quarters, the imposing silhouette of Impel Down receding in the distance. A cleansing shower and a restful sleep were in order. Their trajectory skirted well clear of Marineford, ensuring a smooth passage to Saboady within the next couple of days. The last thing they needed was another entanglement with the Marines.


Days bled into nights, the rhythm of the ship a constant lullaby. Robin and Kasper's routine remained steady: grueling training sessions punctuated by stimulating conversations. They delved into the world's mysteries, plotting future explorations once Kasper tackled his immediate goals.

As dawn painted the sky in hues of rose and gold, a soft chime echoed in Kasper's mind. It was his system's voice, a touch too cheerful for the early hour.

[Host, please wake up. Your arrival at Sabody Island will be in 10 minutes.]

The system's chirp pierced through Kasper's sleep, dragging him back to consciousness with a groan. He fumbled through his morning routine, a toothbrush battling his eyelids before he finally emerged from his quarters. On deck, Robin leaned against the railing, a hint of amusement playing on her lips.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," she greeted, her voice laced with a playful lilt. "I was just about to wake you, but it seems you always manage to rise with the occasion." A knowing smile tugged at the corner of her mouth. "Excited for Sabody?"

Kasper practically vibrated with anticipation. "Hell yeah!" he exclaimed, a touch too loud for the early hour. "Restocking supplies, exploring the sights – maybe even get into a little..." He lowered his voice to a conspiratorial whisper, glancing towards the docked ships. A couple bore the unmistakable insignia of the Marines. "Maybe a disguise first, though. Wouldn't mind a few hours of peace before the inevitable chaos ensues." He rummaged through his belongings and pulled out a baseball cap and sunglasses, a mischievous grin spreading beneath them.

As they departed their now-secured vessel, Kasper and Robin plunged into the teeming heart of Sabody Archipelago. Unlike most islands, this one wasn't a solid mass of land, but a colossal mangrove forest rising from the ocean's depths. Towering Yarukiman mangrove trees, the undisputed giants of their kind, formed the archipelago's foundation. Their thick trunks, strong enough to pierce the waves and reach for the sky, served as individual islands.

People called these colossal trees "groves," and each bustled with life. A network of bridges snaked between the gnarled roots, allowing inhabitants to navigate the unique landscape. As the only gateway to the fabled New World, Sabaody Archipelago thrummed with an unparalleled energy. Here, amidst the lush foliage and salty air, all manner of individuals converged. From high-ranking Nobles accustomed to luxury to bold pirates yearning for adventure, everyone used this island as a crucial stopover.

Their exploration unfolded like a treasure hunt. Robin, ever the pragmatist, made pit stops at clothing stores, replenishing her "essentials" with a practiced eye. Kasper, meanwhile, was a whirlwind of curiosity, devouring every exotic dish offered by the vibrant stalls. Hours melted away in this sensory feast, the air thickening with the buzz of a burgeoning nightlife.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in fiery hues, Kasper, with Robin trailing behind him, made a beeline for a specific location: Shakky's Rip-off Bar. The name might be a playful deterrent, but for Kasper, it held a magnetic pull. He knew someone he absolutely had to meet would be there. The prospect of this encounter thrummed with anticipation, an undercurrent beneath his usual boisterous energy.

Pushing open the doors, a wave of boisterous laughter and the clatter of mugs slammed into Kasper and Robin. The air hung thick with the scent of rum and sweat, a potent concoction that reeked of adventure. Kasper, ever the dynamo, scanned the room, his gaze darting across sun-baked faces and weathered hands clutching tankards. Then, there he was.

Perched on a barstool, a solitary figure stood out from the boisterous crowd. An elderly man, his tall frame and tanned skin spoke of a life spent under the relentless sun. His face, etched with the lines of experience, was dominated by two features - the round spectacles perched on his nose, and the neatly trimmed beard framing a jaw that hinted at hidden power. A jagged scar, a silent testament to past battles, ran across his right eye.

Despite the boisterous atmosphere, this silver-haired man exuded a quiet calm. He was dressed simply, a white t-shirt and shorts, a stark contrast to the flamboyant attire of some patrons. A large, silver cloak hung loosely on the back of his stool, hinting at a desire for anonymity despite his undeniable presence.

This, Kasper knew, was Rayleigh.

With a purpose in his stride, Kasper weaved through the throng, Robin following close behind. They landed at a pair of empty stools beside the man Kasper had been searching for.

"Two of your finest, and one for the gentleman here, on me!" Kasper boomed, his voice cutting through the din.

Rayleigh pivoted on his stool, his gaze settling on the newcomers. The younger man, Kasper, sat with an air of quiet confidence that belied his towering frame. Short black hair framed piercing eyes that held a feral glint, and his physique spoke volumes about the raw power coiled beneath his clothes.

Rayleigh accepted the proffered shot glass with a grunt of thanks, amusement flickering across his scar-etched face. "Appreciate the gesture, lad. Though as a rule, I don't meddle with strangers without knowing their purpose." A hint of a smirk tugged at the corner of his lips. He'd seen this game played before.

Kasper chuckled, a sound that resonated with genuine amusement. "You're a sharp one, alright," he conceded, raising his own glass in a brief salute. "Sorry for the abruptness, respect demands a proper toast, wouldn't you say?" He knocked back the drink in one smooth motion, the liquor burning a familiar path down his throat.

"Kasper," he continued, gesturing towards himself before nodding to Robin. "And this here's Robin, my partner." He offered a lopsided grin, the playful glint in his eyes belying the seriousness of his purpose for seeking out the legendary Dark King.

"Silvers Rayleigh, the Dark King, right hand of the Pirate King Gol D. Roger. An honor, sir." He gestured towards Robin, who offered a curt nod of acknowledgement.

"Now," Kasper continued, his voice dropping a notch, "the reason I sought you out goes beyond mere reverence. Specifically, do you know about... Roger's son."

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