
It's you?!

*Leaves rustling*


Martha landed violently with her back on the ground forming a crater, blood gushed out of her mouth, as she breathed heavily and tried to stand up.

'Tell me where he is, and I won't make it so painful for either of you.' said Kussnar.

Martha smiled 'Do you really think I'd go through all that just to give him up? Ohh, dear Kussnar, you are more naive than I thought.' she taunted Kussnar.

Kussnar was infuriated, he grabbed Martha's hair and picked her up as he suspended her in the air, but to his surprise, Martha didn't even utter a sound let alone scream, she just looked at him with a smirk on her face. Kussnar then threw Martha towards the Qirin, the Qirin grabbed Martha and Clenched her tightly in one of its claws. Kussnar then jumped on the Qirins head and ordered it to fly towards a particular direction. The Qirin then flew up and started moving towards a mountain behind the Family mansion.


Various monster cries were echoing in the area, the sounds of swords clanking and spells attacking were prominent. It was evident that a huge battle was going on in the area ahead.

'AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!' a heart-wrenching scream came from the battle, as a warrior from the family has his skull ripped open by a monster, who then slurped on the blood and brain of its victim.

The Qirin stopped above what seemed like a valley; thousands of monsters were coming out of the valley, the troops present were trying their best to stop the advance of these monsters. However, there was a considerable disparity between the number of monsters and troops present; the troops were being dominated, with each passing second a soldier would either be ripped apart or crushed or eaten, the stench of blood was prominent, for some, it could even be nauseating. It was a ghastly sight.

'Can you see the result of your stubbornness, thousands of people are dying, and all of this is being caused due to your son's selfishness. This is just the beginning, this is the result of partial destruction of the dungeon gates, if we lose all of them, then each and every soul in this country that's not able to protect itself will die, and that will be on your head. Tell me, would you be able to accept the consequences of all these deaths?' asked Kussnar while furiously looking at Martha.

'Hahahahahahah. Oh boy, you really are good at making others feel guilty, aren't you?' said Martha as she laughed.

'You think this is a joke?' shouted Kussnar.

'Ohh dear, Ohh dear. You still don't know what the truth is, do you? I thought that after thousands of years of comprehension, being one of the strongest human alive, the master of the law of obliteration, I thought that you'd be one the few who know the truth, but I guess I was wrong, in his eyes you are still too weak.' said Martha coolly.

'Truth? What truth are talking about you, Wench.' said Kussnar.

'I wish I could tell you, but I am afraid that's a bit above your paygrade.' replied Martha.

'Why you???' Kussnar gritted his teeth.

'Throw her into the herd of monsters.' Hearing Kussnar's command, the Qirin threw Martha towards the valley's mouth.

Martha was falling at a rapid speed. However, 'Heh!' Suddenly Martha smirked. 'Aqsaa Hariq' Marta muttered as she formed a dagger made of blue flames and stabbed her heart with it. Suddenly her body started glowing as if it was the embodiment of the sun, her skin turned scarlet as her eyes started emitting blue flames, her skin started bubbling as if it was boiling, blue flames started to cover her whole body, the light she was emitting attracted the attention of everyone present in the valley, monsters and soldiers alike.

Just as her body entered the mouth of the valley, a massive explosion occurred with the epicenter being her body. Wave after wave of blue colored flames came out of her body; the site resembled the eruption of a volcano; the only difference being, any volcano would shy away from the current destructive power of the spell casted by Martha.

The flames traveled at a breakneck pace, within a few seconds an area of 20 miles was covered entirely in flames, and any living being present in that area was turned to ashes as soon as the flames touched them. With each passing second the flames expanded more and more, it appeared that there was no limit to the expansion of these flames, they not only covered the ground but also covered the sky forming a massive pillar of blue colored flames that was hundreds of miles in width and tens of miles in height. The battlefield full of monsters and soldiers was no more; it was now a domain of fire, anything or anyone that would come near the domain would be incinerated to death in a few milliseconds.



'That bitch, she had a spell like that and kept it a secret for all this time. I barely managed to escape from that attack. Even then, I wasn't able to escape unscathed. Ugh-' Kussnar gritted his teeth in pain, the left side of his face was covered with burn marks, his lower left body was completely charred. Moreover, his right arm was barely connected to the shoulder, it was limply hanging on by a chunk of flesh, the bones were completely visible, and blood was oozing out from this wound. The air around the Flames was sweltering; this exasperated the agonizing pain being experienced by Kussnar.

'Grrrrrr' The Qirin laid on the ground, numerous burn marks covered its body. One of his hind legs was missing, and the wound was bleeding profusely. It was in a pretty bad condition; it no longer held it majestic and godly vibe, black marks covered its white scales. The Qirin looked towards Kussnar with pain its eyes.

Kussnar, who was lying with his back on the ground, looked at the Qirin 'What do you want? Can't you see that I am barely able to hold myself together and you want me to lend my Magules to you? Who do you think you are?' Kussnar lashed out at the Qirin.

'You ungrateful animal get out of here.' Shouted Kussnar as he opened a portal and the Qirin was sucked into the portal. In mere seconds the Qirin disappeared, and a katana fell on the ground. Kussnar picked up the katana, and then out of the blue broke the katana in two. A bit of blood gushed out of his mouth as soon as he broke the Katana.

'Now I have to find a new secondary weaver, damn that wench.' Kussnar gritted his teeth in anger. He had worked really hard to get the Qirin as one of his secondary weavers, but now he had to destroy the bond between him and the Qirin as it was severely injured and it was not certain Whether it would be able to make it out alive. If he himself weren't in such a miserable condition, then he would have thought about helping the Qirin, but as things were, he was barely able to help himself let alone help the Qirin.

'Just you wait, I'll find that son of yours soon enough, the gods have declared him as the enemy of this world, I don't know how you really thought that he'd be able to escape, soon he'll be within my grasp, and I'll give him a fate worse than death.' said Kussnar with bloodshot eyes, as he looked towards the sea of blue flames, he was in agonizing pain due to Martha, how could he let her son die so peacefully, he wanted revenge.





In a cave far away from the Harmon family mansion, a boy was sitting on a rock while gazing at the world outside. A world that was about to turn its back against him, a world that was about to point every weapon it could find against him, a world that he once considered his home.

He took out a necklace whose pendant closely resembled a crucifix. He tightly clenched the pendant in his hand, 'I promise, I'll come for you.' he thought. However, suddenly the pendant in his hand starting emitting blue light and became very hot to touch, Demian threw the Necklace on the ground.


Cerberus fell on the ground. He started wailing as his breathing became extremely slow paced. Demian did not know what to do; he ran towards Cerberus who was lying on the ground powerlessly. He tried to ask what was wrong, but Cerberus was not able to point anything out.

'His soul bond with his master has been severed. Due to this, his soul is experiencing a backlash, affecting his presence in our world. He needs to return to his own world for healing.' a voice suddenly echoed in the cave.

Demian was startled he looked around as he tried to find the source of this voice.

'Who are you looking for? I am right here.' the same voice echoed again.

Demian was confused. He was still looking for the source of the voice.

'Open your eyes boy, I'm right here!!!' shouted the strange voice.

'Where???!!!' asked Demian, giving up.

'Ohhh! I see what's wrong, pardon me, boy, I am not used to this form yet, ahahahaha, let me show myself.' the strange voice said.

Suddenly the broken sword hilt on lying calmly on Demian's waist started to shake; black colored sludge started oozing out from all the cracks on the hilt.


A big blob of black sludge fell on the rocky surface of the cave. However, this wasn't the end; the blob started stretching itself in strange ways as it continuously grew in size and took on the shape of a human.

After the blob completely transformed itself, Demian was able to make out the facial features of this person or blob or sludge whatever "it" was standing in front of him. Demian suddenly recognized who it was and said in a soft voice 'It's you?!.'






Here's the full fifth chapter a bit later than I promised, but I hope you enjoy it. I have changed my writing style a bit, adding a bit more detail than usual, I am still new so you may experience a bit of change in the writing style every now and then, but it won't be boring.

P.s. We will most probably finish the prologue tomorrow. Then on 18th, we will head into the present day of the storyline.

Glaethielcreators' thoughts
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